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Anaheimers Q&A's

Hiyas! The Q&A's at the Con were lots of fun and at the same time thought-provoking. Now it's time for us Anaheimers to contribute. Share an experience. Answer the questions. To fill out a form click here.

What did it feel like meeting them Forumlanders?
Who left a big impression?
(doesn't have to be just one)
What was your fave Q&A and why?
Any purchases?
Fill in the blank. This Convention made me ____________________.
What have you learned from the con?
(anything goes)
More Answers from FLers


What did it feel like meeting them Forumlanders?

CARIE: I came to the Con alone and somewhat fearful (as this was my first), but left very rich in newly acquired friendships.

BEC .. AJM#16: I was very impressed. No one except Gypsy looked like I had imagined, but everyone was beautiful and friendly and although I don't post much was very excited to meet me.

LADY MAURA:It was a very neat feeling, kind of like a big family reunion! People that I have never met before were giving me hugs!

AJM: Scary. Seriously? Fun and satisfying. Honoured. Lucky. All of the above.

VARIAN: Well, since I missed the big group meeting in Huntington ABC, I was forced to introduce myself (which I am terribly uncomfortable with) to every person I met with one of Gigi's beautiful nametags. Other than Miss L., Kasandra, BikerBabe, and Mareva, I doubt I could match a face to a name! At first I felt like I was butting in all the time, but, eventually, I decided to have fun and not worry about it!!

MDOATB: Pretty darned keen!! I had never posted before the Con, and it was nice to be able to come play on this delightful sight whilst already being able to "see" who I was talking to!!

MAREVA: Our Forumlander Gathering was, for me, one of the high points of the whole Con. One of the main reasons I wanted to attend was to meet all you guys. I'm not even going to attempt to list all the people who made a great impression on me. It's gonna take some gathering together of other people's photos to help me get faces and names straight. But right off the top of my head, BJ, AJM, Ravenmerc, BikerBabe, LittleNut, Taz, Varian, BrightGirl, RichieLuvr, Mistress Rose, the Trolls, the Frus, the Wenches, the Methos Wives, the 'Anon'-landers...the list is endless. For me, it truely was one of the best times at the Con, getting to meet everyone.

KAREN FORMETHOS: Just wonderful! The first person I met in the flesh was Littlenut and from that moment on I knew it was going to be great! One thing that I thought was interesting was how many forumlanders seemed to remind me of someone. It wasn't that they reminded me of anyone in particular, I just had the ongoing feeling that I had met them somewhere before. (it was kind of like a homecoming) I also thought I might find it strange to meet people in person or that the faces wouldn't match my mental image but that just wasn't the case. It was just so wonderful to meet everyone! I was touched that folks seemed happy to meet me even though I am but a newbie.

RAEVEN: Wonderful and terrifying. Wonderful to put faces to names and terrifying because I am quite shy in person.

JEANNE ROSE: Very interesting. Some people fit their names immediately, others just took a little bit of adjustment, and a few took, well, more adjustment. In a way it was hard because it is easier for me to be judged only on what I write rather than what I say or look like, but it was absolutely splendid to sit in a room full of people and look around and see people I "knew" and feel like a part of something great. I can't imagine what the Con would have been like as just a single fan not knowing anyone.

TAZ: It was beyond fantastic !!! Everyone surpassed my wildest expectations in the best way possible !!!

MACARUIN: Like coming home.

METHOS WATCHER: Bloody AMAZING! The ForumLander party felt like one huge family reunion. And all weekend, we ForumLanders would shout hellos across rooms, save spaces in lines, cheer each other on as we stood to ask questions... I hated leaving.

CLAUDIA: Everybody was amazing, and half the fun was adding what I know about people from their posts to what I learned about them in person.

BIKER BABE MACFRU: For me that was the best part of the con. Like getting together with 130 close friends!

GEMMA MACWENCH: Thrilling and didn't hurt a bit. Not even a little bit scarey. Just super nice people.

GYPSY MACNUT: Who?..hehe, j/k. Feeling of warm fuzzies and generous hugs from everyone. It was great seeing everyone again and meeting new friends!

Who left a big impression?

CARIE: Biggest impression was left on me by BJ (he's wonderfully open and kind); and Jezebelle and Mareva (such beautiful souls; Mahalo).

BEC ..AJM#16: BIG JOHN from Indiana ROCKS!

LADY MAURA: I guess I would have to say that my room-mates left the biggest impressions. They were all so great... Aaerile, Teufelin, Sneaker....Thanks! Oh and BJ, He is just so genuine!

AJM: PW, RD, AV et al. Con-goers? They know who they are.

VARIAN: Anthony DiLongis(sp?), whip dancer extraordinaire!!

MDOATB: Anthony DeLongis. Great sense of humour, and boy-oh-boy, can that man move!

MAREVA: Peter Wingfield. I was a fan before. But now it's serious. What a guy! So intelligent, so witty, so involved in the part. Such thoughtful answers. And Myles Ferguson. What a totally neat kid. Why can't my kid be like that?? Then there was Anthony ("it's all in the wrist") DeLongis, Whip-Cracker and show tune singer extraordinaire. What a hoot that guy and his lady are! I'm definately looking forward to keeping in touch with them in the future. We had some fun times with them in the bar and have a mutual friend.

KAREN FORMETHOS: And who left a big impression? (doesn't have to be just one) PW (see below), VP (so funny and willing to spend time with all of us), PH (so nice) and, of course, the Forumlanders! (BJ ROCKS!)

RAEVEN: Every forumlander I met. Would never had gone if it hadn't been for you all. And especially the ones spent most of the weekend with and sat with during the Q&A.

JEANNE ROSE: I assume you mean FL's. Well, really that would have to be the people I happened to see more than once - starting with my roomies, MacKinney and Claudia, and then Big John, who I sat next to at several Q & A's, and AJ, and Biker Babe, and Godiva, and Gemma, and Mareva, and Oubliette, and Gigi, and Raeven, and Bright Girl, and Mimi, and Riot, and golly, who else? well, AC MacFru, who was quite different than I expected, and Methos Watcher, and Ancient One, and gads, I can't remember any more at the moment.

TAZ: Peter Wingfield, who just gets more amazing with every passing moment. *Every single* Forumlander that I met. You !!!

MACARUIN: Everyone I met was wonderful. Of course, I found the whole wench tribe to be especially fun...Calla, WMMW, imb room 103 rocked. My roomie Gemma was as nice as I knew she would be...and I got to me my trolls, Maxie(my favorite gal-pal), Tuna, Trollie, Snick it was great.

METHOS WATCHER: EVERYBODY! ForumLanders, Peter Wingfield, Peter Hudson, Valentine Pelka, Jim Byrnes, Anthony De Longis, Myles Ferguson, EVERYONE! Oh, and I have to say a BIG Thank You to TunaTroll for giving me her Watcher pendant when she realized I didn't have one! (A Watcher without a Watcher symbol - imagine that!)

CLAUDIA: The actor who made the biggest impression on me was Peter Wingfield. The forumlander who made the biggest impression on me was BJ, whose wonderfulness defies description, seconded by Jeanne Rose, McKinney, Bright Girl, Methos Watcher, Godiva, AJM and Littlenut.

BIKER BABE MACFRU: Of the celebs? I was really impressed with Jim Byrnes. His album doesn't even do him justice compared to the concert at the con. I've also become more aware of Anthony DeLongis and will watch more closely for his work in the future. Valentine Pelka impressed by being such a "regular guy". He struck me as someone I'd like to have as a RL friend.

Of the Forumlanders? No way I could choose!

GEMMA MACWENCH: Valentine Pelka was the biggest surprise to me after seeing him walking around the convention and at church Sunday morning. He's to sweet to be Kronos but then again it shows just what a good actor he is. I like him.

After putting names to faces of FLers there were no surprises. All the wonderful personalities were the same as online.

I had a great time hanging with Macaruin my roomie and Kasandra, Calla, Imbrium, Webmistress, Brigit, Sneaker, Linda, Oubliette, Orion, Raeven, Riot, Biker Babe, Hilndrlvr, t-bird, Mistress Rose and her family, Jewelsll, Les Morjan and dear Scottie and just everyone I talked to. I know I will forget someone if I try to start naming everyone but every meeting of a forumlander was a special thing and I will treasure it.

GYPSY MACNUT: Everyone that had the nerve to stand up and ask the stars questions like: Big John, Bright Girl, Bec and RichieLover MacNut!!!

What was your face Q&A and why?

CARIE: Favorite Q&A was definitely PW's. He was insightful and genuinely awed by the love fans have for his character and what he brings to the role. Also, wish I could have taped the sword demo; I simply love the choreography and beauty of the sport.

BEC .. AJM#16: Had to be Peter Wingfield. He was honest and genuine and he gave deep felt answers. He gave a lot of himself.

LADY MAURA:I would have to say that Adrian's was my favorite. He actually would not have had to say anything...he could have just stood there!

AJM: PW. Thought about questions and gave entertaining, spontaneous answers.

VARIAN: I really enjoyed the sword choreography session the most. I've just always liked the martial arts. Really made me want to get back to it!!

MDOATB: Gotta be the bad guys, for everything from Myles (who looked like he was having fun without being overwhelmed by the attention, and who also displayed a certain amount of poise and humour), to VP (who I kept thinking looked familiar {I'm TV-less about 8 months out of the year, so I STILL haven't seen Revelations or Comes a Horseman} until I realized that he was deBracy in A & E's Ivanhoe, and who impressed the socks off of me in that excellent adaptation), to the ever quiet and dry PH, for being quiet and dry. I also have to state that I missed Sunday, so I didn't get to see PW, which may very well have changed this overly-wordy answer. :-)

MAREVA: Peter Wingfield. He had such enlightened things to say, and took time to think the questions through. Then, of course, the Sword Demo with the unexpected visit by Adrian Paul. What a dream come true for me. To actually watch them choreograph a fight sequence at the spur of the moment. Got some great action shots.

KAREN FORMETHOS: PW, of course! I love the Methos character (obviously) but was so happy to find that PW not only has the same depth and thoughtfulness of his character (hey! it *could* have just been great writing/acting) but he also appreciates the role of Methos and the opportunties it presents.

RAEVEN: Jim Byrnes and Roger Daltry. They seemed the most relaxed and at ease with the audience.

JEANNE ROSE: Once again, dear, I'm torn between Adrian and Peter. I liked them both, but for very different reasons. Adrian was just so fun to watch - he practically radiated energy, and has a grin that's just infectious and is just too gorgeous to be real. He worked the crowd, yes, but it was so much fun! I could close my eyes for hours afterward and his face was there, alive and glowing. It was so lovely to watch the expressions change across his handsome features. Peter was also lovely to look at, but in a more calm, deep way - you could sort of drink him in. He felt like someone who could actually know. I loved listening to his accent, and to his thoughtful, reflective answers. I love that he thinks about Methos as much as we do - now wouldn't it be fun to have HIS input on one of our deep philosophical Forum discussions? Personally I believe Adrian is also quite capable of the same, but that wasn't how he chose to project himself this time.

TAZ: Peter Wingfield (is my bias showing?)!!! He is soulful !!!

MACARUIN: Had to be AP's. I was just fascinated to watch the man move so very close to me. He is so full of life and tons of fun. PW was my second fav, a very insightful guy.

METHOS WATCHER: Do you really need to ask?! Peter's, of course! Why? Besides the fact it was PETER? He was incredibly thoughtful in his answers and did his best to answer them thoroughly. Not a whole lot of questions got asked because his wonderful answers were so long, but some didn't need to be asked, because he covered them while answering a different question. He was also incredible when we asked him to sprawl! (THANK YOU, CLAUDIA!!) Incredulous at first - "You want me to *sprawl*?!" - but incredible for doing it! Thanks, Peter!

CLAUDIA: Peter's - because he takes his job seriously.

BIKER BABE MACFRU: AP - just getting to watch him in person, and not in the DM mode. I'm not sure which I'm more in love with.

GEMMA MACWENCH: We of course it was Adrian's because he was just so up for this convention and he did a super job of energizing the whole thing.

GYPSY MACNUT: PW sprawling on the couch and asking for a beer, AP calling AV "Elizabeth" by mistake, I really can't pick just one they were all fantastic!

Any Purchases?

CARIE: *That River* of course (should have had it before now); glossies of AP; The Adrian Tapes from 2nd season; AP mouse pad and the Watcher Chronicles.

BEC .. AJM#16: Ha Ha! Are you kidding? I spent $170.00 just in the dealer room. Pictures, knife, back Peace Issues, magazines....

LADY MAURA:Nothing huge...just some issues of Peace, that I had missed! and a picture for Adrian to sign!

AJM: Some pix for referencing my watercolours. Many, many drinks at the bar. The fishes were free.

VARIAN: Both blooper tapes. Laughed so hard I had to watch them 4 times to get everything!!

MDOATB: I bought two mugs for two friends of mine in AZ whose transmission blew out two weeks before the con, thus making it financially impossible for them to attend (I STILL haven't called them--I'm afraid if I tell them what a good time I had I'll get lynched!)

MarevaA Watcher pendant, a hairtie, the 2nd HL CD, some back issues of PEACE, and membership renewal to PWFC. Oh yeah, and a South Park bumper sticker (Cartman Rules!--Cheezy Poofs), couldn't pass that up.

KAREN FORMETHOS: Blooper Tape #2, Watcher necklace, lots-o-photos (PW, PW & VP), the books (can't find them up here), JB's CD, and non-HL t-shirts (MST3K anyone?)

RAEVEN: Here and there. Pictures, blah, blah, blah... Lots of stuff for other people mostly.

JEANNE ROSE: Just a few lovely pics - one of everbody, I think - and I noticed after the fact that in every one I picked out the character is LOOKING at you. Hmmm.

TAZ: HA!HA!HA!HA!HA! I'll give you the tally when I finish sorting through the stuff !!!

MACARUIN: Of course. I bought the Celtic Eternal life necklace to match my tattoo, bunches of photos, the 3 audio episodes and another AP button, one can never have too many.

METHOS WATCHER: Let's see... I came with $170, left with $40. What do you think? :o) I bought 2 copies of "That River" - one for me, one for Mom; the 2nd blooper reel, WAY too many pictures!, a PWFC membership, a "Methos Rocks" pin, some food, a bumper sticker for my sis & bro-in-law... oh! and I handed over my credit card number to the HL store to pre-order Season 5...Scary, I know! But if they screw up, I'll jump on 'em so fast their heads will spin! :o)

CLAUDIA: Photos, Photos, and the Poster used in "Return of Amanda" to advertise her cabaret act.

BIKER BABE MACFRU: I bought a sword and the loft tapestry!

GEMMA MACWENCH: Just pictures and more pictures. I should have bought jewelry and season IV tapes but just not enough time.

GYPSY MACNUT: LOL, of course! All the HL books,and lots of pictures for autographs.

Fill in the blank. This Convention made me ______________.

CARIE: This Convention made me .. Happy that I got up the nerve to do this.

BEC .. AJM#16: This Convention made me--really appreciate all the work that goes in to make these cons possible. Poor Carrie stood at that peace table constantly and Morjan spent all her time trying to get us to follow instructions. I wish I had gone to other conventions(smaller). It made me want to better myself-take fencing lessons, get into Tai Kwan Do. Get skinny!

LADY MAURA:This Convention made me -- think that there are still some really great people out in the world and they all have the same obsession as me!!!

AJM: This Convention made me: tired, stressed, angry, amused, charmed and excited. can we do it all again please?

VARIAN: This Convention made me an even bigger HL fan than before!!

MAREVA: Exhausted and braindead. No, it made me realize how wonderful the Forumlanders really are. Friendships for life were forged at that Con. And there should be laws agains having that much fun. It is an experience I will NEVER forget.

KAREN FORMETHOS: Count the moments until the next get together.....wish I lived closer to other FLs...happy I spent money I didn't have to attend (boldly casting aside all good sense!)...wish I could have been about 20 places at the same time while I was there...look forward to reading everyone's report on the Forum!

RAEVEN: This convention made me realize that true friends don't have to live nearby.

JEANNE ROSE: This Convention made me feel like I've been to Neverland. I don't know how else to put it.

TAZ: Happy to be a small part of such a wonderful group of people (Forumlanders and HL fans)!!!

MACARUIN: Even more happy and honored to be a part of this great forum and to be a fan of Highlander.

METHOS WATCHER: This Convention made me grateful that I'd spent the money and time to attend. Also grateful that my last roommate got me addicted to Highlander in the first place. AND grateful for the 'Net! Thanks to the Forum, I've made so many friends that I never would have found if it hadn't been for Highlander, Methos, and the Forum. I wouldn't have missed this for anything, and I hope we can do it again sometime!

CLAUDIA: This Convention made me cry . . . more often than I'd like, and about an amazing variety of things.

BIKER BABE MACFRU: This Convention made me a few hundred bucks poorer, but thousands of bucks happier.

GEMMA MACWENCH: This Convention made me high on life and friendships and Highlander fans.

GYPSY MACNUT: This Convention made me very tired.

What have you learned from the con?

CARIE: Quite simply reminded me that, yes, people from all walks of life, who share a common interest, can come together and just have a good time.

BEC .. AJM#16: People everywhere are generally the same. We all have the same problems and find joy in the same things. We have the capability to feel very deeply for each other as well as the actors we admire. We have a lot of fun, even when everything doesn't go very well. Adrian is even more wonderful and beautiful in person. PW is Methos We need to make sure we innundate EG with fan mail. Alex Vandernoot didn't know we loved her character so much or she said she might not have left the show. A huge percentage of us are disfunctional in relationships. Bodyguards suck!



-Flying isn't so bad!

-You can always count on Clan sisters!

-Highlander is not just another show

AJM: I've learned that sleep is over-rated. Everyone at the Forum is generous beyond words. Big John Rocks. Fish are not aero-dynamic....and - as you say yorself - anything goes.

VARIAN: I learned that SK really is a decent human being; AP can look like a 5 year old AND a 40 (almost) year old *simultaneously*, and that next time I'm staying at the convention hotel!!

MDOATB: That being w/o a TV for 8 mos a year is a really, really, really bad thing, and that I really, really, really need to get caught up on what's been happening on the series!

MAREVA: I learned that internet friends are for real. Also, that many of the the Stars commented that Highlander fans have a higher level of intelligence and are much better behaved than Trekkies. That they actually seem to respect us and share our joy. I learned that when attending a Con you need to stay at the same hotel that the Con is being held at. I learned that it is very important to keep track of your rolls of film so they don't get lost. And that it is impossible to listen, take pictures, and take notes all at the same time at a Q&A.

KAREN FORMETHOS:Stay at the con hotel....go to the PWFC parties...Forumlanders are GREAT!

RAEVEN: I think the most valuable lesson I learned from the con is that I belong right where I am. California traffic is really scary!!!

JEANNE ROSE: Uh, that I'm dang good at keeping my expectations from getting away from me, and in some cases it's probably a self-fulfilling profacy, but still better than being disappointed. And that living in the moment and sucking all the marrow out of life is a very good way to go through a convention, and maybe other times too. So I only have one roll of film. So I don't have any notes. I have memories, and lots of them. And even when they fade, I still have the flavor of them, which was rich and good and not tingled with regrets that I should have enjoyed it more while I was there. I did. To the fullest I could.

TAZ: That sometimes going into debt for an obsession can be a *good* thing (LOL)!!!!!

MACARUIN: I learned that you can read a name for months on end and not know how to pronounce it. ;')

METHOS WATCHER: What have I learned? OY. Take a roll of 800 film for the dealers' room! Take a telefoto lens for the Q&As! Never be afraid to speak at a Q&A - you won't necessarily make a fool of yourself - and you may surprise yourself! I know I did. Don't be afraid to approach the stars when you see them out and about - most of them are sooo nice and approachable! I learned I can survive on 6 hours of sleep out of a 72 hour weekend, and minimal food. I learned that you should ALWAYS go to the PWFC party! You never know who might show up! :o) (I'm still kicking myself for that! Why didn't I go?! Oh well.) Hold an autographed pic at arm's length until you're ABSOLUTELY sure the ink is dry! ALWAYS stay in the hotel where the con is being held - it's a ton of fun, and simplifies things. Above all: Worrying before the Con wastes energy, and HAVE FUN!!

CLAUDIA: Talk to everybody, try to keep calm, and enter raffles (I won a shirt autographed by Peter Wingfield - and he signed it "Methos"

BIKER BABE MACFRU: Though I knew it already, that Forumlanders are the best people. That HL:TS touches everyone very differently. That HL:TS has a very diverse fan base, but something about the show brought everyone together in such a positive spirit (it was almost overwhelming).

GEMMA MACWENCH: Always bring you trusty little tripod folding stool if you want an autograph, bring food in line and don't get out of line for anything. Others give up and leave and you move up and get your autograph if Adrian decides to stay even after closing time. What a sweet guy.

Don't pack so much so you won't be dragging around luggage that weighs a ton. Dress casual, casual.

GYPSY MACNUT: That a body can actually endure without having time to eat or sleep!

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