Britney knows how to party! And who to party with!
Well… thank you New York. I can officially say I’ve “hob-nobbed with the stars!” Oh! it was a fantastic fun-filled night last night at good ole Planet Hollywood Times Square! It is soo funny how God answers your requests sometimes. I was at my apartment around 7 o’clock and since Britney Spears and like 1000 other celebrities are in town this week for the VMA’s I figured I would go down to times square and see if maybe I could, possibly, get a glimpse of a celebrity or two. I walked and walked… none. Then I decided to check out NYLA just to see if maybe Brit would show up there. No luck. So at about 10:25ish I walk by Planet Hollywood and see them rolling out the red carpet and putting up the tents and signs… I got excited!
It was starting to drizzle, but I asked who would be coming… “Some guys from Nysnc, maybe Janet Jackson…” said this girl who seemed to have been waiting for awhile. I thought, might as well stick around… I did want to see a star. Little did I know what was to come next…
I waited outside behind the guard rails… the first to arrive were Quaddus and some other VJ from MTV, they got a mild reaction from the girls in the crowd. Next was Christina Milian, another VJ and singer, then Joey from Nysnc showed up! He got himself a nice reaction…waved to the crowds and went inside. I started talking to the girls next to me while we waited for the next celebs to arrive. Little did we know that they were walking passed as we spoke… to my right walked, one of my favorite bands of all time, BBMak!!! I almost missed them! Then JC from Nysnc showed up… and then not anyone for awhile… this was 11 something… I got anxious so I went around to the front. There was the guy, the most important guy at this event . . . The Planet Hollywood Supervisor!
Oh did I ever put on the charm… and within 10 minutes … I was IN! Some of the guys who had seen me outside were like “good job…” one even clapped... haha They said get into the elevator and press 3. The gold elevator seemed like it took forever. I was soo nervous… I could have almost peed myself. It stopped on the third floor, and the doors opened…
There it was! Heaven.
Loud music, cool lights, and Mark from BBMak on my right! It was (excuse my terminology) DA BOMB! Since I sorta knew Mark I went and talked to him first. He sorta remembered me from my knock and enter at KISS Party in Dallas, he was totally the coolest person I met that night and his fiancé was totally cool too. After chatting with him (the first time) for 15 or so I moved on. The party was nice … wine and beer and mixed drinks totally free. The food was amazing… it was just like those parties you see on TV people with trays walking around and you grab what you want from it. The next person I saw was Joey. I said hi and congratulated him on all his success, he said thanks. It was kinda quick… but what was I supposed to talk about with “Joey from Nsync?” Next in a little hallway was J.C. talked to him for about two minutes... he was pretty cool.
I continued walking… and there … was the man of my dreams. Anson Mount from Crossroads. Man, he is hott in real life too, and he was very nice. I talked to him (nervously… (damn he fine!)) told him how good I thought he was great in crossroads. He was cool .. but I was still on the look out so I moved on. Next up I met up with the Director of RENT and Hairspray, Michael Grief, he was VERY cool. He was like, “Do you sing or dance?” I was like…”YES!” then he said, okay give me your number and name, I might have something for you.” Then… I fainted.
Okay, I didn’t faint… but I was VERY excited. A Broadway director wanted MY number... how frickin cool is that?! Very cool! So I talked to him for a bit more and then just as I was walking out of that section Mr. Timberlake himself was passing by. I got a pat on the arm and a “hey” Not bad, not bad. At least I can say he touched me right! Hehe So after Justin I met the last fan standing girl from WOB, Tracie, and also made some friends with the “normal” people. (hehehe) I was dancing my butt off and everyone was watching it was very cool. I even got applause when I was done.
As the night was winding down I went back and hung out with Mark and the boys from BBMak. Mark and his fiancé were so nice we talked for almost an hour I think. He gave me some tips on the biz and she and I talked about life on the road and such. (they’ve been together 3 years!) After a little bit they left I thought they were the last celebrities there. But this guy in the corner… looked so familiar. I had to go over. It turned out to be a scruffy (but still very cute) Trevor, from SoulDecision you know the band that sang “faded” He was amazingly sweet and we talked for about 20 minutes. I kinda felt like he was hitting on me (he was awful close) but then again I think everyone is hitting on me! He told me that the band is working on a new album and that it will “blow away anything on their last cd.” I hope so… for his cute little sake.. it looks like he might need some money to get a hair cut (hehe – still very cute though)
At the end of the night I was hanging out with some friends I had made. One happened to have use to run Planet Hollywood so we got to continue drinking way after the party had ended. At around 3 something I said goodbye to Joey(who was still there?!) and I got in a cab. Wow, what a fun night. I’m actually headed to Planet Hollywood right now to apply for a job… hey! I guess I might have to wait for fame, but if I can’t be a star just yet… might as well be able to “hob-nob”