top ten keys on the keyboard
  1. ^ - I have never used this key. maybe i should start thinking about it?
  2. the "=/+" key. how many times, how MANY times have I forgotten to hit shift with this one. Come on, guys.
  3. the "z" key. never use it. it just sits alone in the bottom left. say hello z.
  4. the "backspace" arrow. this key has a beautiful illustration on it in case you don't understand exactly what it does.
  5. the "tab" key. its illustration is a little bit more complicated. not sure I have it figured out yet.
  6. all of the numbered keys on the right of the main keys. Why? because I didn't notice they were even there untill just now and I am still not sure why they are.
  7. f12. if anyone ever uses f12, let me know.
  8. "capslock". I just love that word. Wait a minute. Its two separate words. I am looking right now. oops.
  9. the "1/!" key. Exclamation point is my favorite punctuation mark.

    top ten rules of "Christian" dating
  1. Never actually talk to the person. Gotta leave room for the holy spirit to work.
  2. If you don't know what a DTR is, you probably aren't mature enough to date.
  3. If you don't who Joshua Harris is, you probably aren't mature enough to date.
  4. If you do use a DTR, (AND THIS IS FOR GUYS ONLY, girls, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!) its best to use analogies. Ask Pete about this one. Tennis courts and whatnot.
  5. Girls, whenever you feel like doing anything, stop. Remember, its probably the guys job as a leader.
  6. Girls, whenever you feel like doing nothing, stop. Remember, its probably the guys job as a leader.
  7. Guys, if you make it to the second DTR, make sure you have a wedding list ready. Don't forgot me!
  8. Girls, don't interrupt during that DTR. This could be the difference between marriage and more Blockbuster nights.
  9. If you want to hold hands, make sure you've asked permission. That includes all senior citizens in the church as well. They deserve to know whats going on.
  10. Always remember that "speaking in tongues" is frowned upon as a spiritual gift.

    top ten records right now

  1. belle & sebastian - if you're feeling sinister
  2. radiohead - hail to the thief
  3. coldplay - a rush of blood to the head
  4. the beatles - let it be
  5. talking heads - 77
  6. jawbreaker - dear you
  7. the beach boys - endless summer
  8. modest mouse - and then nothing turned..
  9. starflyer59 - old
  10. pedro the lion - winners never quit.

    top five names for Radiohead cover bands
  1. Tom York and the Silent Letters
  2. Pyramid Bong
  3. 2+2=1823
  4. Hail to the Reef(er)
  5. Above Average Computer

    top ten "Mock-tor" Peppers
  1. Dr. Thunder - Wal-Mart
  2. Dr. Whatever - Freshfields
  3. Dr. Perky - Food Lion
  4. Dr. Zing - Giant
  5. Dr. Riffic - Eckerd
  6. Dr. Skipper - Safeway
  7. Mr. Pibb - Anywhere
  8. Dr. Rocket - K-Mart
  9. Dr. K - Kroger
  10. Dr. Smooth - Harris Teeter
Honorable mentions: Dr. S - Shoppers Food Warehouse, and Dr. Joe - Trader Joe's

    top ten nicknames for Ireland
  1. Stray Dog Land
  2. People with Ponies
  3. Dude, where's my teeth?
  4. Keg-sington
  5. Meatfest
  6. My-Beeria
  7. RePUBlic of Ireland
  8. Dude, where's my turning signal?
  9. Dude, where's our cops?
  10. Home of Hurling (both kinds)
