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March 30, 2003

The best news!!! My mom finally gave in, and I get my own domain name! about a week or two, will be up! *yays* Until then...I'm mostly going to be working on the tCoS, OotF, and Te no more updates for a while.

However...some other cool news...some of my graphics are going to Art Districts Friday. ^.^

Rufus is better chocolate covered!





About Me...

Name: Katy "Empress Katarina Decimus" Space Kitty W.

Age: 18

Height: 5'0"

Eyes: light green

Hair: short, dark red

Occupation: Student and gamer

Religion: non-denomination Christian

Hobbies: Role Playing, Drawing, Reading, chatting on yahoo or mIRC, visiting countless message boards, and theatre

Current Obsessions: Sephiroth (as always) 18th century satire, the spring play (Kokonut High), and naturally, Max.

Current Game: The Legend of Dragoon

Current Music: Hoobastank

Current Song: Remember Me, by Hoobastank

Current Movie: The Matrix, LotR: The Two Towers

Current Book: Anything by Alexander Pope or Jonathon Swift

Favorite bands: Jars of Clay, Hoobastank, NFG, Creed

Favorite Singers: Jennifer Knapp, Michelle Branch, Vanessa Carlton

Video Games: Any and all Final Fantasy...or RPG's, for that matter

Teachers Aide
College US II
Algebra II
A.P English Literature
Creative Writing
Contemporary Issues

Extra school stuff: Drama Club, Quiz Bowl, Art Club

Best Friends: Max, Amy, Nicole, Justin, Mike, Ken

Future Plans: College at SMSU...majoring in Anthropology

Favorite Food: ranch dressing

Favorite color: red, silver, purple, black

Favorite Magazines: Rolling Stone, Premier, SW Insider, SW Gamer

Personal Stuff
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