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National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Cosmetic / Dental Reconstructive Support Programs

||| Dr. Marc Yune ||| Dr. Dina Giesler ||| NCADV ||| Give Back A Smile ||| Putnam General Hospital |||Yolonda Frederick ||| |||Kara Blair ||| AAFPRS ||| |||They Might be an Abuser If... ||| How and Why I Fought Back ||| "THE 2005 PEAS PROJECT" |||After Surgery Photos||| ||| Resources |||

Help domestic violence survivors reclaim their self esteem with a free makeover sponsored through the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence in Denver, CO (, and the Academies of Plastic Surgeons and Cosmetic Dentists.

Its' a MIRACLE ! These are my before and after photos from my surgery on February 11, 2005 at Putnam General Hospitol, performed by Dr. Marc Yune and their wonderful staff, especially Orville and Celia. My recovery was, although not without pain or discomfort, progressed rapidly and I am so thrilled with the results. I tell everyone that I am making lemonade from my lemons, especially after standing up to my abusive ex-boyfriend and standing up for domestic violence survivors. See my recovery photos at |||After Surgery Photos|||

HAPPY NEW YEAR NEWS 1/9/05 - Putnam General Hospital (located in Eatonton, GA near Lake Oconee, 706/485-2711) and staff, CRNA (anesthesia), Orville Rickard, RN and Celia Covington have graciously and generously donated their facilities and services for my facial surgery scheduled for February 11, 2005.

Putnam General Hospital, open since 1968, won the Hometown Health Hospital of the Year Award in 2002-2003. Their mission statement, which includes "making a difference in the lives of our customers", makes me proud to be their customer. These fine doctors and nurses have no idea the difference this one act will make in my life.

Yeah ! If you need surgery, please support these giving people. The estimated cost for the operating room and anesthesia is $8,000. Thank you thank you, thank you. Visit their website at

DENTAL NEWS FROM DR. DINA GIESLER - Starting December 2004, Mrs. Santa, alias Dr. Dina Giesler, granted my Christmas wish for new front teeth. But she went way beyond that with a promise to fix my entire smile. How would it look to have 2 shiny white pearly teeth in front, surrounded by yellowed and worn away former teeth?

My first set of temporaries are gorgeous, if I must say so myself. I now have huge, beaver sized, white front teeth 11 mm long. My old teeth were only 6 mm in length. My smile will be completely transformed in steps. Dr. Giesler works on me for 4 hours on a typical visit, often her day off. What a trooper! My birthday gift (May 2005) from Dr. Giesler was my final set of permanent front teeth. They're so lifelike and beautiful. I tried to show them off May 11, when I was in the audience for Regis and Kelly in Orlando but just as the camera scanned my part of the audience (in the back, on bleachers, behind the cameras, a tree and Gelman's behind), a mna resembling Santa Claus leaps to his feet, shadowing my royal head, crown and all.

May 19th, after another 4 hour marathon of grinding and numerous full mouth impressions, I left Dr. G's office with a gorgeous set of lower temps and top back teeth, both sides. That meant shots in all four quadrants of my mouth, meaning an inability to eat that night but I was proven wrong. A meal from Outback was too much to ignor and was partially enjoyed on my 2 hour drive home to NC. Stay tuned for before and after photos of my complete dental and smile transformation.

PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP NEWS - YOLANDA FREDERICK, talented Celebrity makeup artist, with clients such as Usher,MTV, VH1, BET and TBS, has worked her magic in permanent makeup on my transformed face as visible in the after photo above. Yolonda has a Bachelor degree in Communications and Theater and she loves to paint. Beyond professional makeup, Yolonda elevates self-decoration by specializing in Body Painting, special effects, permanent makeup and character resemblance.

Permanent makeup prices vary and her donation is worth $2,500. Thank you, Yolonda, for teaching me how to cover my receding scars and how to choose btter products and colors for my skin type.

Visit her website and support her company, Face-Valu, at

DIET NEWS FROM KARA BLAIR Chef Kara Blair (404/644-7091) has been a much needed cheerleader for my regaining control of my body and what I put into it. Her phone calls encourage me to always drink lots of water, and eat my fruits and veggies.

Kara is a professional personal chef and delivers home made, healthly meals to your home or office. She can design specialized menus to suit your needs. Contact her for specials and rates at

PRODUCT NEWS - Powerhouse Allergen has agreed to donate Botox, Medicis-Restylane and Atrium-Advanta, an estimated $4,000 in products, for Dr. Yune to use in his quest to beautify this face. Thank you, folks at Allergen. Your generousity will not be forgotten.


Three separate programs work together to completely update women and men abused by their loved one. The application packet is easy to complete and has only a few requirements. One is documented domestic violence resulting in injuries from your local domestic violence organization. The hardest part of the program, for me, is the one year waiting period once you leave your abuser. To qualify, you have to actually leave and stay away from the abuser, which is not easy for most people. I was lucky enough to realize that "once an abuser, always an abuser" and this time, I couldn't help to change him or his behavior.

I am doing my part to spread the word about these wonderful programs. Bet you didn't know about them because so few women utilize them. I found them totally by accident while surfing the web for a domestic violence lawyer.

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Introducing :

The "SILENT WITNESS" PROJECT - a call to everyone to donate their used video cameras and microcasstte recorders to local abuse shelters. Why? Because I was astonished to read that my ex-abuser was recently found NOT GUILTY FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE in his appeal of a previous judge's ruling that he was, indeed, guilty of domestic violence arrest #5 in only two years.

A jury actually let this man escape justice, for the 5th time. That's unacceptable to me. If we put recording equipment into the hands of abuse victims, they can collect their own evidence in a previously "his word against hers" case. No more lack of evidence. My video camera was my silent witness collecting audio of my abuser admitting to my assault and threats to kill me and burn down my home.

Another Project is "THE 2005 PEAS PROJECT." A website that cares what you think. Follow this link to share your ideas on how to stop domestic violence today.

______________________________________________________ Domestic Violence Survivors may take advantage of the following three programs:

I. FACE TO FACE PROGRAM: The National Domestic Violence Project (1-800-842-4546)

Part of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery ( AAFPRS), this amazing program offers facial surgery for injuries to the head, neck and face caused by an intimate partner or spouse. Thank you to my caring advisor, Ms. Ann Holton.

Dr. Marc Yune, MD PC of the Aesthetic Specialty Centre in Atlanta, GA (770-393-9000 ), has generously donated his talents to repairing the injuries to my face from my assault of June 2003. Everything is arranged and donated, including the Restylane, anesthetia and hospital operating room at Putnam General. Dr. Yune is not only warm and concerned about my recovery but he was so gorgeous I could hardly speak. He also arranged for the professional makeup artist (Yolonda Frederick), nutritionist (Kara Blair) and cosmetic dentist (Dr. Dina Giesler).

Dr. Yune has gone far beyond his duties as surgeon. At his suggestion, professional chef, Kara Blair, is already offering me nutritional advice which I will share on this site soon. Yolonda Frederick, professional makeup artist, is scheduled to give me permanent makeup such as eyebrows and eye and lip liner. This is perfect for anyone who doesn't like appying makeup daily. Since I'm currently a country girl, putting on makeup to go to the grocery store is not a priority for me today. Also, a big thank you to his professional and I might mention gorgeous, staff.

Please give Dr. Yune and Dr. Giesler a public THANK YOU from me for being my soft place to fall. Help support them professionally and personally. I wish I knew how else to thank them.

Contact Dr. Yune's office for more information from major to minor surgery and to schedule a consultation at


A program of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) and the AACD Charitable Foundation, GBAS offers domestic violence victims cosmetic dental procedures to repair damage to front teeth caused by an intimate partner or spouse. Thank you to the foundation director, Ms. Erin Roberts.

Dr. Dina Giesler, DDS, FAGD(404-262-7733), is as caring and beautiful as Dr. Yune. She reminds me of Shania Twain in both energy and beauty. She is so excited about repairing my teeth that she keeps saying what fun we're going to have as she shoves a needle into my gum:) Although the program states repair to front teeth only, Dr, Giesler has arranged for the lab to donate all of my new upper and lower teeth including 2 bridges, replacing teeth yellowed and weakened by years of acid reflux and blows to the head.

Contact Dr. Giesler's office to restore your smile at

You see, these doctors are NOT PAID for their time or materials. These programs do not reimburse these doctors or the medical facilities. All I have been asked to do is to speak up for domestic violence victims and show that what can happen once they have tired of the abuse.


This program of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDA) offers dermatologic surgery for domestic violence victims for external skin injuries such as scars, burns, or tatoos caused by their intimate partner or spouse.

I did not need or apply for this program. ______________________________________________________

Can you imagine the boost in self esteem received from looking 20 years younger while erasing the signs of an assault?!


1. The "I HATE TO EXERCISE" Non-Diet for the Unmotivated, or "How I Lost 20 Pounds in a Year or Two."

2. "THE 2005 PEAS PROJECT" - People Ending Abuse Say...where we'll invite you to share your ideas on ending all abuse, from verbal to physical and emotional. Your comments may be posted on our site.

3. Photos of my smile transformation, from the ugly before to the actual after.

4. Would you like to be able to access a National Internet Database of all convicted abusers before you date again? We could call it the "IWANTFACTS" CAMPAIGN....meaning...I Want A National Tracking For Abusers Convicted, Threatening Society.

5. Learn what you can do to help prosecute abusers by participating in the "SILENT WITNESS" PROJECT by donating recording equipment to area abuse shelters.

Survive Domestic Abuse WebRing
There Is NO Excuse
For Domestic Violence!

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