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Zorro & Ester 47


2252 - Well, first off I think I'll apologize for the comic. It is actually just a little flyer I am making for Zorro & Ester, but since I've been under the weather lately, and went home for this weekend, then came back with a Gamecube, I've been distracted and couldn't pump out the comic I wanted to. So I'm gonna make it better and give it to you wednesday, deal? Glad you can't argue with me since this is my rant, not yours.

Yeah, if you only read the intro sentences to each paragraph, (like I do) you would have missed that I got a Gamecube for my birthday. Well, actually it says that in the first sentence, but since it is a compound sentence I gave you the benefit of the doubt. My great great father bought me a Gamecube and I couldn't be happier. I picked up Super Smash Bros. Melee and Luigi (aka Lugi)'s Mansion. Both are really great games, and while I beat Luigi's Mansion in one night with a friend, I felt I needed to play it again. And again. And again.


Alright, enough of that.

I've got some plans for some more characters in Zorro & Ester, but I am not sure if now is the right time. I just introduced the XBox villian, and I should probably play it up more. But I have no idea what to do with it. Darn it, I shouldn't share that with you. Youse guys are supposed to think that I know exactly where I am going, and everything is going to lead up to a really great 50th comic. Shoot. Well, forget what I said then.

I've been watching tv. yeah I know it is hard when there are games to play, but during Adult Swim tonite they had an ad for Jet Grind Future. Darn it, if only it didn't cause 600+ dollars for an XBox, memory card, controllers and the game, I would actually like to play it. But that is the ONLY game I would ever play for the XBox. Sigh. I didn't mean it like that. I don't want an XBox, so don't get the wrong idea. I don't want an XBox at all. I couldn't bear looking at it in my room. Plus, the game doesn't look as good as the original, which I do have. (I'll keep saying that until it is true.) But please don't read this wrong to think I want an XBox. Cause I don't. Basically I think this paragraph was a statement about how cool of a game Jet Grind Radio is. Yeah, if you take anything out of this rant today, it is Jet Grind Radio is one of the coolest games ever. Even with it's control problems. Now then. I will be leaving you to listen to some more Japanese-Techno-Hip-Hop-Punk music. (That would be the soundrack to Jet Grind. Don't diss it until you have tried it.)

Peace out Homies.

Remind me to never say that again.
Hey check that out. It is a secret message. Bet you didn't ever notice those before. That is funny. Wonder if you will go back and look for some.

Don't. There are none. But there will/may be more later.