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Zorro & Ester 22


121601 - Yeah, only 3 more days til school is over and Lord of the Rings and Final Fantasy X. I'm very excited. I decided today that Lulu is the coolest video game character EVER. This came as a startle to me since I thought she was dupid the first time I saw her. But after finding out that she wears a dress composed entirely of belts, I had to change my mind. I drew a picture of her, mostly due to the whole I think the belt-dress is the coolest thing since sliced meatballs, and I did NOT put the picture up here, since it has nothing to do with Zorro and Ester. So too bad you don't get to see it. Maybe later in a collection.

Next topic. I've got a french final tomorrow early in the morning, and I've got Adult Swim tonite on Cartoon Network. Which is more important? Let's think.... Yes you chose right. Adult Swim. heh. A friend of mine supposedly hurt himself real bad playing european football today. I hope he is ok.

That is about it I think. Yes I know today's comic isn't funny, too bad. That announcer was not hired to be funny. She was hired to report facts. That is like asking a chef if he can farm. So you can cook great, but can you farm?