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January 5, 2000 - Wednesday

I went back to work today. I was quite glad to get back. My morning had an interesting start though. Just as I was going to jump in the shower, the light bulb in my bathroom went out! I looked for another one, but I couldn't find it. My spare had mysteriously been used and not replaced by someone. (Me) So, this morning my shower was quite romantic. I took it by candlelight. Unfortunately I also tried to shave my legs by candlelight, which may not have been as successful as I thought.

I only had three classes today, one has changed to another day and one had cancelled. I did a lot of prep for one of my classes tomorrow. There was a feature in the Japan Times of some of the most famous photographs of the century, and we are going to talk about them.

After my classes today I did a bit of prep for my child student's lesson tomorrow.I hope it goes well. Then I came home and watched a bit of TV. And that's that. My day, in a few short sentences.

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