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Zorro & Ester 88


6122 - Well, let's see. This comic is about that camera angle, if you've played Resident Evil you know the one, where all that is shown of Jill is her buttocks area. It's quite a funny, yet horrifying camera angle, cause you never know if enemies are coming or not, for all you can see is Jill's butt.

I bought Mr. Mosquito a few days ago. Go read my review on it if you want to know more about it.

I also went on a shopping spree, and bought the new They Might Be Giants cd, and 3 Saves the Day cds that I've been wanting to get to support the band, and sigh, the new Newfound cd. I do like all that bubblegum punk sometimes. Someone shoot me.

Oh yeah, and I also bought my sister, who just got her driver's license by the way, some rollerblades, since rollerblading rulez.

Anything else? Oh yeah, I leave for the beach monday, so there will not be a wednesday comic. I might or might not get time for a friday one either. Then I leave again the next monday so there will be some lulls in comics back and forth for a few weeks. But when I am in town I'll put them up, and I'll put up a sign when I'm not. There, so you always know when to check back up.