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  Biorhythm  Theory

Biorythm theory

I really don't know if it is true or not but the important thing is it is really fun.Biorhythm theory states that our lives are affected by three primary cycles: Physical (23 days), Emotional (28 days), and Intellectual (33 days) and the cycle starts at midpoint at birth and the day itself has its own day-rhythms, this may gives the solution to changing moods without apparent cause or increasing the accident possibilities in the days where the cycles is at low u believe that.

Just enjoy getting the compatibility  between u and ur lover or friend so avoid quarreling in the days u are down in!!!Really funny..see this links

---Site 1       --- Site 2      --- Site 3      --- Site 4     cover

---Friends & Lovers compatibility

---Download Biorythm Software

& there is many other out there..


  Quote"" The best you can do for someone else is to be yourself. ~ Aaron Eisenberger ""

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