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Zorro & Ester 46


2222 - Whew! They finally came back home. Zorro & Ester that is. And now everything is normal again. Actually better than normal cause now the Goomba looks like an actual goomba. I was informed once that my goomba's teeth were facing the wrong direction. So this comic was made primarily to fix that problem.

I don't have much to report. I've got an evil, evil Stats test tomorrow I've been studying for for the past week, so I'm extremely tired now. I've been extremely tired lately a lot. So quickly, here comes the weird quote by me.

You remember that movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger, where he blew stuff up and got the girl? Yeah, me too.

It's the truth.

Another thing that greatly amazes me is that I have been able to not play video games and study for this test. Not that that is a good thing or anything.

I'm signing out and going to eat some Kix! Booya