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Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 2 WS






Lesson 1: The Seed

Objective: The students will observe and manipulate a seed to learn and recognize the parts of the seed.


  1. Lima beans (enough beans to give one to each student)
  2. Plastic bag
  3. Paper towel
  4. Magnifying glass
  5. Parts of the seed worksheet
  6. Brown construction paper


  1. The night before of the lesson put lima beans in water.
  2. Pass a paper towel to each student.
  3. Pass a magnifying glass to each student.
  4. Give a lima bean to each student.
  5. Observe the seed coat (outer covering).
  6. Tell about the job of the coat.  The coat of the seed is to keep the and protect the seed food together (two parts of the seed)
  7. Tell the students that carefully remove the coat of the bean.
  8. They will observe the food of the seed.  The little plant inside the seed will consume that food when starts to grow.
  9. Pull apart the two parts of the seed
  10. Use the magnifying glass to observe the little plant inside the seed.
  11. Draw attention to the parts of the little plant, (leaves, and root)


  1. Pass the Part of the seed worksheet for the student to color and cut.
  2. Pass the construction paper two per student.  They will trace the shape of the seed of the worksheet and cut it to put the seed together.