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Home Page for The Lone Tree Safari LodgeClick Here To Request More Information Or To Book A Safari

F A Q Payment Methods

FAQ - When and how do I pay for my accommodation ?

Only after we confirm accommodation is available and you receive a provisional reservation form with a reservation number, which you will receive via e-mail or fax. Provisional bookings and reservations are free but in order to secure your accommodation full pre-payment is required before or on the allocated payment deadline (outlined in the provisional reservation form.

This is normally 60 days prior to your arrival. Reservations made less then 31 days prior to arrival have to be paid within 48 hours.

FAQ - How and when to pay for your safari or tour?

Only after we confirm the seat is available and we receive a completed booking form from you, which you will receive via e-mail or fax. Provisional reservations are free, but to secure your seat a full pre-payment is required at least 30 days prior to your departure. Some tours and safaris require a minimum 25% deposit immediately.

Credit Card Payment:

Most Credit Card types (Visa, Master card, Amex Diners) and others are accepted. Please note that with credit cards there is a 6% bank surcharge applicable in South Africa which will be added to the transaction amount, since our prices quoted are nett cash amounts.

As an alternative e-mail us a credit card authorisation form which you will receive with your provisonal reservation. Only completed forms with signature of the card holder will be accepted.

The Lone Tree Safari Lodge : The Ultimate Bush Experience

For The Hunter : Hunting :: Bird Hunting :

Animals : Elephant :: Hyena :: Leopard

People : Tswana :: Zulu

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