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Chapter 3

Chapter Three-A New Beginning

Two months had passed since the accident. I was wheelchair bound for another three to six months according to the doctors. I let out a long sigh and looked over at AJ.

"Isn't there anything to do?" I asked, whining slightly.

"Stop whining." AJ replied with a smirk.

He had been going over the song with me. Had been, until I interrupted him.

"Hah ha." I said sarcastically.

He reached under a table and pulled out a couple sheets of handwritten music. I went over it and looked at him.

"Someone gonna play it?"

With a chuckle, he replied, "Yes."

A smile spread acrossed his face. Kevin walked in, a little baby girl in his arms. My eyes went wide in amazement.

"Oh wow..." I said.

Kevin and Kristin never called to tell me that they had a daughter. I glared at him.

"Thanks for telling me CUZ!"

"Well...." He started with a grin as he handed his daughter to AJ.

"Dump the girl off on me...Brian Jordan, get down from there now!" AJ scolded Jordan as he climbed on the table.

"Sorry daddy." He said as he got down and pouted.

"Doesn't work that way...Amanda, babe, can you take Jennifer?" AJ looked over at her.

"Sure thing AJ." Amanda smiled as she took Jennifer.

She sat over next to me and showed her to me. I held her for a little while and looked up at AJ and Kevin, who were probably going over the music for the song. Kevin sat down at the piano and started to play. AJ had a bass guitar that he played, but he, too got on the keyboards and started with the music. I listened and started to like the edge it had.

"Wow." I said.

AJ smiled faintly and turned the keyboard off.

"Glad you like it, Cuz. Took AJ and I a lot of long nights comin' up with the perfect sound." Kevin laughed as Jennifer poked my nose.

"Hey...the baby can beat me fair." I pouted and looked at her.

She was smiling and giggling up a storm.

"She's beautiful Kevin." I whispered.

Leigh and I always wanted kids, but we never had any. It made me upset greatly that I would never have kids to call my own. I could re-marry, but I loved Leigh so much. I just couldn't do that to her. I sighed and handed Jennifer back to Amanda, who handed her back to Kevin. Jennifer rolled her eyes and hugged Kevin.

"I'm gonna go outside." I said softly as I wheeled my way out onto the front porch.

There, I assume, I fell asleep because I later awoke inside the house. I looked over at the alarm clock and grumbled. It was nine o' clock in the evening and no one had even bothered to wake me up. I managed to get myself into my wheelchair and back out to the living room, where I saw Kevin and AJ leaning over a photo album. I knew right away when it was. Kevin's wedding pictures, my wedding pictures, and AJ's wedding pictures. We had all decided to put our favorite pictures in a photo album for us all to look at. It went to one person's house and stayed there until someone came to take it to their house. It was how we planned it. It was supposed to be sort of a keepsake game. Maybe to see who was the most forgetful of the three of us. AJ had had it and now, I guessed, it was Kevin's turn.

"Real nice guys, don't wake me up." I grumbled as I wheeled my way over to them.

They yawned and looked at me.

"Sorry Brian..we figured you needed your rest. With what little you've been gettin' lately." AJ said with a small grin.

I knew he was tired. It showed in his dark brown eyes. AJ never really let someone get down too far without pulling them back up. He was always good at that. No matter what people say about him just based on appearance, AJ is one of the nicest and most considerate men I have ever met in my life. I don't think anyone other than Kevin, AJ, Howie, and Nick would have stayed by my side the way they have. My whole point for saying that was that even when AJ is tired, he'll still try to make a person feel better by doing something. Even if it just means giving them a smile. Howie and Nick had finally contacted me. Once they heard, they were devastated. They both were busy with lives of their own now, so they didn't manage to come and see me. But I knew that I was in their hearts as well as Leighanne.

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