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Zorro & Ester 90


6232 - We are two great men from France both named Lewie!

So, haven't seen youse guys in a while. And guess what? Tomorrow I leave again on a trip, so I won't see you again for a while as well.

So after a refreshing trip to the beach, I feel better and feel that my comics will get better as a result. I sure hope so. I also hope that this comic will last you for a week, when I get back and can update again.

The beach was cool by the way, in case you were wondering, except when it was raining. I got to watch Lola Remmy, or Run Lola Run if you like the english title better, again, which was cool. I think that movie is cool. Like Clue. But a techno movie instead.

Whatelse. Nothing. Ok.

Tomorrow I have to wake up at 7:00, and drive a van full of middle and high schoolers for 7 hours to Panama City. I signed up as a youth advisor, but didn't know I had to drive! Oh poop. They trapped me into it though.

Hmm... And with that I will retire for a while. Hopefully I will have some good stories when I get back. Hasta lavista, baby.