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March 19, 2006 - Sunday

Cool, with snow, rain and wind.

A pretty good day, all told. I've been having some problems with the automatic keychain system in my computer. It's supposed to remember all of my passwords for me. Well, it was asking me for my operator password any old time, even when it wasn't supposed to! I didn't know what to do, so I deleted a file. I put it in the trash and it hasn't bothered me since. I'm not sure if I'll garbage it right away, but I might.

I was also out of the house or off the computer most of the day. I wasn't able to try re-installing the updates yet. I thought I'd wait until Fumihiko is at work for that! He already thinks I spend too much time on the computer.

When my computer crashed, I lost all of my bookmarks, so PLEASE, PLEASE send me your URLs for your blogs. I also lost all of my email addresses. If we correspond occasionally, send me an email and I'll add you to my address book. Sigh. Okay, Okay, I know, I should have backed everything up, but I didn't.

Lunch today was at the Daiichi Hotel. It was okay. I went upstairs after that and got some stuff at the hundred yen shop, and I bought 2 dvds in the DVD shop. So did Fumihiko! I got Something About Mary and A Mighty Wind. I haven't seen the latter yet: I hear it's a little like Spinal Tap, but for folk music. And, it has a lot of the same cast too! Fumihiko is going through a major Johnny Depp phase and got Finding Neverland and Corpse Bride.

We came home and watched Finding Neverland. I liked it as much as I did the first time, but like the first time, Fumihiko fell asleep on it. He swears that he didn't, but in my book, closed eyes and rhythmic breathing spell sleep!

After the movie we went out to have dinner. Tonight we went to Benkei, our favourite izakaya. We had most of our usual favourites and it was very good. Then I suggested going for coffee. I've been hankering to go to a place near our apartment so we tried. However, they were closed tonight. We turned around and went to Doutours in the Mall. I had a cappuchino (I'm getting VERY into those these days) and Fumihiko had regular coffee. It was nice to sit and chat.

We did a quick grocery run. The main part of it was to get a cheap kerosene ticket. Sundays the store sells tickets to get kerosene and they're cheaper on Sundays. Fumihiko bought bread, but he's so funny, he didn't just grab a bag, he picked up the same bag 4 times before deciding to get it. He wanted thicker slices, then thinner, then fresher, then maybe baked in the store. ARGH! Crazy man!!

We came home and watched another DVD. He wanted Corpse Bride, but I rebelled. We'd seen it just before Christmas and I didn't want to see it again. I picked Something About Mary. It was hilarious, but Fumihiko went to bed on it. He'd eaten a lot this weekend and was starting to feel the results of that. I finished watching the movie by myself. Poor me!

And that was that. I've been trying to rebuild my bookmarks and figure out my lovely computer! I have a lot of work to do on it. Hopefully I'll get some work done on it tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Night night.


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