
nat, then shelley, then roo

shelley and nat

me at the water tower. i didn't take this one and no it wasn't staged. i could never make that face again on cue. come on guys. its magnum. i shouldn't even be talking about it.

this is lisa in the abandoned house a few years back.

line series

i took a bunch of photos of people waiting in lines. every line that i shot, everyone would look away except for one person. so there's always someone looking right at the viewer. kinda neato.

line number two. i love the lil boy.

'roid rage

photos from the outer banks. from top left, clockwise: boy at beach from far away. then boy at beach from far away, then the lighthouse at hatteras

fam photos i have dug up

my Italian relatives. on the left, the Bucci's, my great grandparents in 1923. and to the right, my grandpa is the lil boy on the left, surrounded by DeMartino women with the wine they made.

my mom's family growing up. clockwise from the left: my mom's birthday, then my great uncle's plane at roosevelt field with my mom, grandma, uncle and grandma, then my mom and uncle on halloween, then my grandparents on their wedding day

oh, my parents. haha. from the top left, clockwise: my dad, my dad in his 1963 Oldsmobile, then my parents beside the car when they were dating, then my mom when she was 12. I think her hair is totally hot.

I don't have many photos from the Jewish side of things..but here is one of Grandpa Marty with my dad on his knee and my aunt Eleanor beside him. He's wearing his army uniform and the photo is shot in Berlin. Grandpa Marty was a P.O.W. M.I.A. during WW2.