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January 5, 2004 - Monday

Clear, not too cold. Nice day weather wise.

Some days a song can just set you dancing and make your whole day. Well, for me, today was the day that it happened. I went out walking this morning as the weather was nice and it wasn't too cold. I was halfway along my route when Iggy Pop's Real Wild Child came on my iPod. What a blast from the past! That song was so cool when I was in College, and it still is! I was be-bopping along the street. It was so good that I even played it again when I finished my first 30 minutes of walking. I played it while I was using the post office banking I'm sure I'm on camera somewhere dancing around! Then, I played it while I was waiting on the corner for the lights to change! I'm sure the local drivers were wondering about the crazy gaijin dancing to her own drummer, but I was having a blast! And, one more time, when I got back to my apartment, I took off my jacket and sweatshirt and bebopped all over my apartment. So, my song for the day, dedicated to my friend Janet, and her friends at the time, Darren, Scotty, Gen and Derek, is, of course, Iggy Pop's Real Wild Child. Listen to it again! It's so darn good!

The rest of the day I spent doing laundry! 2 weeks without doing any meant I had a huge mound of unwashed clothing! I think I did five loads...I even had to take some stuff out of the washing machine one time because I overloaded it! There are wet clothes all over the apartment!

After I finished I got my groceries then left for the mall. I met Fumihiko and we had some coffee together. Then, we went for a lovely French meal to Bistro Des Points. Yum...I had roast duck, and today I actually got to have dessert as they had some strawberries for me. Yay!

We went back to the mall to play some coin games, then tried very hard to win a Disney face towel! It took us both a while, but we finally did get it! I went shopping and got myself a new purse in a store too. I wasn't sure about buying it, but then figured what the heck. It wasn't too expensive anyway.

After that, we came home, and that was my day. Definitely not a wild day, but that's okay! I remember that I can dance like a fool and be real cool! Every now and then I definitely need to be reminded of that!

Gotta go....gotta message that I gotta be the wild one!

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