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Philippians 1:20-21
"According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

  • NAME: Stephanie Mitchell
  • AGE: when i started this page- 14, now- 20
  • GRADE: when i started this page- 9th, now- about to graduate from college
  • AIM sn: jesusr0ck
  • E-MAIL:
  • FAVORITE PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE: Genesis 1:1- Revelation 22:21
  • FAVORITE AUTHORS (& BOOKS): theological- David Wells (No Place for Truth and God in a Wasteland are a great challenge for Christians today!), devotional- Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest has often provided an appetizer to get me back into the Word when I am tired or depressed), classic- Fyodor Dostoevsky (Crime and Punishment is my favorite), children's fiction- Louis Sachar (the Wayside School series has been one of my all-time favorites)

  • STUDIES: currently taking full credit load of GE necessary to get my AS in spring (at College of the Redwoods).
  • JOB: i am also working p/t at a dental office as a Registered Dental Assistant. i still do odd jobs (yard-work, baby-sitting, pet-sitting, dog-walking) evenings and weekends and may start giving music lessons.
  • HOBBIES: reading the Bible, talking to God, talking to people about God-- and everything else that makes being a Christian absolutely the most joyful life. music (i love theory and composition, playing different instruments, experimenting with different genres...), writing (when i get time it is yet another outlet of creativity), reading (i have been going through the classics to broaden my horizons), pet-sitting, and lots of other stuff... including myspace.

  • PETS: Lady, a Rottweiler, German Shepherd, etc. mix. Lemon, a flourescent yellow and green parakeet (people do ask so: yes, that is a kind of bird and yes, he can talk a little). Lang-sai and Legarçon the hamsters have been gone for a very long while, but their web-pages are still up. There's a lesson in each-- it's not all sad endings. :-)

    it's been almost seven years since this page started, and so much has changed. but everything has worked out for the best, so i know i can trust God to bring the best to pass... even if it isn't according to my plans!

    i do not often update this website-- for more current thoughts, writings, etc. please visit my college website-- tHE eXTREME gOSPEL or even better myspace.

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    Last Updated: April 9,2006