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MACSian Class of 71 Annexe Site (added 7.02.2005)

These Annexe Web Pages Feature:-

Click Below to More MACSian Pages & Links

MACSian Class of 71 Home Page
MACSian Main Blog
MACSian Open Blog
MACSian Birthdays Blog
Jew Wei's Mini Photo Album
ACS Revisited by Tedin on 11.02.2005
Fun Stuff by Danny Khoo and Others- SX18!
Mak's Family Home Page at Multiply
Mak's MACSian Happenings in Malacca Multiply Site
The MACSian 71 OC Multiply Site
Philip Tey's Multiply Site
Andrew Cheng's Multiply Site
Michael Lim's Multiply Site
Tedin's View & Browse Site at Multiply

<BGSOUND SRC="" LOOP=INFINITE> MACSIAN Class of 71 Message Board
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These annexe MACSian pages are an extension of the main pages at the MACSian Class of 71 Home Page.
As more articles and photos were included, we naturally ran out of allocated space and this
annexe site became necessary. Do enjoy your visits here. Thank you.