Alexia the Helper - A to Z Index             


A story of love, loss, friendship and courage.

An A TO Z INDEX OF EVERYTHING in the Story!  (I think!)....

Alexia - "the Helper", a beautiful and sweet-natured, caring, shy, quietly-spoken student who attends University in the city of Leicester, (DMU), and lives in 'Hawk Meadows'. She speaks with a gentle, soft voice and is an ambassador of respecting animals/nature and campaigns against bullying, everywhere.  Alexia is aged 19, but looks younger because she is small - she is just 5 ft. in height. She is of mixed-race, with brown eyes and long, black wavy hair - with a hint of brown. Her favourite colour is bright pink, her second favourite colour is purple, and her third favourite colour is crimson. She is fashion-conscious - and has quite a varied wardrobe of clothes and shoes - her favourite items being pink, of course! Alexia loves cats, too - and possesses a pink bag with cats printed on it. If she ever saw one with cat or kitten pictures all over, she would "just have to have it!".

Baldwin - this is a badger character, (from in 1996), who becomes Bernadette's girlfriend.

Ben - good friend of Alexia (and Jenna), who attends the same Uni;  he secretly fancies Alexia!  However, she is happy with him being just friends.

Benjamin - not the same "Ben", as described above, but a badger character who is sick and has pain in his body - and is scared for his life, (1999).

Becky - the daughter of a badger, called "Bernadette", (2001).

Bernadette - a strong-willed, feisty badger, who lives in 'Nocturnals Wood' and close friend of a hedgehog called "Hogarth".

"Blind Survival" - a moving story episode about two mountain hikers who get struck by lightning and killed - to find that they have gone on to another spiritual world. They enter a portal and see their loved ones, and try to tell them that they are alright. Emotional story, originally written and printed in Spring and Summer, 1995, (in two parts) - simultaneously to early Nocturnals Wood comic episodes. This story is currently being re-written and illustrated, (linked with Alexia's Story).

Bob - partner of a young woman called "Kyrie", (appeared in episode, December, 1999); he dislikes badgers - and other wild creatures!

"Bullied Sick and Tired"  - episode in illustrated story-book format, which takes a more serious side. In this part of the story, Alexia receives both verbal and cyber jealous attacks, just because she is pretty. It goes too far, and it makes her very sick - resulting in her being admitted to in hospital on a drip. Throughout, her best ever, close friend Jenna is there to help and support her though this horrible ordeal - and while in hospital Alexia gets lots of TLC, particularly from a friend, Nurse Sarah. Maya her little sister is there too, as are her worried parents. (Part of Alexia's anti-bullying campaign).

DMU - the University Alexia goes to, in Leicester, (mock).

Douggie - one of the characters in the "Blind Survival" episode. He is one of the mountain hikers, who gets struck by lightning. (1995).

Emma - another character from in "Blind Survival". (1995).

Ferdinand - a fox who lived in Nocturnals Wood - and was one of the original main characters, from 1994 until around 2001.

Ferdinand Junior (The Third) - present-day fox character, who has been very sick - Alexia tried to help him. Resident in Hawk Meadows, descended from foxes in nearby Nocturnals Wood.

Fox's Furrow - a road in Hawk Meadows.

"Foxy Friend in Need" - comic episode whereby Alexia tries to help a sick fox, "Ferdinand Junior (The Third)". Original panels from 2011, (part 1). Part 2, to follow shortly.

Fiona Bee's (Florist) - a lovely little florist's shop in the city, where Alexia gets a Saturday job that she really loves! In the story (this episode in part-comic mode), she meets the shop-keeper, when she tries to shelter from heavy rainfall - after already getting a soaking!  The shop-keeper (owner, Fiona Pepper) feels sorry for Alexia and helps her to dry out. Fiona likes Alexia straight away - they become friends.  They chat, and this leads to Alexia being offered the job - bus travel paid for, too!  This is a moving part of the story - Fiona becomes fond of Alexia, because the girl helps Fiona with part of her life that's been lost, previously.  What did Fiona lose in her life?

    Alexia working in Fiona's the florist shop, in Leicester.

Fiona Belinda Pepper - this is actually Fiona's full name.  She uses her middle name as "Bee", and her florist shop front has pictures of bees on it.

Grosvenor Road - this is one of the main routes through Hawk Meadows - it is where Alexia's parents live, and on which much of the village was built, in and around the 1960's, by a local-based and well-known Leicester builder.

Grosvenor Precinct - a main shopping area in Hawk Meadows, (on Grosvenor Road).

"Happy Memories... Are You Sure?" - this is a new part of the story that has been written by two real-life children, girls aged 9 and 11 - which is intended to be published as a book for children / young people to read and enjoy.

Hawk Chippy - fish & chip shop, in the precinct on Grosvenor Road. (Appears in "Alexia and The Fox - A foxy friend in need", part 1, 2011).

Hawk Garage - village garage, fuel supply and vehicles for sale. Located on Hawk Tower Road.

Hawk General Store - a shop with various goods, in the precinct on Grosvenor Road. An obvious place for Alexia and her family to buy items that she/they need, without having to travel to the city centre all of the time.

Hawk Meadows - village suburb, east of Leicester - lying somewhere between Scraptoft and East Goscote, (mock). This mock village was originally created as a cardboard miniature diorama, back in 1987- 88, and has since been linked with the story. The idea started late in 1986, but at that time wasn't given the name "Hawk Meadows". The area (in the story) lies near to the Nocturnals Wood - which is north to the village itself.

Hawk Meadows Holiday Breaks - office for holiday bookings, in the precinct on Grosvenor Road. In the story script from "Happy Memories... Are You Sure?" - this is mentioned, when the girls go on holiday together.

Hawk Tower Close - (cul-de-sac), road in Hawk Meadows, almost adjacent to Fox's Furrow, and comes off Hawk Tower Road (main route to Leicester city centre, 5 miles from this village).

Her Name is Calla - This awesome real-life band is a group of friends, from Leicester, Leeds and York. They just happen to be Alexia's favourite band!  In one episode when Alexia becomes sick with a bad cold, it really cheers the girl up when Jenna informs her that they are doing a gig, in "The Crumblin' Cookie". That venue is in the middle of Leicester, by the way - in the same building where the poor "Dominoes" toy shop has been located, for many years. Alexia is sad that the very popular toy shop has now gone - a place she used to visit (be taken to) a lot, as a child.

Hetty - Hogarth's mother, (who hates badgers!). Hetty is convinced that a badger killed Hogarth's father!

Hogarth - a hedgehog living in Nocturnals Wood - close friend of Bernadette, and Hortensia's boyfriend; (in the story from 1994 onwards).

Hortensia - this is Hogarth's girlfriend, (from late-1990's).

Jenna - Alexia's closest, best-ever friend, since in pre-school. Jenna met Alexia for the first time when they were very young, and they became best friends aged just 4 when Jenna comforted an upset Alexia who'd grazed her knee, after a fall. Jenna was brought to the UK by her parents, who emigrated to England from the United States of America. As such, Jenna has somewhat of an American accent - and calls her mother, "mom". Jenna does not have a real sister, so she sees Alexia as her "little" sister, instead - they are very close. She has brown hair and deep blue eyes, and she has a dyed bright-blue streak in her hair, as a kind of a fashion statement. She loves to wear brightly-coloured clothes, too.

Kalahari Kalie - a meerkat character, (S. Africa, 2007, onwards).

Knighton Drive - a road in Hawk Meadows (off Grosvenor Road), and is where Alexia currently lives in student accommodation.

Knighton Walk - off Knighton Drive, (mid-1960's built).

Kyrie - a young woman living in the village, partner of Bob, (1999).

Lara - White-Fox's girlfriend, (1999/ 2000).

Long-Outreach Road - a road leading out of Hawk Meadows - towards Humberstone, Leicester, (mock).

Lovelace, Ada - this lady was a real-life person who lived during the early to mid-1800's, and is widely accepted today as being the World's first computer programmer.  She was a mathematical genius who foresaw the computer-age and was a close friend of inventor, Charles Babbage. She spent much of her childhood in the Leicestershire village of Kirkby Mallory, where she was educated. But so sad - she died young, aged only 36. She is mentioned in the story, in an episode.

Lovelace Close - a small road in Hawk Meadows, (cul-de-sac). This was named after Ada Lovelace.

Lucy - a young fox character in 1995 comic episodes, being cared for by a vixen called "Viv" - although not her own cub, but her sister's.

Marcus - troublesome mole character, who causes havoc in around 1999 and again in 2001!

Maya - Alexia's beloved little (younger) sister, who affectionately calls Alexia, "Lexie" - which is actually a diminutive of Alexia. (Name pronounced, "Miya"). Maya is aged 12, almost seven years younger than her elder sister. In appearance, she is very similar to Alexia - only main differences are that she is fair-skinned, with light-brown hair (with beautiful golden streaks), and pale-blue eyes.  Maya's favourite colour is blue.

"Mirror Image" - title of an episode involving a character called "Sophia", who is unwell. (In part-comic mode- switches to full comic mode, in some of the panels).

Nocturnals Common Road - this road leads from Hawk Meadows, to the Nocturnals Wood entrance.

Nocturnals Wood (Forest) - wooded area lying E. of Leicester and just to the North by (of) Hawk Meadows itself.

Oadby Drive - a road in Hawk Meadows, off Grosvenor Road and near Knighton Drive.

"Orbitor 1" - one of the (donated) themed music sequences, belonging to the story. This track, one of several themed pieces, was composed and recorded in November, 2007; (see images of the studio/ equipment, where the music was created).

Otter - this (female) character saved the life of "White-Fox", in 1996 - he almost drowned after being pushed into a stream, by his siblings. Was it an accident or deliberate?!

Peter (the) Legend - a character who "you don't wanna mess with" - he is crazy enough to think that he is an aristocrat, living in a huge manor-house. This character was invented even before "Hawk Meadows", in about 1981- '82, by two children - and has been (indirectly) linked with the story.

Professor (Angela) Lowell - this character is a female Professor in the University, who is also another of Alexia's friends. Professor Angela Lowell cares about Alexia's well-being, and is first on the scene when Alexia collapses through severe sickness, caused by being bullied - in story episode, "Bullied Sick and Tired". She also gets cyber-bullied, as well as jealous verbal attacks - just for being pretty, and "different". This is part of Alexia's anti-bullying campaign.

Quinn - Alexia's (and Maya's) cousin. She is aged 17, and has reddish hair and green eyes. In one of the story scripts, Quinn dates Ben, in an attempt to make Alexia jealous! It worked!

Ramsylla - the family surname of Alexia, Maya, and their parents; (of mixed descent - English, and originally also S. Africa and Asia). (This is pronounced, "RamsYlla" - emphasis on the letter "Y"). It probably originates from two separate names being combined.

Reeder - the family surname of Jenna, (Alexia's best friend). This is from Jenna's American parents, who emigrated to England, from New York state.

Reeder's Cafe (aka Diner) - this great eating and drinking place is run by Jenna's parents, in the city (Leicester). In the storylines, Jenna helps by working there - making teas, cleaning, waitressing, etc., which also helps to pay for her student fees.

Sarah - a very kind and understanding Nurse, working in the city hospital, who takes care of Alexia when she is very sick. Nurse Sarah does her very best to help Alexia on the road to recovery! They become friends.

Sasha - this is the girlfriend of the original squirrel character in the story, "Syril", (from 1997).

School Lane - this is a main route in Hawk Meadows, and it is where the local school is located. Links to Long-Outreach Road, and the other end is near to Grosvenor Road.

School Lane Close - (cul-de-sac), located off School Lane.

Sophia - a character in the story episode, "Mirror Image" - about a young woman who has got sick and can't go to her work, (in full comic format/ or part-comic mode).

Sophie - Jenna's little cousin. This little girl likes to say, "Me cold!" - even when she isn't!

Sorcha Beeby - another of Alexia's Uni friends.

"Sorcha's Diary" - a comic episode - to be published soon.

"Storm In Alexia's Teacup" - new comic episode, with a heatwave, thunderstorms, and Alexia still emotional about what happened to her previously, when she was bullied.

Syril - the original squirrel character in Nocturnals Wood, (as from in 1994). Name pronounced as "SYril", (emphasis on the "Y" and "I"), not same as Cyril - a common mistake.

Syrus - enemy squirrel character - he tries to "steal" Sasha - and a general troublemaker, (1997, comic-format).

Thimbalina - the smallest character in the story - she is a tiny wood-mouse living in Alexia's garden. This character appears as a carol singer, (cover design, created November, 2012).

"Time for a little Romance?" - this episode is in part-comic format. In this part of the story, it looks back about two years when Alexia goes to the college end of term Summer Prom (Ball), with her best ever friend, Jenna. Who should be there too?.... that boy called Ben, of course - who is already a friend, but he has a crush on Alexia!  The girl goes wearing a brightly-coloured ball gown - and looks very beautiful, turning many heads!  Ben spots her immediately, and asks her for a dance. Did she fall for his charms?

  Alexia in the Summer Prom (Ball).

  Alexia in the park - the young lady is happy and having a giggle to herself; (in life-portrait / scan mode). This is like actually how she really looks.

Verina - a fox character in 1990's.

Vicky - one of Alexia's other friends, who is a fashion student in the Uni - and exists in the form of another Leicester-based comic-strip story.

Vikki - a close friend of Ferdinand Junior (The Third) - she comforts him, when they both lay underneath Alexia's shed, (November, 2011).

Viv - Ferdinand's girlfriend, (from in 1995). Ferdinand first met Viv, when she was looking after a cub called "Lucy".

White-Fox - this was a pure-white (albino) fox character, (from in 1996) - who was Ferdinand's and Viv's son. In one of the storylines, he was almost drowned; but happier times for him when he met Lara, (December, 1999).

Zena - another character female, in the story - one of Alexia's friends.

Written Scripts from the story - a selection - please click HERE.


Random Thumbnail Images - HERE.


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ALEXIA's STORY / ALEXIA and MAYA (and, as The Nocturnals Forest Animals) - is protected by Copyright, (c) 1994 - 2013.

This includes all characters, and their names (e.g. "Alexia Ramsylla", "Maya Ramsylla", "Bernadette the Badger", "Hogarth the Hedgehog", "Thimbalina", etc.).

Featuring "Hawk Meadows" fictional (fantasy) village/ Grosvenor Road Housing Estate, East of Leicester, England, UK -

copyright (c) 1987/88, 1990, 2006, 2011 - 13. Alexia's Road-View - copyright (c) 2006- 13.

Nocturnals Wood - copyright (c) 1994 - 2013.

Background atmospheric themes (music) tracks - (c) 2007 - 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Brought to you by Hogarth's Wild Life/ Alexia.


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