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March 19, 2007 - Monday

Really snowy in the morning, clearing in the evening.

A pretty good day. I got up this morning and we drove to Sakata. First, we had lunch at the Hotel Rich. They have a nice lunch buffet. It was pretty good actually and not as busy as it was the last time we went there.

After that we went to the Immigration Office. I needed to renew my re-entry permit. When I changed my visa 2 years ago, they didn't change my re-entry permit to match. Fumihiko was really weird. On the way up to the office he was worried that he'd have to take some papers home and fill them out for my re-entry permit. Uummm, no dude, that one's easy! I've done it numerous times by myself...including before I married you. I did ask hubby to ask about my permanent residency though. The guy said I could apply but should probably wait until closer to the expiry of my spousal visa. Umm....does this chap realize that it can take around 6 months or more to get a permanent residency...and if my spousal visa lapses in the meantime I get into mondo trouble? I guess not. AND it might mean I'd have to pay twice...once for the spousal visa renewal and once for the permanent residency if I get it. Bureaucrats! We did end up taking papers home for the permanent residency application, but I have a brand new shiny sticker in my passport now. Yay!

We picked up Fumihiko's glasses in Sakata too. I wandered around the store while he was being seen too, just looking at frames. I saw a couple of expensive frames....over 200,000 yen. But, then I saw a pair that took my breath away. Not because they looked nice, oh no. Because they were really expensive. They cost over 580,000 yen. That's around $6000 dollars Canadian. And, you know what, they were butt ugly too! I *think* they were made out of tortoise shell. I'd never have worn them! Very nerdy looking.

We went to Mikawa Mall after this and I suggested getting hubby a pair of boots or shoes. The ones he has now are in terrible shape. We looked at 3 different shops and he didn't like anything. He's so fussy. I was moaning the fact that most shops here don't carry higher than a 24.5cm shoe for ladies. If they do, they're very ugly, or have extremely high heels.

We went to see Deja Vu in the late afternoon. I really liked it, and thought the story held together fairly well. I'm not sure if hubby liked it or not. I liked the "deja vu" moment they had a the very beginning when they ran the Bruckheimer logo film. Later tonight I thought of a few plot holes, but I was generally engrossed in everything that went on. During the movie I noticed an unholy stench. I asked my husband about it afterwards and it turns out that he'd taken off his boots during the movie. And he didn't want to buy a new pair of boots because.....?

We had a so-so dinner at the Cocos at Mikawa, then came home via the grocery store. At home we checked email and spent a little bit of time together before settling in for the repeat of ER. It was the season finale where Carter leaves. We'll get the next season starting in April. Fumihiko is really into ER, but he does ask me some funny questions about it. For example tonight he asked me what kind of doctor Sam was. Well, she's a NURSE! Still, I'd be hard pressed to understand any Japanese drama, so I really should shut up about it. (Mind you, I'd never want to watch ANY Japanese drama, even if I could understand it!)

Ouch. This blog entry has turned into a bit of a rant and I didn't mean it too. It's a sure sign that I need more sleep. So, on that note, I shall rise and go...where the golden slumbers happen. Sorry Mr. Stevenson. I couldn't change your verse very well. Sigh.

Night night.


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