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Elan's Response

When I first looked at the original advertisement for Miller Lite I realized they took over the utopian city on the beach. Although almost all American’s revolt against such monopolies, I find it very interesting they hypocritically indulge in the board game. When creating my counter image, I wanted to incorporate the “monopoly man”, holding his greatest two accomplishments: He took control of the world with his beer. The slogan at the bottom concentrates on what monopolies can do in a society today. “Go drink Miller Lite or go to jail,” emphasizes the power one company can hold over a city. Even though the original image looks perfect at first, one needs to see through the obvious and realize potential for failure in a place with sole power deriving from one source.

Jennifer's Response

I really like the way Elan incorporated Monopoly into his new image. Monopoly is something that is pretty universal and everyone can relate to. When I look at the original picture, it pretty much tells me that drinking Miller Lite is obviously the only way to go. Then I look at the picture created by Elan and the part with go to Miller Lite or go to jail really helps to bring that out in a much clearer way. The Monopoly guy with the world and Miller Lite in the air is a really good relation to the original picture as well. The original picture is saying that Miller Lite is the world, and Elan illustrates that very nicely.

Matt's Response

Elan's picture is very direct and to the point. It is basically saying that the monopoly man had two things on his mind:the world and and ice cold Miller Lite. This product has been inplanted in people's brains so when they think of beer they think of Miller Lite. Elan does point out the negative consequences to drinking Miller Lite; you can go to jail. When I say go to jail I dont mean that u will automaticly be thrown in jail if you are caught with a Miller Lite in your hand, I mean that if you do drink and possibly get in a car and are caught by the police then you could possibly be thrown in jail. This possibility is never shown in a Miller ad because it remind people of the possible dangers of drinking and, lets face it, I just want to have a good time.

Chris's Response

I really enjoyed the idea of tying in monopoly with the Miller Lite advertisement. Most people can relate to the game monopoly an enjoy playing it. The picture says that Miller Lite is the “one and only beer.” Miller Lite seems like a dictator or tyrant- you either drink Miller Lite beer of go to jail. It was very powerful how Elan put the 6-pack of beer in one hand and the globe in the other hand