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The Carrot


By Peter Penrose

It has been a long time since Mr Penrose's efforts in cartoonery have been revealed to the general public. Mr Penrose is quite excited by The Web, so excited in fact he has consented to put pen to paper yet again, back in black with his texta colors and A4.

It seems like only yesterday since Mr Penrose was run out of town following his fine efforts in TOGARTUS (a highly respected aspiring academic lifestyle magazine) which notoriously satirised the Alleged Hobart Rock Elite. Subsequent threats of physical violence drove the unassuming Penrose underground. He has since surfaced on the WWW in the capacity of a cultural critic and now comes back having lost none of his rapier like wit.

"Where are they now?" he asks of his tormentor's. "A hippy class dream of arts school, tennureship, superannuation, crap art and zero talent" he says resplendant in his comfy armchair as he quaffs his chardoney and underlines quotable quotes in Das Kapital.

Literary Agent to the rich and famous
160 West Eastwick

The compleat weberised (web enabled) collected works.

NEW(esque) : Mr Bitter and Twisted remembers the eighties.

NEW-ish : The Tired Band and The Mess fight back to obscurity. Read the controversial strip that almost cost Mr Penrose his schnozz.
  • Captain Carlton in 'Blue Loo'

  • TRAM TALES : In which a man uses the alleged public transport system.

  • ANT MAN #1.

  • Captain Carlton in 'White Maggotman'

  • Eric Kromble in PUTZLAND

  • ANT MAN #2.

  • Eric Kromble in RADIO REDMAN

  • Harry Pothead in Fantasy Land

  • Dour Jones in Index Blues

  • Silver Budgie in The Bet

  • The Tired Band and The Mess fight back to obscurity

  • (Selected) LINKS

    Hey Mook ! Visit the rootin' tootin' electrocutin' MOOKEMON E-Comic and get a life. Print copies. Impress your uncle. Win Prizes. Laugh. Explore the strange world of The Mooks. Read the guestbook. Sign the guestbook. Buy stuff.


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