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Zorro & Ester 21


121401 - Well it isn't technically the 14th but yesterday I updated on the 13th and this is considered a new day. I talked to a friend who wanted to see the new comic NOW so I am doing it NOW. Tonite I went to 3 different Burger Kings. I now only need Elrond to complete my collection. Yeah they told me to check saturday so I will. I decided I miss Final Fantasy 6 so I'm gonna play that again. This rant is not as short due to the fact nothing really happened today. I finished an exam in English and have one done for History tomorrow. Today I got cool presents like a simpsons action figure and some stickers which follow:

I live in my own world, They know me here.

Yea, that's nice, Bye Bye now. Loser.

Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to myself.

another good one I thought of was: "I've had better conversations with myself... In fact I am having one right now."

I dunno, it is pretty dumb but I like it. People think I am strange cause I can function without society altogether... But I think it is normal. So I will now go off into my own little world in my head and leave this webpage. Goodnite youse guys. I've always wanted to wear a berret. I know it's stupid but it is true. One day I'll walk in here in a berret and you can't stop me.