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about missen
a hamster
misc. art
Comic Stuff

Any one of these comics is worth a look. Check 'em out.


Loserz: Cynical Punk-Ass teenagers

The Electric Toychest

Comic Related Stuff

Blambot - This is where I got the free fonts that I use in my comic.
PolyKarbon - Great Photoshop and drawing tutorials. Perfect for Manga.
Keenspace - Free web hosting for online comics.
Rant of the Week - My previous site, home to reviews, rants and Tequila, the online comic.

Other Sites

The Brunching Shuttlecocks - Online humour at its finest.
IGN - games, for men, all sorts of great stuff.
My rant of the week - a friend's site with all sorts of hilarious images.
Damapoet - My friend Sean's poetry site. Very cool. Submit some of your stuff.
Visibone Colour Lab A detailed colour wheel for webdesigners and artists alike.

Look for more sites once I come across them.

All comics and images unless otherwise noted are © Mark Edwards 2001