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This site is currently no longer being updated. Welcome visitors. I am the Blue Knight, and this is my lab. Enjoy your stay, check out the information I've compiled on the topic of mugen. And keep coming back, I'm always looking for new information, and adding it here.

News:I have the unfortunate miss fortune of saying this site is offically not a project I'm working on anymore. I'm sorry, but my computer can't support Mugen any longer since I upgraded to Windows 2000, and I've just become far to busy to keep it up. So, I probably won't respond to any Mugen e-mails, and won't be updating this site any longer. I am sorry for this unfortunate news. If I still have anyone whom comes to my site often, I'm sorry I haven't updated it since like a little after August... But I've been going through some personal issues, I won't bore you with the details. But if you'd like me to get my site back into working order, just e-mail me and let me know. Just wanna make sure more than just a few people agree that this is a good site and should be updated. Ok, I've spoken my piece, later Mugenites may all your holidays be bright.
By the by, you may have noticed I returned to my old Hiryu scheme after a short run with a Masked guy scheme and a Squall from FF 8 theme. If you prefered one of the other themes, or like this one please let me know.

Contact Info:Don't contact me about mugen I DON'T do mugen any more so leave me alone I'm leaving the site up just cause I don't wanna delete my work so don't even think about asking me questions this site hasn't been edited in years

Updates:Main Page: 12/5/2003 Gone back to old back ground and banner
Screen Shots:
Downloads: Current Update:

Silly Screen ShotsThese are my own screen shots. I took these cause I thought they were funny, and added comments to add to the commedy. Please look and laugh.

InteractThese are a few things I would like to get from my fellow mugen players. Nothing too major, just somethings that would help your fellow mugen players have more fun, and make my site a bit more usuful. Plz consider them.

It seems no one's interested in posting, so I'll just use this to keep people updated on things. I'll put all my news and updates I remove into this. And also I'll let you know if I won't be here, or something like that. So keep an eye out here. And if you wish to post as well, that can be arranges, just contact me and ask ;)

TutorialThis page will help all those of you out there who have mugen use it and how to download things and make it cool.

Links Here's some links that will help you get lots of cool mugen characters, contact me, and even post your screen shots, or make your own site.

Sign my guest bookHey if you like my site, or want some questions answered, signed my guest book and I'll get back to you ASAP. Alright my fellow mugenites, come and tell me what you think.

downloadsI don't host the downloads, but I lead you to them ;)
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my cowboy bebop theme song is road to the west

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?