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March 30, 2003

The best news!!! My mom finally gave in, and I get my own domain name! about a week or two, will be up! *yays* Until then...I'm mostly going to be working on the tCoS, OotF, and Te no more updates for a while.

However...some other cool news...some of my graphics are going to Art Districts Friday. ^.^

Rufus is better chocolate covered!






Ah, my true love. The beautiful art of fanfiction...otherwise known as taking a story and totally screwing it up to suit your pleasures. Yes, some people may say that fanfiction is for the devil...but I love it, and I love the stuff I can do (like make Sephiroth and Aeris fall in love). 

So read my stuff...send me an email or instant message telling me whatcha think...and enjoy.


Final Fantasy VII
>>Sebben Crudele Mi Fai Lan Guir
>>Portrait of Cloud's Mind
>>Act I Scene VI
Final Fantasy VIII
>>Imperfect Future
>>Cherished Future
>>Room: Final Fantasy
>>The Perfect Man
>>Final Fantasy High School
Star Wars
>>Crash and Burn
>>A Jedi's Eulogy

Personal Stuff
>>About Me
>>Fan Fiction
>>Fan Art
>>contact me