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b a b y. j

 - v e r s i o n III -

Text Box: ¨°`·.¸¸»- b a b y. j  
my name is jenny tran and i currently reside in sydney. i am 17 years of age and doing my HSC at strathfield girls high school. i study chemistry, extension mathematics, english, business and biology and i'm aiming to get into medicine at University of New South Wales next year [wish me luck] because i want to be a paediatrician. i am asian (chinese + vietnamese) and was born in sydney. i'm 160cm in height and weight 47 kilos (currently). i love sports, any type of sports, not just watching but actually participating. i support the canterbury bulldogs! i am buddhist though when i try and go vego for a month i go bizerk. i'm anaemic which means i lack red blood cells and i have a low blood pressure, hence i cannot donate blood and i must have iron more than an average person in my diet. i take disgusting iron tablets which sometimes makes me puke! i cannot get by without THAO + chocolate + herbal tea. i try to be an active member of the community by being swamped in voluntary work and signing up for different organisations such as the Young Labour Party. i got to say that my life has been one hell of a roller coaster ride and i still don't know how i managed to get this far. all i know is that i have a great support network consisting of my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years Bernard Siong, my best friend and sister Thao Tran, my god brother Paul Bui and my friends at school. they have pulled me through all the tough times and have, in many ways, made me the person i am today.


Text Box: version III 
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