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Elan's Response

When I look at Jennifer’s counter image, I realize the significance of advertisements today. With the beer Miller Lite literally everywhere in this image, how could any person in this city refuse to drink it? While it even say’s, “It’s Miller Time” in the sky, her image reintegrates how advertisements and the media can affect culture. For example, something as simple as tea has become culture to drink at a specific time in England. When I look at Jennifer’s image, I wonder if 2:23 symbolizes the time to throw down a Miller Lite in this town.

Jennifer's Response

When I first looked at the picture one of the first things I noticed was the saying “It’s Miller Time” written in the sky. As I looked at the picture more I realized that there were Miller Lite cans anywhere and everywhere. So I thought the picture was trying to say that every time is Miller Time. Pretty much no matter what time of day, or where you are, you can always use a Miller Lite. So I made a clock showing a Miller Lite can every hour of the day.

Matt's Response

In Jen's picture she titles it "Every Time is Miller Time", this suggests that no matter what mood your are in a Miller Lite will make you feel like you are on the beach soaking up the sun at 2:23 in the afternoon. This picture also shows the Miller clock as being the sun. This is interseting because without the sun the human race would not exist. Therefore, the picture portrays Miller Lite as being the preserver of life.

Chris's Response

When I looked at Jennifer’s picture I instantly remembered Miller Lites slogan “its miller time.” I really like the relationship between the clock and Miller Lites slogan. You can have a beer at anytime in your schedule as long as its Miller Lite. It may also suggest beer should be a part of your day. The beer cans at every hour really helped get the messages across.