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Vitamin C 

It has been extensively tested in vitro and in vivo for its ability to prevent the adverse effects of, decrease resistance to, and increase the effects of chemotherapeutic agents. Combined administration of vitamin C (1g/kg) and vitamin K given prior to chemotherapy increased survival and the effect of several chemotherapeutic agents in a murine ascitic liver tumour model.26 The vitamin combination did not increase the toxicity of these agents to healthy tissue. Splenic and thymic weights of the vitamin-treated animals were higher than those receiving cytotoxic treatment alone, suggesting an immune-stimulating action of the vitamins. As well as being safe to use concurrently with chemotherapeutic agents, vitamin C has also been shown safe to be used concurrently with radiation.


Most Significant Things Learned From a Great Journey

Firstly having faced death, I am not scared of it. I believe I am alive today because of how I took each step through the cancer experience. I discovered the vital and deadly role of toxins in the onset of cancer, but I also truly learnt that every cloud has a silver lining. It was a voyage of discovery which led me to a real understanding of my particular journey on this earth. My first responsibility is to heal myself. Only then can I really heal others. I have learned to create space for myself and take better care of myself instead of always reaching out to help others. I tread more lightly and respectfully on the planet and I am more at one with my environment. I have learned just to be, but outside my haven the realities of life carry on in a noisy, violent world where we have allowed the abnormal to become normal.



The First Difficulty I Encountered 

 The first four people I told, three of whom were practitioners, didn’t handle my news effectively and as a result I told few others, not even my family, until months later. What I needed at that moment was somebody to say "what can I do to support you through this?". I was unable to cope with even one more person mishandling my news. What became paramount was that I retained some kind of control in this seemingly uncontrolled situation. I did not want to give all my power away to the doctors and surgeons. It was important not to feel a victim and not to own the cancer. Instead of saying, "I have cancer", I would say, "I have been diagnosed with cancer"

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