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Zorro & Ester 88


6142 - I hate when it rains. Unless it is at night. Then it's pleasant. But during the day it means you can't go out rollerblading. Guess that means I will have to play videogames. Aww shucks.

So there will probably not be a comic monday, since I am leaving early early early in the morning (ie: 10:00.) Sorry.

I like this comic since there is a part in Resident Evil where you actually read something along the lines of what is in that book. And of course you HAVE to do what it says, although if I were there, I would be sure never do find the skulls and free evil. Oh well.

So right now I am babysitting some cats. Much better than the two whippets that I did before. And I get paid more too. The problem is that it gets boring over there at their house, since the cats don't like me and try to claw at me when I go near. So we stay away from each other, and everything is fine.

Well, gotta go get ready for work at Gamestop. See ya later.