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Zorro & Ester 48


2272 - Yeah I know this is late. So I figured I would make up for it with a longer comic. Hopefully it is funny too. For those of you who don't know, it is a refrence to Jet Grind Radio, where you rollerblade around graffitting things. (Like Zorro is doing).

Well, I hope you enjoyed it. Time to start getting ready for the 50th comic though.

Here is an idea. If you have any good jokes for Zorro & Ester, hows about you do your own comic, send it to me, and I will put it up in the already lacking fan art section. I do only have 1 piece there right now. The art can be as bad as Drew's that is in there now, so don't worry about that. It doesn't even need to be funny, so don't worry about that. And I am sure you can find a scanner, or even draw it on the computer if need be.

And here is the great deal. Whoever sends me the best comic (I'll form a staff of judges) will get a free signed copy of Zorro & Ester for their own pleasure. (Yeah like anyone wants one of those). So get busy!

In other news, umm... Gamecube rulz. Ummm... Someday I hope to add more links on the link page. But I am busy right now with my precious Gamecube. Oh well.

Another thing you the reader can be doing is to try the "Find three friends" rule. This should be practiced at least once a week. I bet there are lots of people out there who like video games, and it doesn't take a long time to give them a website address. So get to work. I expect everyone to come back by the 50th strip with 3 newbies to read it too. Remember, by Monday. So start cracking!

Dum ThOught time:

I once heard someone say "If someone hits you on the cheek, turn the other cheek." My saying is a bit different though. "If someone hits you in the cheek with a lemon merange pie, definately turn the other cheek, cause then you will have double the amount of lemon merange pie, and everyone loves lemon merange pie."

Well, it is back to Smash Brothers for me.
Oh yeah, and by the way, I finished the great Luigi's Mansion. I actually finished the day after I got the game. Pretty sad right? It took me that long. Luckally I can play through it again. I need Mario Sunshine though. Sigh.