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Something Intelligent Here

Dawn is...well, I can't really explain it.  She is a woman who is sexy, beautiful, intelligent, fun, warm, cruel, and any other number of flattering adjectives I could use.  Like a tornado she stormed into my life and turned it upside down and inside out.  I've never in my life met a woman who has affected me and changed me as much as Dawn. 


Look at her.  Just the most Godawful beautiful woman I've ever met.  Relaxed, down to earth and just chill.  She has made me do more thinking in the two years since I've known her than in the whole 28 years before I met her.  We basically ran away together to Australia to find out if we were right for each other.  Well, I found out she was right for me. 


While in Australia, I had experiences you wouldn't believe.  But, the one experience that will never leave me was getting to know this queen inside and out.  Well, at least I thought I knew her.  Maybe I was/am just kidding myself.  Maybe nothing was ever there.


Epiphanies are scary things.  If you've ever had one you know what I'm talking about.  Every thing is perfectly clear, you know exactly what has to be done to make you happy.  I know what I need to make me happy.  Ah fuck none of this is coming out right.