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Marlborough Forest Run

The Marlborough Forest is public park land located approximatly 20min south west of Ottawa Ontario in Canada and offers quite a few good trails and a couple realy good mud holes and bog's.

Larose Forest

The Larose Forest located about a 30min drive east on hwy 417 from Ottawa is a public park/forest as the name implies and consists of about 77,000 acres and has so many trails that people have actualy gotten lost in the park, so marking your route for easy exit or having a GPS is a good idea This park has trails for everyone from cars wanting to take a drive down some dirt roads to 4x4's and ATV's

Larose Forest in winter

Much the same as above but with a bunch a snow !

Grenville trail

These trails are actually a slew of public and forest acces roads in the hills just north of the town of Grenville in Quebec, Canada. Most of these trails are moderat as far as difficulty go but if you want some fun in the mud, spring is definetly the time to go... but you had better not be afraid of water.

The STUCK page

A few pic's of some trail rides where some of us got a bit stuck.

