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Zorro & Ester 20


121301 - Tonite I went to the mall. It was boring seeing all the people want to be punkish and fit into the stereotypical mold of the day. Then to see all the people who want to be abercrombie numbers march around too, and them hating one another because they are supposed to. What is really sad is that all these people are redneck freaks from Conyers Ga. Its a sad world. What was worse than that is the person who works in Electronics Boutique there. This guy tried to sell an older man with some young, seven year old sons, an X-Box. This was made even worse when I went over the guy, who was spurting out these random facts about how the X-Box has more power than the Gamecube and PS2, and an internal processor and crap, and told the man not to listen to him for he HAS to sell him the X-Box, that is his job. Then the clerk got really angry at me, and asked me what I felt. I said that the internal prosessor was not important for it was the games that mattered. He told me that the X-Box, God forbid, has better games. The sad part is he believed himself too! What is this world coming too? I had to leave, for there was no hope for that one. I believe that he did actually convince this niave man to buy an overpriced piece of garbage. The man even asked the clerk if the x-box will be a bad system in a few years like the N64 or saturn, and with a straight face the clerk said no!!!! The only thing the x-box has for it is Halo, which I don't find that much fun. The clerk even said himself that he hates Luigi's Mansion. He is the tool of satan, that one. I am gonna have terrible dreams about that for weeks.

In other news, I found out the Burger King I go to is out of the 5 toys I need left to finish my collection. This is a tragedy. I need Frodo, Sam, Galadrial, Gimli, and Elrond and I will have them all. Let me reiderate, I WILL have them all.

Lastly, I would like to say, I am taking exams tomorrow, fri, and mon, and wed, so these rants may get shorter real soon. "My favorite thing in the world is an escalator, for it can never break down. We are sorry for this inconvenience, but this escalator has become stairs. We are sorry you can still get somewhere." -This is not true for today at the mall we saw an escalator that was stairs, but blocked off by some men fixing it. So it was useless and we had to go to the other end of the mall to go down. The End.