Britney News!!

Bored on Wednesday nights? You should be on a "Joy Ride" with Britney! Click here for details
                     Want to see the evolution of a diva? How did it all happen! Click here!
                     "The Waiting Game" :A special "Britney and the Beast" type Update! Click here!
                     Kody and Britney making WORLD HEADLINES!! Click Here!
                     A Moment Like This!! Meeting my idol... read how it happened!
                     UPDATE!! What's going on this month for Brit? Alot! Check it out!
                                   Check out this comparison! Has Brit surpassed her idol in beauty? hehe you tell us?!
                     Britney's next adventure is the biggest to date. Be the first to get a look at what's in the works!
                     Party like the stars? No! Party withthe stars! Read Britney's latest adventure!
                     Click here to see the amazing photos by Aaron Cobbett
                     Britney and Pepsi!Enjoy them both here!
                     Wanna find out about Brit's alter ego Kody? Can't wait for the MTV special - get an inside look at the person behind it all.
                     This week in Britville! an update!
                     Update!! The Biggest update yet! So much new stuff.. even an exlusive video!
                     The Britney pic gallery has had a few cute additions this week!
                     Britney's back in the Big Apple! How was the concert and Dallas? What's next for this rising Diva? click here to find out!
                     THIS JUST IN! Brit's headed back to Dallas! (for a week anyways!) Click here to find out why?
                           This Brit's review of the other Brit's restaurant; Nyla! An adventure in nightlife.. on the 15th!
                    Britney strutted her stuff for MTV! Click here to find out how it went!
Britney and MTV! Sound like a good pair to me! Britney is being filmed for an MTV special tonight! 7/12/02 Click here to find out more!!
Britney's headed to the Big Apple..but is it for more than just the biggest performance ever?? Click here to find out!
Britney has some BIG news to share! She will be writing a weekly teen advice article in the newly re-printed This Week in Texas (commonly reffered to as TWIT mag) THis magazine was in publication for many many years and now it's back! Look for Britney's Weekly Beat! and her "Dallas Tea" sections weekly in the new mag when it debuts in late June.

Britney is a cover girl!!!
Britney graces the cover of her second magazine this month! The state wide; Texas Triangle! Now people all over Texas are getting a little taste of Brit. Get your copy fast..this is a weekly magazine and it's off the shelves friday! go to to read the article

Britney Crowned!!
Britney had a great time at the 5th annual GAYla Prom. She enjoyed the food, the music and the friends! She said she felt very honored and privledged to take home the crown, some beautiful flowers, a gift certificate to pottery barn, six flags tickets and the honor of being on the cover of the Texas Triangle which comes out this Friday (5/17) Check it out!!

Britney Valentine graces the latest TCU Image magazine!
Take a look at your copy of The Image magazine .. who is that on the cover? That's right Britney Valentine! In a very dramatic move by the editors to show the unique diversity at TCU Britney Valentine became the first Drag queen ever to grace the cover of the Christian University's school magazine. This magazine has been in publication for over 29 years and now Brit and her four page cover story will go down in the history of TCU forever.. congrats Brit!! Click on the Image link above to read the article.

Britney gets a letter from Kurfew!
LETTER FROM KURFEW: Hey Britney… We loved having you at Kurfew…please let us know when you’re able to come again, and we’ll set it up!!! Maybe a special Britney night..maybe you can decorate the club?!!?? Make it warm and inviting!!! Let us know! - Jeff

Britney Takes over NEW YORK!!
Britney just got back from her special guest spot at Kurfew in New York City. She had an awesome time there and was actually offered her own show! She is still trying to decide if she will take the job and move up to NY soon.!

Britney wins in the Rose Room!
This beautiful young lady won Valerie Lohr's "Search for Signs of Interesting Talent in the Universe" for her first time on Feburary 7th 2002!! Yeah!! She is working diligently to make a name for a herself and win some more!

Who is Princess??
Princess.. Princess who?? Oh yeah she was that girl who had platinum blonde hair, bangs and like no make-up on.. she had her the new diva Britney Valentine has taken over and is here to stay. Say bye bye to the Princess and hello to the Queen.