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Andrews Creationism, Creation Science, Catastrophism, Evolution Quick Links (For more links, see the Index at left, or the Andrews Creationism Home Page)

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|| Anthropology - Archaeology || Archaeopteryx || Audio || Catastrophism || Coelacanth || Creation - Evolution Articles || Creation - Evolution Forums || Creationism - Creation Science || Creationists Home Pages || Creation Scientists || Dating || Day-Age Theory || Dinosaurs || Evolution || Evolution - Creation Links || Evolutionists Speak Out || Fossils || Gap Theory || Geology || Guestbook || Intelligent Design || Images || Mount Saint Helens || Online Books || Reference Shelf || Scientists || Transitional Fossils || Video || Young Earth ||
Anthropology - Archaeology > Top
Archaeology and Genesis (What does the record show?) Historical, Archaeological, Museum & Other Links (Many topics to explore - Bible, cultures, language, history, people, places)
Archaeology and the Bible - Christian Answers (Evidence supporting the Bible - Loads slow, but worth waiting for)  
Biblical Reliability in Archaeology - ChristianAnswers.Net (Also available in Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish) Lion of Judah Christian Apologetics (Topics include: Israel's archaeological treasures, Oriental Institute Research Archives, classics and Mediterranean archaeology, archaeological dating, Babylon, Megiddo, Josephus, Ebla, mysteries in the Bible, Egypt, Canaan, Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, New Testament, and more)
Biblical Archaeology Resources (Many links - organizations, resources, articles, news) Sacred Scripture (Archaeology, Ancient Near East, Biblical Books, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bible Studies, Hebrew Bible, Manuscripts, Languages, Images, Software, Journals, Libraries, Electronic Texts, Scholarly Societies)
Chimp and Human Similarities (Why Chimp-Human Similarities are Not Evidence for Evolution, by John Woodmorappe) The Bible, Archaeology, and the Christian Faith (Biblical Discoveries, Creation and Early Humanity, Old Testament Discoveries, Cylinder of Cyrus, The Moabite Stone, Hezekiah's Tunnel and more, by William W. Baker)
Archaeopteryx > Top
Archaeopteryx Is Not A Hoax (Archaeopteryx Is A True Bird, by Jonathan Sarfati)  
Archaeopteryx on (Short summary, from - other articles on Archaeopteryx from Discover, Science News, Ranger Rick, Newsweek, Daily News, and more) Transitional Fossil Species, Part II. Did Some Dinosaurs Evolve Into Birds? (Is Archaeopteryx a Valid Transitional Fossil ?)
Audio - Video > Audio - Video Files (for a more complete listing of media files) > Top
Apollo 11 Video Library (The First Lunar Landing - Videos including: Buzz Aldrin in the Eagle, command module undocking and manoeuvring, Landing on the Sea of Tranquility -- One Small Step, Neil Armstrong taking his first step onto the moon, and dozens more videos !) :: RealMedia Resources (Audio Files - Sermons, Scriptures, Back to the Bible, Children's Bible Hour, Inspiring Stories from Around the World, Middle East News Update, RBC Radio, TransWorld Radio, and more)
Answers In Genesis Ministries (Audio Recordings - Walls of Jericho, Can We Really Trust the Bible?, Dinosaurs and Genesis, more) Index of /bible/Audio Lessons (Many audio lessons you can download - David Bonner, David Smitherman, Don Patton, Kenneth Chumbley, and others - Wide variety of topics)
Answers In Genesis Ministries (Many audio recordings - Radioisotopes and a Young World, Conversion of An Evolutionist, Creation of the World, Science, Creation and Laws of Nature, Defending the Bible, Flood Waters, Design, Deluge and Dilemma, Noah's Flood, Woolly Mammoth, Catastrophic Plate Tectonics, Rocks, Fossils and the Age of the Earth, and more . . .) Ken Ham Broadcast Archivevs (Answers In Genesis with Ken Ham)
Audio files on (Audio Clips - Apollo 8, Cosmology and Red Shift, Dr. Morrow, an evolutionist, comments of the flaws with evolution, Intelligent Design, Polonium 218 halos, Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth, Starlight and Time, and more) Must-See Creation Sites (Many audio and video files - Debates: Gastrich, Krueger, Finley, Barker, Hovind, Pigliucci, Ham, Sarfati, Whitcomb - Creation Sermons by Miles McPhearson - Links)
Craig-Atkins Debate (What is the Evidence For or Against the Existence of God? - William Lane Craig versus Peter W. Atkins, with William F. Buckley, Jr., as Moderator) On-Site Videos and Quotes (You can view these videos online for free -- Textbook Fraud, Creation Evidence from Mexico, Creation Evidence from South America, Scientific Age of the Earth, Bibical Age of the Earth, Fossil Man, The Fossil Record, Record of the Rocks, What is Creation Science, The Laws of Science)
Creation Debate with scientists and evolutionists (Two videos - Video #3, 2 hours, Dr. Kent Hovind and Mike Schultz with Dr. Terry Prewitt and Nick Powers - Video #8, 2 hours 51 minutes, Dr. Kent Hovind with Dr. William Moore) Probe Ministries Radio Broadcast (Listen to a variety of online topics)
Creation Science Evangelism - Real Video (Excellent series of seven videos, by Dr. Kent Hovind: Age of the Earth, Garden of Eden, Dinosaurs, What is in the Textbooks, Evolution, Foundation for Communism, Nazism, Socialism, and the New World Order, Hovind Theory, Question and Answer Session -- You can download all seven videos for free) Question of Origins Video (Creation/Evolutionism - You can view the video online or download)
Creation Science Evangelism Seminar (Dr. Kent Hovind's Creation Science Seminar Online In RealVideo. You can purchase the 7-part multimedia seminar on CD for only $8.00, or the video tapes for $99.00, or download all seven seminars for free, to watch on your computer) Radio and RealAudio Programs in Creation Science (Radio programs include: Answers with Ken Ham, Creation Science Hour with Kent Hovind, The Stones Cry Out, Truths That Transform -- Audio files: Yale Conference, Wyatt Archeological Research, What's Wrong With Evolution, The Death of Evolution, Signs of Intelligence, Our Young Earth, Darwin's Black Box, Buried Alive - The Truth About Neanderthal Man, and many more)
Creation Science Evangelism - Truth Radio (Creation Science Evangelism - Media Archives on a wide variety of subjects: Richard Dawkins, Dr. Hovind, The Ark, Vestigial Bones, Cavemen, Carbon 14, Mommoths, Day-Age Theory, Manuscripts, Theistic Evolution, Canopy Theory, Fossils, Mars, Gap Theory, Darwin, Ice Age, The Hovind Theory, and much more . . . . ) (Radio shows online, online sermons, news, more)
Creation Teaching Audio Recordings (Good selection of audio recordings - Creationism, dinosaurs, radioactive, Grand Canyon, Noah Flood, Star Light) Soulcare Audio/Video Online (Many online presentations)
Creation versus Evolution (Video seminars from Dr. Don Patton, Dr. Kent Hovind, and Ken Ham - You can download) Stephen E. Jones: Phillip E. Johnson (Wide variety of articles, letters, reviews and audio files: Religion, God, Darwinism, Intelligent Design, Evolutionism, Debates on Evolution, God and Darwinism, AIDS)
Debate Between Atheist and Christian (Listen to the audio file = 112 minutes) Video and Movie Library (NASA's Video and Movie Libraries - includes clips of Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17)
Dinosaur and Human Co-existence: ARTWORK (Videos including: Dinosaur Figurines of Mexico, Dinosaur Art from Tombs in Peru, Dinosaur Art from Native Americans -- Also includes links and resources) Webcast (Listen to live discussions on Creationism)
Evolution Creation Debate (Audio Video Debates, transcripts, reports, debate help and resources) - BOOKS (Audio files, online books, images and articles you can download for free - Creation vs. Evolution Handbook in Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian, German, and Swedish)
Catastrophism > Top
Buried birth (Ichthyosaur giving birth fossilized) Evidence for a World-wide Flood (45 links - Fossils, Dinosaurs, Geology, Noah's Ark, Misc)
Catastrophes In Earth's History (Mt. St. Helens, Grand Canyon, Channeled Scablands, many Articles) Iceland's Recent Mega-flood (Interesting article about modern-day catastrophism, by Andrew Snelling, 1999)
Catastrophism and Mass Extinctions (Various articles discussing theories on the extinction of the dinosaurs)  
Catastrophism (Phil Burn, with many links) Tarawera's Night of Terror (Fascinating article about the 1886 erution of Mt. Tarawera in New Zealand, and the rapid formation of fossils and items that have been petrified in a short time, by Renton Maclachlan)
Coelacanth > Top
Coelacanth Hub (40 links to articles, pictures, posters and slides) Darwinism (Speculations About Coelacanths, with other articles - Classification, fossils, mechanisms of Darwinism, Origin of Man, Evolution and Thermodynamics, and more)
Coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae (From Australian Museum - Smith, 1939 - With references for further reading) - COELACANTH: THE FISH OUT OF TIME (Online videos of the coelacanth, and lots of information on the biology and behavior of the coelacanth)
Coelacanths, Living Fossils, and Evolution (By Emerson Thomas McMullen, very good reference list) Living Fossils (Coelacanth, living fossils, dinosaurs, other websites on the coelacanth)
Coelacanth - no evolution from this old fish (Crystal Clear Creation - Articles on nature, wildlife, and the world around you) Living Fossils - Spot the Difference (Short articles including the living Anadara bivalve and the fossil Anadara bivalve, Tuatara, Coelacanths, Bulmer's fruit bat)
Coelacanth project takes off - (Science & Technology, 12 April 2002) NOVA | Ancient Creature of the Deep | Anatomy of the Coelacanth | PBS (Anatomy of the Coelacanth - technical details)
Coelacanth: The South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity (Many articles, links, and resources on the Coelacanth - Coelacanth Fact Sheet, Anatomy diagram, NOVA's Ancient Creature of the Deep, Coelacanth postage stamps, Underwater of photography of coelacanths, and much more . . . . ) Sulawesi Coelacanth(The Discovery)
CNN - New sighting of 'living fossil' intrigues scientists - September 23, 1998 (From Correspondent Don Knapp - Includes an online video) The South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity (Coelacanths: Fact Sheet - Long article with detailed drawings and maps)
Creation Matters March/April 1998, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Living Fossils - How Significant Are They ?) The South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity (Coelacanths: The Discovery of the Coelacanth)
Creation - Evolution Articles > Top
Creation - Evolution Papers (Many essays on a variety of subjects - catagorized by author, subject, or date) Revolution Against Evolution Creation (Over 100 essays by author, on many topics relating to Creationism and Evolution)
Darwinism (Short History, Mechanisms of Darwinism, True Origin of Species, True Natural History, Origin of Man, Molecular Biology, Myth of Homology, Evolution and Thermodynamics . . .) Revolution Against Evolution (Over 100 essays by subject - Ancient literature, astronomy, fossils, intelligent design, paleontology, anthropology, dinosaurs, geology, early man, history, physics, and more)
Discovery Series Monographs Collection (Non-technical monographs written by Dr. Jonathan F. Henry - Days of Creation, Why Do Bad Things Happen?, Dinosaurs, Evolution, Dating, Noah's Flood, fossils) Selected Articles (Many interesting articles on the Bible, history, and creation)
Frequently Asked Questions Part III Stephen E. Jones: creation/evolution quotes, fossil record #2: Sudden appearance & stasis
Past Articles (Many articles from Creation In the Crossfire - Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Church History, Darwinism, Dinosaurs, Geology, Intelligent Design, Molecular Biology, Paleontology, Radiometric Dating) Theological Library: Creation (Many articles - creation, evolution, flood, FAQ's, genetics, history, homology, ice age, intelligent design, meteorology, natural selection, genetic variation, radiometric dating, scientific method, age of the universe, evolutionists quotations, gap theory)
Recent Problems in Evolution (Variety of articles on the problems in Evolution) Theory of Evolution (Many articles on the problems with the Theory of Evolution)
Creation - Evolution Forums > Top - Creation vs Evolution (Choose from a list of threads on various subjects) (Home Page)
ASA - September 2000: Re: Evidence Creation Museum Creation Science vs. Evolution Theory (Many threads to choose from - from CreationTalk)
Creation Discussion Forums (Various discussion Forums) Forums - Welcome (Choose from many different forums: Faith, Family, Fun, General, News, Parenting, People, Theology)
CreationEvolutionDesign DCForum+ Version 1.2 - Viewing topics in EVOLUTION (Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry - Choose from many different threads, and 40 different forums)
Creationism Messages (Archives from October 4, 1999 through the present) Evidence for God from Science Discussion Board (Discussion boards on various topics - Science and Theology, Origin of the Universe, Creation verses Evolution, Origin of Life . . .) (Debate - Creation Science vs. Evolution Theory) Intelligent Design (Your best argument for or against Intelligent Design)
Creationism - Creation Science > Top
Chinese Language Supports Creation Account (See how the Biblical account of Creation is written in the Chinese characters !! Fascinating evidence which supports the Bible and Creation) Frequently Asked Questions about Creation (200 Questions - Wide variety of topics: General Questions, Archaeology, Astronomy, Cosmology, Physics, Geology, Flood, Age of the Earth, Biological Evolution, Thermodynamics, Origins, Bible, Creationism, Society, Life on Mars)
Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia (Comprehensive list of hundreds of articles - Origin of Stars and Planets, Origin and Age of the Earth, Origin of Life, Evidence Against Evolution) Index of Creationist Organizations (Hundreds of links - Anthropology, Apologetics, Astronomy, Biology, Books, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Creation Organizations, Dinosaurs, Expeditions, Flood Model, Fossils, Geology, History, Intelligent Design, International, Mathematics, Ministries, Museums, Noah's Ark, Paleontology, and more)
Creationism (From, with many additional links) Links (Links from - Home Page Main Creation Science Web Links (Many links - Creation Research Society, Christian Answers.Net, Institute for Creation Research, Creation Science Movement, Creation Science Evangeism, Answer In Genesis, The Revolution Against Evolution, Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, The Young Earth Creation Club, The ARK Foundation, Creation-Science Research Center, Origins - Intelligent Design and Philosophical Theism, Creation Research, Creation Resource Foundation, and many more)
Creationism Connection (Very comprehensive website with hundreds of links -- Apologetcs, astronomy, audio-video files, Creationism, debates, Evolution, Kid's corner, biographies of present-day scientists who believe in the Creator, churches, geology, local Creationists groups, media sources and institutions, newsgroups and mailing lists, images, science news and research, tools, and much more . . . . .) Nature Study - Science Web Sites (Many links - Tutorial, Energy, Electricity, Gravity, Chemistry, Smithsonian Gem & Mineral Collection, Volcanoes, Ocean, Plants, Astronomy, Weather, Water Creatures, Birds, Electronic Zoo, Insects, Cells, Archaeoogy, Geography, Maps, Experiments, How Stuff Works, Museums, Lesson Plans, Magazines, Science History)
Creation Questions and Answers (Articles on many topics including: archaeology, genetics, geology, history, ice age, astronomy, mammoths, Charles Darwin, dinosaurs, natural selection, probabilities, thermodynamics and order, and more - from Answers In Genesis) Questions and Articles About Creation (Wide variety of topics - Origins, Creation, Archaeology, Astronomy, Cosmology, Physics, Geology, Flood, Age of the Earth, Biological Evolution, Thermodynamics, and lots more)
Creation Resources (Creation Super Library,, Creation Safaris, Biblical Archaeology, News from Israel, Online Religious Books, Online Bibles, Online Bible Study Tools, and more) Science and Creation (Mammoths, duck-billed dinosaur in Alberta, Big Bang, Questions about the Flood, new planet, Plesiosaurus, life on Mars?)
Creation Science Answers, Bible Explanations (Many interesting topics for discussion) Scientific Facts Against Evolution (Very comprehensive - Three volumes - Many topics)
Creation Science Evangelism (Many interesting topics: Value of PI, Gap Theory, Baptists and Amish, Contradictions in the Bible Part 1-6, dinosaurs, evolution, Flood, government, Chinese language supports Creation) Scientific Facts and Evolution (Evolution Cruncher, Wonders of Nature, guides, Creationists organizations, bookstore)
Creation Science FAQ (The Model, Problems with Evolution, Human Evolution, Creation Science, Myths . . .) Scientific Creationism/Evolution (Man's ancestors?, DNA, dating, dinosaurs, debate)
Creation Science Organizations (From The True.Origin Archive - Exposing the Myth of Evolution) Scientific Creationism (Frequently asked questions, glossary, evidence against evolution, rebuttals, Bible quiz, missing genes, sermons, Day-Age theory, online debate with Ken Ham, newsletter, links, books, and more . . . . .)
Creation, Social Science, and Humanities - Online Journals (Four Volumes, 282 articles - You can read online or download the entire set of archives) Theological Library: Creation (Many articles - creation, evolution, flood, FAQ's, genetics, history, homology, ice age, intelligent design, meteorology, natural selection, genetic variation, radiometric dating, scientific method, age of the universe, evolutionists quotations, gap theory)
Creation SuperLibrary [HOME] (Origins of Life, Origin of Species, Fossil Record, Origin of Humans, Education System, Dinosaurs, Catastrophe, Astronomy, Age Estimation, Bible) Wonders Nature 1 (Short articles on many amazing creatures - swiftlets, beetle, knife fish, underground flowers > Rhizanthella gardneri and Cryptanthemis slateri, gobies, moss, clownfish, and more . . .)
Creation Teaching Audio Recordings (Many audio recordings you can download for free) Wonders Nature 2 (bats, ants, birds, fish, whales, frogs, magnetic pigeons, and more . . .)
Days of Creation (Exegesis of the Days of Creation a Century Before and After Westminster, 1540-1740 - Well written article concerning questions from 200-463 years ago, often asked today) Wonders Nature 3 (fish, seeds, eel, weaverbird, moving slime, African honey guide, moths with sonar, puffin, and more . . . )
EvC Forum: Creationist Websites (Creation versus Evolution - Creationist Websites - Young Earth Creation Club, Apologetics, Research, Creation Science, Theory of Creation, Neanderthal Man, Creation Evidence Museum, Creation Research Society, Institute for Creation Research) - BOOKS (Many online books, articles, images and audio files you can download for free - Creation vs. Evolution Handbook in Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian, German, and Swedish)
Creationists Home Pages > Top
Creation Truth Foundation (Dr. George Thomas Sharp, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.) My Life After Darwin (By Dr. John R. Morgan, MD)
  Stephen E. Jones home page
Dr. Robert A. Herrmann's General Web Site (Professor of Mathematics, United States Naval Academy) WHITCOMB MINISTRIES, Inc (Dr. John C. Whitcomb)
Creation Scientists > Top
Andrew A. Snelling (Biography of Andrew A. Snelling, B.Sc (Hons), Ph.D., professor of Geology) Earth is NOT Billions of Years Old! (By Mark E. Howerter)
Articles by Creation Scientists (Hundreds of articles on many topics) Famous Scientists Who Believed in Creation (Many scientists who believed in Creation, and their contribution to science)
Bible believing scientists (Long list of scientists who believed the Bible - Gives their discipline and contribution to science) Former Evolutionists who became Creation Scientists (Biographies and links for nine former Evolutionists)
Biographies & Reviews (Over 40 biographies of creationists) Home Pages of Christians (Various home pages, including scientists, with many links)
Biographies of Creation Scientists (Short, but detailed biographies of 41 Creation Scientists) ICR Scientists (Biographies of scientists who support the Creation Research Society, Impact No. 86, August 1980)
Creationists of the Past (Short biographies of many scientists who believed in Creationism) In Six Days (Creation Science - Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation - Brief Biographies)
Creation Scientists and Other Biographies of Interest (Long list of scientists who believe in Creationism) INTERVIEW WITH DR. DIMITRI KOUZNETSOV (By Carl Wieland)
Creation scientists and other biographies of interest (Long list of scientists who believe in Creation - Includes longer biographies and more links) Scientists who Believe in Special Creation (Long list of scientists and their discovery)
Creation Scientists in the Biological Sciences (Short biographies of many Creation scientists)  
Creation Scientists in the Physical Sciences (Short biographies of many Creation scientists) Who's Who in Creation/Evolution (Creationists holding doctorates in science, with brief biography)
Creation Scientists (Rebuttal of bogus claims by evolutionists) Worldís Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (Introduction, by David F. Coppedge)
Creation Scientists with Outstanding Credentials (Short biographies and links for outstanding Creation scientists - inventor of the MRI, Dr. Raymond V. Damadian, geophysicist Dr. John R. Baumgardner, molecular biologist Dr. Ian Macreadie, agricultural scientist Dr. Raymond Jones, Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith who earned three doctorates, nuclear physicist Dr. Robert Gentry) World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1096-1642 - The Early Christian Roots of Modern Science - Biographies of pioneers of science, by David F. Coppedge)
Do Creationists Publish in Notable Refereed Journals? (By David Buckna - Answers In Genesis) World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1623-1872 - Long biographies with many links - By David F. Coppedge)
Do Creationists Publish in Notable Refereed Journals? (By David Buckna - True.Origin Archive) World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1550-1907 - Long biographies with many links - By David F. Coppedge)
Do Real Scientists Believe in Creation? - ChristianAnswers.Net (Partial list of Creationist Scientists, past and present) World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1822-1991 - Long biographies with many links - By David F. Coppedge)
Dr. John Baumgardner - Interview (Expert in the design of computer models for geophysical convection - B.S. electrical engineering, M.S. electrical engineering, Ph.D. geophysics and space physics) World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K to Y2K (1936-present - Long biographies with many links - By David F. Coppedge)
Day-Age Theory > Top
Age of the Earth & Universe - ChristianAnswers.Net (Is the Bible clear about the age of the earth and universe? By, Mark Van Bebber and Paul S. Taylor) Disciplines & Inventions by Creation Scientists (By Dr. Henry Morris, with more links)
Are the evolutionary theory and the Creation account in Genesis One compatible? (By Mike Scott, Mt. Vernon Church of Christ) Gap Theory (Reasons why the Gap Theory, the Day Age Theory, Progressive Creation, and Theistic Evolution are unbiblical)
Day-Age Theory (By Clint Brown)  
Day Age Theory (By Sidney C. Phillips, M.D., 1996) Six Days of Creation (Middletown Bible Church)
Day-Age Theory Revisited (Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.) Theistic Evolution and the Day-Age Theory (By Richard Niessen, March 1980 - ICR)
Dinosaurs > Top
Ancient Dinosaur Depictions on Stone (Many fascinating pictures depicting dinosaurs from various artifacts, Ffrom Genesis Park Exhibit Hall, Room 1 The Dinosaurs) Exhibit 23K: Petrified Forest
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute - The John Ankerberg Show (Dinosaurs, with Dr. Kent Hovind) Exibits - All 23 (Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology - Many links: dinosaurs, evolution, fossils, impact theories, extinction)
Are the Biblical Dragons Actually Dinosaurs? Existence of Dinosaurs - Contradict the Bible? (Historical and archaeological evidence of dinosaurs coexisting with man - lots of interesting images)
Artifacts of Live Dinosaurs (Courtesy of Dr. Javier Cabrera, professor of Medicine, and Dr. Don Patton, Geologist - Inca Burial Stones, Cllay Figurines found at base of El Toro Mountain, Mexico, Nasca culture in Peru Burial Cloths and Pottery, 700 AD) Fossilization (Fossilized Shark Teeth)
Blood Cells Found in Dinosaur Fossil? (Read about the fascinating finding of red cells, complete with blood vessel channels . . .) Fossil Record Questions and Answers - Creation SuperLibrary (The case against Evolution: Evolution, horse, dinosaur-bird, blood cells, missing links, Carbon-14, continental drift - Also in Russian and Spanish)
Did Dinosaurs and Man Co-exist (Radiometric Dating Discrepancies, Paluxy River Bed, T-Rex and Giants, Dinosaurs in Australia, Modern Sightings of Dinosaurs in Africa, Sightings in Ancient Times, The Amazing Coelacanth, Dinosaurs and Human Footprints in Russia) Fossils (Fossils - The Creationist's Best Friend: The Fossil Record - Many links)
Dinosaurs (Numerous articles and links - Walter Mitchell, DeYoung, Gibbons, Kent Hovind, J. Whitmore, and more) Four-chambered Heart Dinosaur Fossil Find! (By Dr. Carl Wieland)
Dinosaur and Human Co-existence: ARTWORK (Videos including: Dinosaur Figurines of Mexico, Dinosaur Art from Tombs in Peru, Dinosaur Art from Native Americans -- Also includes links and resources) Fresh Dinosaur Footprints in the Mud ? (Curious page with audio and video links)
Dinosaur Eggs (Nest of Theriznosaurus eggs) Genesis Park
Dinosaurs and Man? (Paluxy River Bed, Radiometric Dating Discrepancies, Leakey Skull, Grand Canyon Anomalies, Stones of Ica, Figurines from Acambaro, Mexico, Record of Job, Septuagint, Leviathan, Dragons and Sea Serpents) How Did Dinosaur Bones Turn Into Fossils? (Ramifications for Young Earth Flood Geology, by John Woodmorappe)
Dinosaurs and Man (Short summary, interesting pictures, and more links) Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology (Many articles, lots of good reading here - Archaeopteryx, Dinosauria, Dromaeosaurids, Evolution, Fossilization, Impact Theories, Extinction Events, Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, News and New Discoveries, Oviraptorids, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, Stolen Fossil Alerts, Tyrannosaurids)
Dinosaurs and the Biblical Flood (Many articles - Dinosaurs, Evolution News and Developments, Websites, Resources - Very good website) Main page for Human and Dinosaur Co-existence (Many interesting links with archaeological evidence - Ica Burial Stones, dinosaur art, ancient rock art, and more)
Dragon/Dinosaur Images (Images from the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA - Many beautiful pictures can be downloaded individually, or as a set - Photographs taken by Paul Abramson) Man and Dinosaurs (By Ken Ham, Andrew Snelling, and Carl Wieland)
Dragons - Dinosaurs (Dragons: Evidence of Recent Dinosaurs - Dinosaur footprints, drawings, petroglyphs, Ica Stones in Peru, figurines, more) Maybe Not Gone After All! (Essay with interesting historical petroglyph found at Natural Bridges, Utah, made by the Anasazi Indians, AD 400 -1300)
  More Evidence that Dinosaurs and Man Co-existed ! (Collection of short excerpts)
Dr. Hovind's "Creation Seminar" - Part 3b Dinosaurs Alive Today Myths & Monsters (Facts about dinosaurs in the ancient world, with faascinating historical pictures - From ProjectCreation)
Dynoglyphs (Dinosaurs in American Indian Petroglyphs - Lots of good images) Photogallery of the Dinosaur Figurines of Acambaro, Mexico (The Photogallery of the Dinosaur Figurines of Acambaro, Mexico, includes 75 pictures of figurines)
Evidence for a World-wide Flood (45 links - Fossils, Dinosaurs, Geology, Noah's Ark, Misc)  
Evidence for Creation: FOSSIL RECORD (Includes various topics: Trees Contradicted by Fossils, Embryonic Recapitulation, Transitional Forms Missing, Proposed Links Debunked, Systematic Gaps, Punctuated Equilibrium, Fossils Do Not Support Evolution - Includes quotes by evolutionists)  
Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time: Artifacts and Art work (Articles and pictures - Including audio/video links) Taylor Trail: Evidence that Dinosaurs and Humans coexisted (A series of 14 sequential human footprints on the same platform with at least 134 dinosaur tracks)
Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time (Numerous links with audio and video files) The Great Dinosaur Mistake (A Little More Evidence, by Kelly L. Segrave)
Exhibit 3: Family Tree Charts Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ: Part 1A (From The Talk.Origins Archive)
Exhibit 4: Fossils Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ: Part 1B (From The Talk.Origins Archive)
Exhibit 5: Transitional Forms World Site of Dinosaur Figurines of Mexico: evidence that dinosaurs and humans coexisted! (Pictures of dinosaur figurines, video on Dino Art in Mexico, and article on The Dinosaur Figurines of Acambaro, Mexico)
Evolution > Back to Main List
17 Evidences Against Evolution Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology (Many articles, lots of good reading here - Archaeopteryx, Dinosauria, Dromaeosaurids, Evolution, Fossilization, Impact Theories, Extinction Events, Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, News and New Discoveries, Oviraptorids, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, Stolen Fossil Alerts, Tyrannosaurids)
Abiogenesis (Is the Chemical Origin of Life a Realistic Scenario?) MP3 - Creation Teaching Audio Recordings - (The Significance of Mutations - Scroll to the bottom of page for the audio link
Biblical Evidence Against the Theory of Evolution Mutations (Short article with a few interesting links)
BreakPoint: Arguing With Evolution (10-part radio series with basic arguments against evolution - BreakPoint is a ministry of Prison Fellowship, founded by Chuck Colson) Neanderthals (By Curt Suplee, Washington Post)
Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia (Comprehensive list of hundreds of articles - Origin of Stars and Planets, Origin and Age of the Earth, Origin of Life, Evidence Against Evolution - Includes interesting statements made by scientists who believe in evolution!) Origin of Life Questions and Answers (Many articles dealing with the problems of Evolution, including a few technical papers)
Creation Model (10 Reasons To Believe) Piltdown (Frank Spencer)
Creation Science Organizations (From The True.Origin Archive - Exposing the Myth of Evolution) Problems with evolution (Darwin's Black Bos, by Michael J. Behe - Evolution: A Theory In Crisis, by Michael Denton)
Darwin's Dangerous Idea (Darwin's Philosophical Implications, Is Darwinism Anti-Christian?, Kenneth Miller, Roman Catholic Evolutionist, Stephen Jay Gould and NOMA, Darwin, Lyell and Billions of Years, What is Evolution?, The Information Problem, What is the Biblical Creationist Model?, Evolution in Action? Galapagos Finches, HIV Resistance to Drugs, Is There Bad Design?, Could the Eye Have Evolved?, Have Humans Evolved From Ape-Like Creatures?, Common Structures = Common Ancestry? - by Jonathan Sarfati) Scientific Facts Against Evolution (Very comprehensive - Three volumes - Many topics)
Does God Exist? Your Foundational Worldview (Explore the evidence - DNA, dinosaurs, uniformitarianism, ID, Big Bang, catastrophism, geology, human evolution, Piltdown Man, Proof of God, Second Law of Thermodynamics) Scientific Facts and Evolution (Evolution Cruncher, 3-Volume Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, Articles, Wonders of Nature, Guides, Creationists organizations, Bookstore)
Evolution (Cells, fossil record, DNA and RNA, Big Bang Theory, and more) SCIENTISTS SPEAK (Evolution Encyclopedia Vol. 3)
Evolution Creation Debate (Audio Video Debates, transcripts, reports, debate help and resources - Many links to check out)  
Evolution Cruncher (Online book with 24 chapters - Evidence of the problems with the Theory of Evolution) The "Ape-men" Fallacy (Reconstructions, Homosapiens, Neanderthal Man, Piltdown Man, Peking Man, Java Man, South African Ape-Man, Australopithecenes, East Efrican Fossils, Ramapithecus, Lucy)
Evolution: Fact or Bad Philosophy? (By Dan W. Reynolds, Ph.D.) The Predicament of Evolution (The Predicament of Evolution, written by George McCready Price, 1925, is a public domain book, available for online reading, and downloading)
Evolution from the Creationary Perspective (Introduction to Evolution - Many articles, definition, secular Evolution resources, Evolutionary organizations - Lots of links) The Problem of Nonfunctional Intermediates (Evolution's fundamental flaw, by Casey Luskin)
Evolution (Scientific evidence against Evolution: fossils, horse series, archaeopteryx, birds, genetic experiments, Recapitulation Theory, Origin of Life, whales, duck billed platypus, radiometric dating, carbon 14) The Profusion of Living Fossils (By Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. Hydraulic Engineering)
Evolution Test (10 Questions for your teacher) The Revolution Against Evolution (Apologetics, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Dinosaurs, Geology, History, Mathematics, Probability, Paleontology, Philosophy, Politics, Theology, and more)
Evolutionary Theory: the Big Problems! (Origin of Life - Fossil Record: Australopithecines, KNM-ER 1470, KP 271, Lucy, Neanderthan Man, Homo Erectus, Java Man, Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, and more) Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ: Part 1B (Comments from the Evolutionist' point of view)
Evolution vs. Design (Numerous articles include: Intelligent design, design in the universe, cosmology, design in biology, evolution rebuttals, descent of man, origin of life, problems with evolution, evolution and the Bible, morality) True.Origin Archive (Exposing the Myth of Evolution, Talk.Origins Archive Rebuttals, Guest Articles on Related Topics, Geology & Radiometric Dating, Biololy, Information Theory, Paleontology, Astronomy, General, Book Reviews, Creationists Answer Their Detractors, Beyond the Limits of Science, Feedback, Online Resources)
Frequently Asked Questions (Creation, Evolution, and the Bible) Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible (By Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., from The True.Origin Archive, Exposing the Myth of Evolution)
Genetic Mutations Q&A - Creation / Evolution (Numerous articles concerning mutations - several articles in Spanish) Why Is Abiogenesis Impossible? (From ChristianAnswers.Net, with excellent references)
Evolution - Creation Links > Top
29 Evidences for Macroevolution - Intro (Critique of Douglas Theobald's article, by Ashby Camp, "Introduction" - True.Origin Archive - There are five parts to this series) Hugh Ross, ICR, and the Bible (Impact #217 - This article shows how Hugh Ross seriously misinterprets Bible doctrines and teachings. This is a must-read article to understand the problems of Hugh Ross' teachings concerning not only Creation, but the Bible as well, by James S. Stambaugh, 1996)
Anti-Creationism Resources (Anti-Creationist Resource Sites, Articles, Online Books -- Home School, Debates, Field Trips, FAQS, Kid's Sites, Literature, Multimedia, Museums, Quotes, Radio and Audio, Research, Video and more - Viewpoints from both sides of the story) Living Fossils - Spot the difference (Short articles including the living Anadara bivalve and the fossil Anadara bivalve, Tuatara, Coelacanths, Bulmer's fruit bat)
Creation Questions and Answers (Articles on many topics including: archaeology, genetics, geology, history, ice age, astronomy, mammoths, Charles Darwin, dinosaurs, natural selection, probabilities, thermodynamics and order, and more) NewCreationism.Org - Articles (Collection of articles - Philosophical debate issues, creation, random challenges to Naturalism, and guest articles)
Creation Science on the World Wide Web  
David Plaisted's Creation Page (A Creation Perspective - population genetics, micro and macro evolution, protein structure, radiometric dating, cosmology, mutations, Creation Model, problems with Evolution, apes and men, Geology and the Flood) The Dubious Apologetics of High Ross (This article explores just some of the incorrect and untrue statements of Hugh Ross concerning scientific issues, by Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Astronomy)
  The Revolution Against Evolution - Chapter Index (Geology, proteins, DNA, cells, stars, planets, early man, Creation Model, archaeopteryx)
Exposé of the Genesis Question (This is an excellent article which clearly shows that Hugh Ross is not a Biblical scholar, along with many examples of biblical and scientific errors that Hugh Ross makes regarding Creation and the Bible, by Jonathan Sarfati) Top 100 Titles: Evolution & Creationism ("Evolution: A Theory in Crisis," Michael Denton; "Bones of Contention," Marvin L. Lubenow; Stephen Jay Gould; Charles Darwin; "Refuting Evolution," Jonathan Sarfati and Ken Ham; Richard Dawkins, and many more)
Hugh Ross, ICR, and Facts of Science (Impact #218 - This article shows some differences between what Hugh Ross believes and teaches, and the traditional and historical teachings of the Bible, by James S. Stambaugh) True.Origin Archive (Home Page - Introduction - Archives with Rebuttals including topics: Evolutionist Misconceptions, Thermodynamics, Global Flood, Moon, Creation, Stratigraphy, Geology and the Young Earth, Geologic Column, Dating, Retina, Abiogenesis, Peppered Moth, Homology, Information Theory, Whales, Dinosaurs, Skull KNM-ER 1470, Hugh Ross, and many other links . . .)
Evolutionists Speak Out > Top
12 Quotes from Leading Evolutionists  
Origins and Complexity of Life (More quotes by Evolutionists)
Evidence for Creation: FOSSIL RECORD (Includes various topics: Trees Contradicted by Fossils, Embryonic Recapitulation, Transitional Forms Missing, Proposed Links Debunked, Systematic Gaps, Punctuated Equilibrium, Fossils Do Not Support Evolution - Includes quotes by evolutionists) Philosophy Quote Collection (Quotes on Evolution and Creationism)
Evidence For Faith (Dr. Colin Patterson, Albert Fleischman, Dr. S. Lovtrup - Scroll to the bottom of the page for the quotes from these evolutionists) Quotes from Scientists Regarding Design of the Universe (Davies, Eddington, Ellis, Fritz, Greenstein, Harrison, Hawking, Hoyle, Jastrow, Kistiakowsky, Milne, O'Keefe, Parker, Penrose, Penzias, Polyakov, Rothman, Sandage, Schawlow, Tipler, von Braun, Woese, Zehavi)
Evolutionists Speak Out Against Their Theory (Quotes from evolutionists - Agassiz, Bonner, Bounoure, Certitude, Clark, Cohen, Conant, Darwin, Davies, Denton, Eisley, Field, Fleishmann, Fleming, Futuyma, Gould, Gower, Grasse, Hasard, Himmelfarb, Hoyle, Hsu, Hughs, Huxley, Jaki, Jastrow, Kaempffert, Kirk, Lambert, Leith, Lemoine, Lipson, Macbeth, Matthews, Mora, Nilsson, Patterson, Peters, Rosazak, Salet, Simpson, Sullivan, Tahmisian, Thompson, Watson, White, Wickramasinghe) Scientists Speak About Evolution 1 (Comments by many scientists who are not creationists)
  Scientists Speak About Evolution 2 (Comments by many scientists who are not creationists)
Fast and Young! (Interesting insights from the evolutionist, Professor William D. Stansfield) SCIENTISTS SPEAK (Evolution Encyclopedia Vol. 3)
General Evolution of Life Quote Collection (Many scientists, both Creationists and Evolutionists, speak on various subjects concerned with Evolution) Scientists Speak Out Regarding Evolution (Quotations from scientists on Evolutionism - Chain, Crick, Eldridge, Etheridge, Fleischmann, Gould, Hoyle, Matthews, More, Popper, Sunderland, Watson, Wickramasinghe)
Human Evolution (More quotes by Evolutionists, showing the many problems with the Theory of Evolution) The IDEA Club Fossil Record Quote Collection (More quotes about Evolution)
Fossils > Top
Articulated Fossils: Evidence of rapid fossilization and that the earth is young How Did Dinosaur Bones Turn Into Fossils? (Ramifications for Young Earth Flood Geology, by John Woodmorappe)
Caught in the Act: Freeze-frame Momentos from Ancient China (Gobi Desert - How were the Chinese dinosaurs fossilized, sand storms or catastrophic flood?, by Margaret Helder - Scrole down to the article)  
Creation Matters March/April 1998, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Living Fossils - How Significant Are They?) Paleontology (Fossils Do Not Prove Evolution, by Bruce Malone)
Dating Delemma: Fossil Wood in Ancient Sandstone (By Andrew Snelling) Patent for Fossilization (Patent is held by Hamilton Hicks, 1986)
Does Fossilization Require Millions of Years? (By Rick Balogh, professor of Geology and Science, Atelope Valley College) Petrified Flour (By Tas Walker)
Duane Gish-Fossil Record Petrified Wood In Only 370 Years !!! (Fossilized pilings in only 370 years - Beautiful pictures of the Santa Maria della Salute in Venice, Italy)
Evidence for a World-wide Flood (45 links - Fossils, Dinosaurs, Geology, Noah's Ark, Misc) Process of Fossilization (A good overview of the process of fossilization and different kinds of fossils)
Exhibit 5: Transitional Forms Rapid Fossilization
Exhibit 23K: Petrified Forest Rapid Stalactites? (By Stephen Meyers, and Robert Doolan)
Exibits - All 23 (Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology - Many links: dinosaurs, evolution, fossils, impact theories, extinction) Speed and Conditions of Fossilization (Short article by Bonnie Blackwell, 1995)
Fossilization (Process of fossilization - Fossilized Shark Teeth - more links) Spot the difference--fascinating living fossils (Pictures of living fossils, and brief overview)
Fossil Record Questions and Answers - Creation SuperLibrary (Evolution, horse, dinosaur-bird, blood cells, missing links, Carbon-14, continental drift) Study Questions on the Fossil Record
Fossils Formed Recently (How long does it take for something to fossilize?) Those Fossils are a Problem
Fossils (Fossils - The Creationist's Best Friend: The Fossil Record - Many links) - Creation vs. Evolution - Looking For Chang (Living Fossils - Wollemi Pines, Coelacanth, Nightcap Oak)
Fossils - Soom Shale of South Africa (Exceptionally preserved fossils, by Dr. Sarah Gabbott, Geology, University of Leicester, September 13, 2002) Tyrannosaurus Mummified Collagen Fibers in Fossil (Lengthly scientific paper with fascinating electron microscope images, by Mark Armitage)
Gap Theory > Top
Closing the Gap (Does the Gap Theory Support a Literal Genesis?, by Ken Ham - ICR) Gap Theory of Genesis Chapter One (Treatise by Jack C. Sofield with good bibliography)
Creation VS Evolution: The Gap Theory Explained (By Mark E. Howerter, "The Other Side of the News") Gap Theory (Reasons why the Gap Theory, the Day Age Theory, Progressive Creation, and Theistic Evolution are unbiblical)
Do You Interpret the Creation Account in Genesis Literally? (By Dave Root) Gap Theory - True or False (The Restitution Theory, The Ruin-Construction Theory, The Pre-Creation and Chaos Theory, by Travis Case)
From the Beginning of Creation - Does Genesis Have a Gap? (By Russell Grigg, 1997, includes audio recording with Geoff Stevens, along with references and notes - Answers in Genesis) Gap Theory (What is the Gap Theory?, by Henry M. Morris)
Gap Theory: An Idea with Holes? (By Henry M. Morris, PhD., December 1987) Genesis: Creation & the Gap (Short study with a PowerPoint presentation download, from the Hope Chapel)
Gap Theory (By Clint Brown) Is the 'GAP THEORY' a possible explanation for the long ages necessary for the Evolutionary theory? (By Mike Scott - Mt. Vernon Church of Christ)
Gap Theory (By Dave Root) Problems with the "Gap Theory" - ChristianAnswers.Net (Is the "Gap Theory" an acceptable way to harmonize the Bible and the geologic record? - Examines problems, evidence, Bible, Hebrew, grammar - with footnotes and illustraions)
Gap Theory (By Sidney C. Phillips, M.D., 1998) The Earth is NOT Billions of Years Old! (By Mark E. Howerter, "The Other Side of the News")
Gap Theory (By W.M.R. Simpson - Abstract, Introduction, A Look at the Language, Contradictions and Confusions, Observations in the Scripture, Consequences and Implications, Conclusion, with footnotes and acknowledgements, from the Logos Word) The Gap Theory (Middletown Bible Church, with helpful drawings)
Gap Theory (Can the geological ages be understood as occurring in a 'gap' between the first two verses of Genesis?) The Vital Importance of Believing in Recent Creation (By Henry M. Morris, Ph.D., June 2000)
Gap Theory (Detailed study with many helpful drawings, from The Middletown Bible Church)
Gap Theory (Examination of major problems with the Gap Theory, includes a PowerPoint presentation which can be downloaded) Understanding the gap theory (What is the gap theory? By, Tom Carpenter)
Gap Theory Has Big Problems! (The Gap Theory is unscriptural, unscientific, and unnecessary) What is the gap theory? (By Helen Fryman - Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry)
Gap Theory - Its Fallacies and Faults (By David V. Bassett, M.S.) What is the "Gap Theory?," Its Origin and History (From ChristianAnswer.Net, with footnotes and illustrations)
Gap Theory - No Support (Background history, position and problems) Why the Gap Theory Won't Work (By Henry M. Morris, November 1997 - Is the Gap Theory possible? - ICR)
Geology, Dating > Top
Coal: Evidence for a Young Earth Geology (Mt. St. Helens, Hawaiian lava flows, dating methods, polystrate trees, coal seams, more)
Coral Reefs (How Long Does a Coral Reef Take to Grow?) Geology and the Flood of Noah (72 links, by Christopher Wayne Ashcraft - Geology, Flood of Noah, Bible, Catastrophism, Uniformitarianism, Missoula Flood, Natural Wonders, Fossil Record, Sedimentary Rock, Geological Column, Index Fossils, Fossil Correlation, Fossil Sorting, Marine Fossils, Rapid Deposition, Rapid Erosion, Mt. St. Helens, Grand Canyon, Strata, Turbidite Deposits, Yellowstone Petrified Forest, Polystrate Trees, Rapid Coal Formation, Rapid Oil Formation, Dating, and more . . . Includes zip file for downloading)
Dating Delemma: Fossil Wood in Ancient Sandstone (By Andrew Snelling)  
Does Fossilization Require Millions of Years? (By Rick Balogh, professor of Geology and Science, Atelope Valley College) Greenland Ice Cores (By Michael J. Oard, 2001)
Earth Age (Age Dating Techniques and Resources - Young Earth Evidence - Old Earth Interpretations - Many links for each catagory) Global Flood Geology (Articles, Powerpoint lesson, Geology and the Flood of Noah, Geological column, pictures, more - from CSR)
Earth, How Old Does It Look? (By Carl Wieland)  
Evidence for a World-wide Flood (45 links - Fossils, Dinosaurs, Geology, Noah's Ark, Misc) Ice Age (Short article with more links)
Exhibit 7: Unconformities Iceland's Recent Mega-flood (Interesting article about modern-day catastrophism, by Andrew Snelling, 1999)
Exhibit 13: Dating Methods Lebendige Vorwelt (English and German) (The Lebendige Vorwelt Museum - A geological museum with emphasis on Creation, the Flood, and the Bible - Many links)
Exhibit 23c: Evidence of a Global Flood Missing Universe Museum - Evidence of a Global Flood (Billions of Fossils Buried Rapidly - Online Exhibits)
Exhibit 23K: Petrified Forest Tarawera's Night of Terror (Fascinating article about the 1886 erution of Mt. Tarawera in New Zealand, and the rapid formation of fossils and items that have been petrified in a short time, by Renton Maclachlan)
Exibits - All 23 (Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology - Many links: dinosaurs, evolution, fossils, impact theories, extinction) The Earth is NOT Billions of Years Old!
Geologic Column: Does It Exis? (By John Woodmorappe, 1999) Those Remarkable Floating Rock Formations (By Henry M. Morris, May 1983)
Geologic Phenomena are Rapid Young Earth Evidence: Rapid Petrifaction
Images - Online Books > Books Online > Top
Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive (NASA - Images Archives from June 1995 through November 2003, including: planets, Voyager, auroras, moons, nebulas, space missions, comets . . . ) Mount St. Helens Photos by the USGS, 1981 (Many great pictures you can download)
Books By Subject (Many online books - Biblical Law, Church History, Creationism, Education, Family, History, and more) NASA Multimedia (Collections NASA's Imagery Collections - Astronomy, Earth Science, Historical Collections, Life Sciences, NASA Video . . . )
Creation Science Graphics (Many graphics - Noah's Ark, Astronomy, Geology, Science, Creation Graphics, Cartoons, Computer Software) NSSDC PLANETARY IMAGE CATALOG (NASA images of the planets and their satellites, and comets)
Denver Museum of Nature (Evolution & Science Images by Paul Abramson) Online books (American Christian College & Seminary, with many topics for Apologetics - General Works, Philosophy, Psychology, Aesthetic, Ethics, Religions, History, Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Social Sciences, Political Science, Law, Education, Music, Fine Arts, Language and Literature, Science, Medicine, Agriculture, Technology, Military Science, Naval Science)
Denver Museum of Nature (Nature Images by Paul Abramson) Online Books in Creation Science (Very extensive list - Defense of Creationism After the Food, Evolution or Creation, Science and Faith, Creation vs. Evolution, Darwin's Mistake, Dinosaurs and Evolution, Evidences for Creation, Evolution Deceit, Evolution: Possible or Impossible ?, Flavius Josephus, Piltdown Man, Radiometric Dating, Science, Naturalism, & Origins - The Creation-Evolution Debate, The Darwin Papers, The Global Flood of Noah, The Great Dinosaur Mistake, Travels of Noah into Europe, and many more)
Dinosaur Pictures (Index of images of dinosaurs) Online Books Page (Home Page - Books Online, News, Features, Archives, The Inside Story
DINOSAUR PICTURES, Sibbick's dinosaur pictures (Many pictures of dinosaurs) Online Books Page (Thousands of books online)
Dinosaurs Images (Another index of dinosaurs images) Online Religious Books (Christian Classics, Christian Library)
Discovery Series Monographs Collection (Non-technical monographs written by Dr. Jonathan F. Henry - Days of Creation, Why Do Bad Things Happen?, Dinosaurs, Evolution, Dating, Noah's Flood, fossils) Picturesque Photo Albums (Many pictures - Israel, Jordan, London, Earth from Space, Grand Canyon, Greece, Arches National Park, Niagra Falls, and more)
Dragon/Dinosaur Images (Images from the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA - Pictures can be downloaded individually, or as a set) Raymond Fleshman's Photos of Mount St. Helens (Beautiful pictures you can download)
Dragon/Dinosaur Images (Photographs taken by Paul Abramson, at the Smithsonian Institute's Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA - Many beautiful pictures - Download complete set) Refuting Evolution (10 Chapter book by Jonathan Sarfati, Ph.D., F.M.)
Earth Group Page (NASA space missions - Apollo, Clementine, Galileo, Gemini) Canyon, Noah Flood, mutations) Space images from NASA (Images of the solar system, stars, and galaxies)
Images (These images are from the Smithsonian, NASA, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and other sources) Wikipedia:Public domain image resources - Wikipedia (Objects, Animals and Plants, Nature and Science, People, Locations, Art, U.S. Potage Stamps, General Collections, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized Links)
Mount St. Helens Photos by Andy McIntosh (Pictures by Dr. Andy McIntosh, professor of thermodynamics - summer 2001) - BOOKS (Audio files, online books, images and articles you can download for free - Creation vs. Evolution Handbook in Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian, German, and Swedish)
Mount St. Helens Photos by Andy McIntosh (Pictures by Dr. Andy McIntosh, professor of thermodynamics - summer 2001) - IMAGES (About 800 images - Dragons, NASA, Dinosaurs, Biology, Mount Saint Helens, Animals, Minerals, Evolution, Science, Old Photos and Drawings of People)
Intelligent Design > Top
Bimonthly Journals - Does God Exist? (Archive issues available for online reading from 1995 through 2003) Intelligent Design Theory Resources - IDEA Club (Discussions of Intelligent Design Theory, theories of origins, quotes, people, graphics, many other links)
Can Intelligent Design (ID) be a Testable, Scientific Theory? (Good article on ID - Includes links to other topics) Intelligent Design Theory: Why it Matters (By, Jay Richards, 1999)
Could Monkeys Type the 23rd Psalm? (By Russell Grigg) Intelligent Design URC (News updates, articles, and audio/video files)
Creation & Evolution Links from the Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness (IDEA) Club (Many links representing both sides of the issues) Irreducible Complexity (The Challenge to the Darwinian Evolutionary Explanations of many Biochemical Structures, by John Bracht)
Design as a Research Program, 14 questions to ask about design (William A. Dembski) Is Intelligent Design Testable? (By William A. Dembski)
Evidence For Design In The Universe (Colorful chart, easy to read and understand, listing 47 points of evidence for design - From "Limits for the Universe," by Hugh Ross, Ph.D.) Quotes from Scientists Regarding Design of the Universe (Davies, Eddington, Ellis, Fritz, Greenstein, Harrison, Hawking, Hoyle, Jastrow, Kistiakowsky, Milne, O'Keefe, Parker, Penrose, Penzias, Polyakov, Rothman, Sandage, Schawlow, Tipler, von Braun, Woese, Zehavi)
Evolution vs. Design (Numerous articles includ: Intelligent design, design in the universe, cosmology, design in biology, evolution rebuttals, descent of man, origin of life, problems with evolution, evolution and the Bible, morality)

Science and Design (William A. Dembski)
Frequently Asked Questions about Intelligent Design (By, Mark Hartwig) Stephen E. Jones: Phillip E. Johnson (Wide variety of articles, letters, reviews and audio files: Religion, God, Darwinism, Intelligent Design, Evolutionism, Debates on Evolution, God and Darwinism, AIDS)
ID as a Theory of Technological Evolution (William A. Dembski) The Inverted Retina: Maladaptation or Pre-adaptation?. Origins & Design (Michael J. Denton, Biochemistry Department, University of Otago, New Zealand)
Intelligent Design and Irreducible Complexity (Organizations, resources, articles, Anthropic Principle - Many links) Thinking About the Theory of Design (Articles from the Report on the Symposium, "Can There be a Scientific Theory of Intelligent Design?," Seattle, Washington, 1993, by Paul Nelson)
Intelligent Design Movement (William A. Dembski) When Junk DNA Isn't Junk
Mount Saint Helens > Top
Catastrophes In Earth's History (Mt. St. Helens, Grand Canyon, Channeled Scablands, many Articles) Mount St. Helens Visitors Packet (14 articles you can read online or download)
Lava Dome at Mount St. Helens (Is the Lava Dome at Mount St. Helens Really a Million Years Old?) Mt. St. Helens and Catastrophism (Impact No. 157 July 1986, by Steven A. Austin, Ph.D.)
Mount Saint Helens Layers (Geological Layers Laid Down Quickly Atop Mount St. Helens, by Loren Nelson) Mt. St. Helens A Voice for Creation
Mount St. Helens Creation Information Center (7 Wonders Museum, Silverlake, Washington)  
Mount St. Helens Photos by Andy McIntosh (Pictures by Dr. Andy McIntosh, professor of thermodynamics - summer 2001) Mt. Saint Helens - Key to Rapid Coal Formation?
Reference Shelf > Top
Biblical Creation Society (Scientific issues, theology, philosophy, design, archaeology, creation, Dawkins, links) Sacred Scripture (Archaeology, Ancient Near East, Biblical Books, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bible Studies, Hebrew Bible, Manuscripts, Languages, Images, Software, Journals, Libraries, Electronic Texts, Scholarly Societies)
Historical, Archaeological, Museum & Other Links (Many topics to explore - Bible, cultures, language, history, people, places) Internet Sites (Topics include: Apologetics, Archaeology, Cults, Cultural Issues, Education, Geography, Greek, Hebrew, History, Israel, Latin, Missions, Music, Prayer, Prophecy, Radio, Science and Origins, Search Engines, Writing . . .)
Links to Scholarly Biblical Studies by Ferrell Jenkins (Apologetics, Archaeology & the Bible, Bible Study Software & Tools, Online Bibles, Biblical Backgrounds, Criticism, Manuscripts, Translations, Books, Church History, Research, Evangelism, Greek Studies, Judaism, Maps of Bible Lands, Museums, New Testament Background, Old Testament Materials, Periodicals, Photos, Resources,Online, Study Materials, Theology)  
My Favorite Links (Collection of many links, by Charles Kimball) Wikipedia:Public domain image resources - Wikipedia (Extensive list of links -- Objects, Animals and Plants, Nature/Science, People, Locations, Art, U.S. Postage Stamps, General Collections, Miscellaneous, Uncategorized links)
Scientists > Top
Cosmology and Physics Quotes (Quotes by many scientists) Quotes on Evolution (Quotes from scientists regarding Evolution)
Michael Behe's Links (Darwin under the microscope, interview with Dr. Michael Behe, The Sterility of Darwinism) Scientists Speak About Evolution - 1 (Comments by many scientists who are not creationists)
Quotes from Scientists Regarding Design of the Universe (Davies, Eddington, Ellis, Fritz, Greenstein, Harrison, Hawking, Hoyle, Jastrow, Kistiakowsky, Milne, O'Keefe, Parker, Penrose, Penzias, Polyakov, Rothman, Sandage, Schawlow, Tipler, von Braun, Woese, Zehavi) Scientists Speak About Evolution - 2 (Comments by many scientists who are not creationists)
Transitional Fossils > Top
Are there any Transitional Fossils? There are no transitional fossils (From Answers in Genesis)
Hoping and Praying for Monsters (Humorous thoughts concerning the transtional fossils . . .) Transition Fossils? (Investigation concerning the gap in the fossil record - with comments from Stephen J. Gould and Dr. Colin Patterson, a senior paleontologist)
Problems of Building a Consistent Evolutionary Tree -- Evolution or Creation? -- Faith Facts (Fossil record, missing links, ape-men, embryology and more . . .) Transitional Fossil Species Part I
  Transitional Fossil Species Part II
Refutation of Boyce Rensberger's anti-creationist Washington Post article (Debate with Boyce Rensberger and Dr. Jonathan D. Sarfati, Ph.D.) Transitional Fossil Species Part III
Young Earth > Top
Age of Heavens and Earth (Middletown Bible Church) Rapid Stalactites? (By Stephen Meyers, and Robert Doolan)
Biblical Young Earth Creationism Salty Seas: Evidence for a Young Earth
Biblical Young Earth Creationism (Many articles and links) Science and Creation (Mammoths, Big Bang, Questions about the Flood, new planet, Plesiosaurus, life on Mars?)
Coral Reefs (How Long Does a Coral Reef Take to Grow?)
Earth, How Old Does It Look? (By Carl Wieland) Selected Articles (Many interesting articles on the Bible, history, and creation)
Earth is Young (By John D. Morris, Ph.D.) Testing the Theories (Liquefaction versus uniformitarianism, by Dr. Walt Brown)
Evidence for a Young Earth (Dendrochronology, genetics, population, Niagra Falls, carbon 14, and more) The Dubious Apologetics of High Ross (This article explores just some of the incorrect and untrue statements of Hugh Ross concerning scientific issues, by Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Astronomy)
Evidence for a Young World (Comets, ocean, magnetic field, fossils, helium) The Lost Squadron (This is a fascinating story about a group of P-38 Lightning figter planes and two B-17 bombers that crashed on the east coast of Greenland in 1942. The planes were buried in 250 feet of ice in only 46 years!! Read the story to find out more . . .)
Excerpts from Collapse of Evolution (Evidences for a young Earth, by Scott M. Huse) The Vital Importance of Believing in Recent Creation (By Henry M. Morris, Ph.D., June 2000)
Exposé of the Genesis Question (This is an excellent article which clearly shows that Hugh Ross is not a Biblical scholar, along with many examples of biblical and scientific errors that Hugh Ross makes regarding Creation and the Bible, by Jonathan Sarfati) Young Age of the Earth & Universe Questions & Answers
Fullerenes (Paradoxes in Sciences: Should Fullerenes Still Be Around if They Formed Many Millions of Years Ago?, by John Woodmorappe) Young Age of the Earth (Astronomy, moon, sun, atmospheric science, Botany, Geology, Glaciology, Oceanography)
Greenland Ice Cores (By Michael J. Oard, 2001)
How Did Dinosaur Bones Turn Into Fossils? (Ramifications for Young Earth Flood Geology, by John Woodmorappe) Young Earth Creation Club
Hugh Ross, ICR, and Facts of Science (This article shows some differences between what Hugh Ross believes and teaches, and the traditional and historical teachings of the Bible, by James S. Stambaugh) Young Earth Evidence: FAST and Young! (By the anti-Creationist, William D. Stansfield, Prof, Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic State University, with short exerpts including: Water from volcanoes, uranium in the oceans, helium in the atmosphere, meteoric dust, lava, pressure in oil reserves, human population dynamics, radiocarbon in atmosphere)
Hugh Ross, ICR, and the Bible (This article shows how Hugh Ross seriously misinterprets Bible doctrines and teachings. This is a must-read article to understand the problems of Hugh Ross' teachings concerning not only Creation, but the Bible as well, by James S. Stambaugh, 1996) Young Earth Evidence: Rapid Petrifaction

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