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January 5, 2006 - Thursday

Bit snowy and windy.

A good day. As you might expect from yesterday's entry, I didn't go to bed until really late. It was around 5. Fumihiko got up and took out the garbage around 7 which shocked me. I didn't think he'd wake up.

I woke up next around 12 and got up and showered. When I came back to the living room Fumihiko was watching something in English on the TV. It turned out to be a retelling of The Snow Queen. Parts of it were really good, but parts were a bit....eeeeehhhh? Cheesy?

It didn't end until 4, so that's when we went out for breakfast! Yup, breakfast. We went to the evil yakiniku place...the make yourself a pig place. I didn't. However, the meat was really hard on my teeth. Ouch. After that we went to the mall! Fumihiko wanted to play coin games, so I let him do that, while I went shopping. I didn't expect to find anything I liked, so of course I did. I got a new cardigan. It's a pretty bluey-purpley colour and a sweatshirt-top with a hood. I like cardigans better than sweaters as I'm always overheating so I hope to get a lot of wear out of this one.

I went back to the amusement center and played coin games too for a while. I didn't have as much success as Fumihiko. He got a jackpot. Too bad it wasn't real money. Around 9 I got a little ticked off and asked if we could leave. I was getting bored. (Okay, I was waaaaayyyy past bored by then.)

We came home via the grocery store and then watched last night's episode of Desperate Housewives. Fumihiko took his bath and now we're going to have a late snack. He's hungry and I guess he "missed" his lunch and dinner so I can't argue too much.

That's it for me. Oh, tomorrow night I have a party with some of my ex-students so I might either post late, or not at all. Don't worry about me. It'll be fine.

Gotta go. Night.


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