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Anthropology - Archaeology > Top
Amazing Discoveries in Bible Archaeology (Large Sites, Dead Sea Scrolls, Book Search, Small Sites, Noah's Ark) Biblical Archaeology Resources (Many links - organizations, resources, articles, news)
Ancient Technology (Evidence of an electric battery 2,000 years old, ancient acupuncture, advanced cultures) Biblical Archaeology Society (Online Archive, looters, finds, Iraq, lost items)
Archaeology and Genesis (What does the record show?) Chimp and Human Similarities (Why Chimp-Human Similarities are Not Evidence for Evolution, by John Woodmorappe)
Archaeology and the Bible - Christian Answers (Evidence supporting the Bible - Loads slow, but worth waiting for) Discover Archaeology (Biblical, Archaeometry, Epigraphy, Remote Sensing, Megaliths, Museums, Computing, Geoarchaeology, History, Underwater, Resources, and more links)
Archaeology and the Bible Q&A (Does archaeology support the reliability of the Bible?) Foundation for Biblical Archaeology
Archaeology Magazine Historical, Archaeological, Museum & Other Links (Many topics to explore - Bible, cultures, language, history, people, places)
Archaeology - Truth of the Bible (Archaeological discoveries - translation also in Arabic) Lion of Judah Christian Apologetics (Topics include: Israel's archaeological treasures, Oriental Institute Research Archives, classics and Mediterranean archaeology, archaeological dating, Babylon, Megiddo, Josephus, Ebla, mysteries in the Bible, Egypt, Canaan, Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, New Testament, and more)
Armageddon and Biblical Archaeology at Megiddo (Overview, Excavations, petrographic study, Real Videos of the Jezreel Valley, Megiddo, and others, Images) Megiddo: City of the Bible
Associates for Biblical Research: Biblical Archaeology (Archives, radio show, audio, video, digs, projects, questions and answers, resources) Madison Biblical Archaeology Society (MBAS) (Ancient Near East Studies, Palestine Gallery, Ancient World Cultures, Jordan Antiquity)
Athena Review Vol.3, no.2: Recent Finds in Archaeology: A Hoax in Japan (Good example of a recent hoax) (Archaeology, Bible Questions, Canaan, Ancient Israel Online Exhibit, Dig the Bible, Virtual Exhibit)
BASE Institute (Noah's Ark, Mt. Sinai, Ark of the Covenant) Noah's Ark? (By Cathy Casper - Article about four men who search for Noah's Ark)
Bible History Online (Links to many quotes - Study tools: Ancient Documents, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Israel, Near East, Rome, Bible Hible, Bible Searches, Languages, Jesus, Maps, Geography, Museums, Mythology, Weapons, World History, and more) Sacred Scripture (Archaeology, Ancient Near East, Biblical Books, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Judaism, Dead Sea Scrolls, Bible Studies, Hebrew Bible, Manuscripts, Languages, Images, Software, Journals, Libraries, Electronic Texts, Scholarly Societies)
Biblical Archaeology (Archaeological expeditions, excavations, Israel, Bible places, Canaan and ancient Israel, Biblical archaeology sites, Digs, Israel Museum) The BibArch Home Page (Tomb of King David, photo gallery, articles, music, Bible chronology, and more)
Biblical Archaeology (History of Israel, Holy Bible, Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, Messianic Prophecy, Josephus . . .) The Bible, Archaeology, and the Christian Faith (Biblical Discoveries, Creation and Early Humanity, Old Testament Discoveries, Cylinder of Cyrus, The Moabite Stone, Hezekiah's Tunnel and more, by William W. Baker)
Biblical Reliability in Archaeology - ChristianAnswers.Net (Also available in Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish) Wyatt Archaeological Research (Museum, books, videos, Noah's Ark, Sodom & Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai, Ark of the Covenant, Pyramid Building, newsletter, tours)
Archaeopteryx > Top
All About Archaeopteryx (From the Talk.Origins Archive - Technical paper on archaeopteryx) Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology (Many articles, lots of good reading here - Archaeopteryx, Dinosauria, Dromaeosaurids, Evolution, Fossilization, Impact Theories, Extinction Events, Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, News and New Discoveries, Oviraptorids, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, Stolen Fossil Alerts, Tyrannosaurids)
Archaeopteryx (Archaeopteryx a forgery? Again?)  
Archaeopteryx is NOT a Hoax (From Answers in Genesis, by Jonathan Sarfati) The Revolution Against Evolution - Chapter Index (Archaeopteryx, Geology, proteins, DNA, cells, stars, planets, early man, Creation Model)
Archaeopteryx on (Short summary, from - other articles on Archaeopteryx from Discover, Science News, Ranger Rick, Newsweek, Daily News, and more) Transitional Fossil Species, Part II. Did Some Dinosaurs Evolve Into Birds? (Is Archaeopteryx a Valid Transitional Fossil ?)
Creationism vs. Evolution, Evolution 101 - Lesson 10 (Short summary on Archaeopteryx and the Peppered Moth) What Was Archaeopteryx? (From In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, 7th ed., by Dr. Walt Brown, 1995, Center for Scientific Creation - includes pictures)
Coelacanth > Top

An account of the first living coelacanth known to scientists from Indonesian waters (By Mark V. Erdmann, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California) Living Fossils (Coelacanth, living fossils, dinosaurs, other websites on the coelacanth)
Coelacanth Filming Expedition. Using Inner Space Developments underwater housings for video cameras to film living Coelacanths. (Short summary) Living Fossils - Spot the Difference (Short articles including the living Anadara bivalve and the fossil Anadara bivalve, Tuatara, Coelacanths, Bulmer's fruit bat)
Coelacanth Hub (40 links to articles, pictures, posters and slides) Missing Links, Living Fossils (Article on the coelacanth, by Brad Harrub, Ph.D)
Coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae (From Australian Museum - Smith, 1939 - With references for further reading) Molluscan Pictures Forums - "The Second Coelacanth from Indonesia" (Short summary)
Coelacanths, Living Fossils, and Evolution (By Emerson Thomas McMullen, very good reference list) Natural History, Editor's Pick From the Past (Good article on the Coelacanth, A Fossil Comes to Life, from Natural History, May 1939, by Edwin H. Colbert)
Coelacanth - no evolution from this old fish (Crystal Clear Creation - Articles on nature, wildlife, and the world around you) NOVA | Ancient Creature of the Deep | Anatomy of the Coelacanth | PBS (Anatomy of the Coelacanth - technical details)
Coelacanth on (Magazines and Newspapers for Coelacanth, eLibrary) NOVA | Ancient Creature of the Deep | PBS (Several articles and quiz)
Coelacanth Printout- Enchanted Learning Software (Brief summary)  
Coelacanth project takes off - (Science & Technology, 12 April 202)  
Coelacanth: The South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity (Many articles, links, and resources on the Coelacanth - Coelacanth Fact Sheet, Anatomy diagram, NOVA's Ancient Creature of the Deep, Coelacanth postage stamps, Underwater of photography of coelacanths, and much more . . . . )  
CNN - New sighting of 'living fossil' intrigues scientists - September 23, 1998 (From Correspondent Don Knapp) See why Fish could not have Evolved into Amphibians (Coelacanth)
Creation Class #9 Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Simple slide presentation - Many topics including the coelacanth) Sulawesi Coelacanth(The Discovery)
Creation-Evolution Headlines from the Bible-Science Association (Coelacanth Fish Discovered - BBC report, Creation Matters, and the Lifving Fossil Museum - Scroll down about half way to find the article on the coelacanth) The Coelacanth (Article on the coelacanth and other links to the coelacanth)
Creation Matters March/April 1998, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Living Fossils - How Significant Are They ?) The South African Coelacanth Discovery The South African Coelacanth Discovery, from Science in Africa)
Creation Moments - Radio (Article on the coelacanth) The South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity (Coelacanths: Fact Sheet - Long article with detailed drawings and maps)
Darwinism (Speculations About Coelacanths, with other articles - Classification, fossils, mechanisms of Darwinism, Origin of Man, Evolution and Thermodynamics, and more) The South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity (Coelacanths: The Discovery of the Coelacanth) - COELACANTH: THE FISH OUT OF TIME (Videos of the coelacanth, and lots of information on the biology and behavior of the coelacanth) - Creation vs. Evolution - Looking For Change (Coelacanth, Wollemi Pines, Nightcap Oak) | Une nouvelle espèce de cúlacanthe (A New Species of Coelacanth, in French and English, by Laurent Pouyaud, Soetikno Wirjoatmodjo, Ike Rachmatika, Agus Tjakrawidjaja, Renny Hadiaty, and Wartono Hadie, 1999) Horizon Section (On the Trail of the Coelacanth, a Living Fossil, by Susan L. Jewell)
Dinosaurs > Top
Ancient Dinosaur Depictions on Stone (Many fascinating pictures depicting dinosaurs from various artifacts, Ffrom Genesis Park Exhibit Hall, Room 1 The Dinosaurs) Exhibit 7: Unconformities
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute - The John Ankerberg Show (Dinosaurs, with Dr. Kent Hovind) Exhibit 23K: Petrified Forest
Are the Biblical Dragons Actually Dinosaurs? Exibits - All 23 (Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology - Many links: dinosaurs, evolution, fossils, impact theories, extinction)
Artifacts of Live Dinosaurs (Courtesy of Dr. Javier Cabrera, professor of Medicine, and Dr. Don Patton, Geologist - Inca Burial Stones, Cllay Figurines found at base of El Toro Mountain, Mexico, Nasca culture in Peru Burial Cloths and Pottery, 700 AD) Existence of Dinosaurs - Contradict the Bible? (Historical and archaeological evidence of dinosaurs coexisting with man - lots of interesting images)
Blood Cells Found in Dinosaur Fossil? (Read about the fascinating finding of red cells, complete with blood vessel channels . . .) Fossilization (Fossilized Shark Teeth)
  Fossil Record Questions and Answers - Creation SuperLibrary (The case against Evolution: Evolution, horse, dinosaur-bird, blood cells, missing links, Carbon-14, continental drift - Also in Russian and Spanish)
Caught in the Act: Freeze-frame Momentos from Ancient China (Gobi Desert - How were the Chinese dinosaurs fossilized, sand storms or catastrophic flood?, by Margaret Helder - Scrole down to the article)
Creation Science Evangelism (Pictures of dinosaurs in the 20th century) Fossils (Fossils - The Creationist's Best Friend: The Fossil Record - Many links)
Did Dinosaurs and Man Co-exist (Radiometric Dating Discrepancies, Paluxy River Bed, T-Rex and Giants, Dinosaurs in Australia, Modern Sightings of Dinosaurs in Africa, Sightings in Ancient Times, The Amazing Coelacanth, Dinosaurs and Human Footprints in Russia) Four-chambered Heart Dinosaur Fossil Find! (By Dr. Carl Wieland)
Did dinosaurs and man coexist? - EvC Forum (Discussion forum - Lots of responses to read) Fresh Dinosaur Footprints in the Mud? (Curious page with audio and video links)

Dinosaurs (Numerous articles and links - Walter Mitchell, DeYoung, Gibbons, Kent Hovind, J. Whitmore, and more)
Dinosaurs (Thematic Units, many resources, links, free dinosaur games, books, multimedia, fossils) Genesis Park
Dinosaur and Human Co-existence: ARTWORK (Videos including: Dinosaur Figurines of Mexico, Dinosaur Art from Tombs in Peru, Dinosaur Art from Native Americans -- Also includes links and resources) How Did Dinosaur Bones Turn Into Fossils? (Ramifications for Young Earth Flood Geology, by John Woodmorappe)
Dinosaur Eggs (Nest of Theriznosaurus eggs) Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology (Many articles, lots of good reading here - Archaeopteryx, Dinosauria, Dromaeosaurids, Evolution, Fossilization, Impact Theories, Extinction Events, Legal Issues, Miscellaneous, News and New Discoveries, Oviraptorids, Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, Stolen Fossil Alerts, Tyrannosaurids)
Dinosaurs and Man? (Paluxy River Bed, Radiometric Dating Discrepancies, Leakey Skull, Grand Canyon Anomalies, Stones of Ica, Figurines from Acambaro, Mexico, Record of Job, Septuagint, Leviathan, Dragons and Sea Serpents) Main page for Human and Dinosaur Co-existence (Many interesting links with archaeological evidence - Ica Burial Stones, dinosaur art, ancient rock art, and more)
Dinosaurs and Man (Short summary, interesting pictures, and more links) Man and Dinosaurs (By Ken Ham, Andrew Snelling, and Carl Wieland)
Dinosaurs and the Biblical Flood (Many articles - Dinosaurs, Evolution News and Developments, Websites, Resources - Very good website) Maybe Not Gone After All! (Essay with interesting historical petroglyph found at Natural Bridges, Utah, made by the Anasazi Indians, AD 400 -1300)
Dinosaur Images (Index of dinosaur images) More Evidence that Dinosaurs and Man Co-existed! (Collection of short excerpts)
Dinosaur Pictures (Another index of dinosaur images) Myths & Monsters (Facts about dinosaurs in the ancient world, with faascinating historical pictures - From ProjectCreation)
Dragon/Dinosaur Images (Images from the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA - Many beautiful pictures can be downloaded individually, or as a set - Photographs taken by Paul Abramson)
Dragons - Dinosaurs (Dragons: Evidence of Recent Dinosaurs - Dinosaur footprints, drawings, petroglyphs, Ica Stones in Peru, figurines, more)  
Dr. Hovind's "Creation Seminar" - Part 3b Dinosaurs Alive Today Photogallery of the Dinosaur Figurines of Acambaro, Mexico (The Photogallery of the Dinosaur Figurines of Acambaro, Mexico, includes 75 pictures of figurines)
Dynoglyphs (Dinosaurs in American Indian Petroglyphs - Lots of good images)
Evidence for a World-wide Flood (45 links - Fossils, Dinosaurs, Geology, Noah's Ark, Misc)
Evidence for Creation: FOSSIL RECORD (Includes various topics: Trees Contradicted by Fossils, Embryonic Recapitulation, Transitional Forms Missing, Proposed Links Debunked, Systematic Gaps, Punctuated Equilibrium, Fossils Do Not Support Evolution - Includes quotes by evolutionists) Taylor Trail: Evidence that Dinosaurs and Humans coexisted (A series of 14 sequential human footprints on the same platform with at least 134 dinosaur tracks)
Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time: Artifacts and Art work (Articles and pictures - Including audio/video links) The Great Dinosaur Mistake (A Little More Evidence, by Kelly L. Segrave)
Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived at the same time (Numerous links with audio and video files) The Great Dinosaur Mystery (TM) - Eden Communications (Discovery trail, answers, fun & games, exploring, resources, for teachers, audio)
Exhibit 3: Family Tree Charts Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ: Part 1A (From The Talk.Origins Archive)
Exhibit 4: Fossils Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ: Part 1B (From The Talk.Origins Archive)
Exhibit 5: Transitional Forms
World Site of Dinosaur Figurines of Mexico: evidence that dinosaurs and humans coexisted! (Pictures of dinosaur figurines, video on Dino Art in Mexico, and article on The Dinosaur Figurines of Acambaro, Mexico)
Fossils > Top
Articulated Fossils: Evidence of rapid fossilization and that the earth is young How Did Dinosaur Bones Turn Into Fossils? (Ramifications for Young Earth Flood Geology, by John Woodmorappe)
Caught in the Act: Freeze-frame Momentos from Ancient China (Gobi Desert - How were the Chinese dinosaurs fossilized, sand storms or catastrophic flood?, by Margaret Helder - Scrole down to the article)  
Creation Matters March/April 1998, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Living Fossils - How Significant Are They?) Paleontology (Fossils Do Not Prove Evolution, by Bruce Malone)
Dating Delemma: Fossil Wood in Ancient Sandstone (By Andrew Snelling) Patent for Fossilization (Patent is held by Hamilton Hicks, 1986)
Does Fossilization Require Millions of Years? (By Rick Balogh, professor of Geology and Science, Atelope Valley College) Petrified Flour (By Tas Walker)
Duane Gish-Fossil Record Petrified Wood In Only 370 Years !!! (Fossilized pilings in only 370 years - Beautiful pictures of the Santa Maria della Salute in Venice, Italy)
  Process of Fossilization (A good overview of the process of fossilization and different kinds of fossils)
Evidence for a World-wide Flood (45 links - Fossils, Dinosaurs, Geology, Noah's Ark, Misc)  
Exhibit 5: Transitional Forms Rapid Fossilization
Exhibit 23K: Petrified Forest Rapid Stalactites? (By Stephen Meyers, and Robert Doolan)
Exibits - All 23 (Journal of Dinosaur Paleontology - Many links: dinosaurs, evolution, fossils, impact theories, extinction)
Fossilization (Process of fossilization - Fossilized Shark Teeth - more links) Speed and Conditions of Fossilization (Short article by Bonnie Blackwell, 1995)
Fossil Record Questions and Answers - Creation SuperLibrary (Evolution, horse, dinosaur-bird, blood cells, missing links, Carbon-14, continental drift) Spot the difference--fascinating living fossils (Pictures of living fossils, and brief overview)
Fossils Formed Recently (How long does it take for something to fossilize?) Study Questions on the Fossil Record
  Those Fossils are a Problem
Fossils (Fossils - The Creationist's Best Friend: The Fossil Record - Many links) - Creation vs. Evolution - Looking For Chang (Living Fossils - Wollemi Pines, Coelacanth, Nightcap Oak)
Fossils - Soom Shale of South Africa (Exceptionally preserved fossils, by Dr. Sarah Gabbott, Geology, University of Leicester, September 13, 2002)
Tyrannosaurus Mummified Collagen Fibers in Fossil (Lengthly scientific paper with fascinating electron microscope images, by Mark Armitage)
Transitional Fossils > Top
Are there any Transitional Fossils? There are no transitional fossils (From Answers in Genesis)
Hoping and Praying for Monsters (Humorous thoughts concerning the transtional fossils . . .) Transition Fossils? (Investigation concerning the gap in the fossil record - with comments from Stephen J. Gould and Dr. Colin Patterson, a senior paleontologist)
Problems of Building a Consistent Evolutionary Tree -- Evolution or Creation? -- Faith Facts (Fossil record, missing links, ape-men, embryology and more . . .) Transitional Fossil Species Part I
  Transitional Fossil Species Part II
Refutation of Boyce Rensberger's anti-creationist Washington Post article (Debate with Boyce Rensberger and Dr. Jonathan D. Sarfati, Ph.D.) Transitional Fossil Species Part III

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Andrews Archaeology - Anthropology - Fossils first created December 7, 2003 ~ last updated Friday, December 26, 2003

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Credits for images - NASA,, Australian Museum Fish Site, Creation Science Resource, Photos by R. Fleshman,, Michael Myers
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