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Access America

Travel With Ease

Comprehensive Travel Protection


Level Of Coverage

Trip Cancellation/ Interruption Protection
Up to amount purchased

Emergency Medical/ Dental Coverage

Baggage Coverage

Baggage Delay

Vacation Delay

Travel Accident

Trip Inconvenience

Emergency Medical Transportation

24-Hour Hotline Assistance

Benefits are provided on a per person basis.

The maximum amount of Trip Cancellation/Interruption coverage is $20,000.

Trip Cost / Rate Per Adult

Up to $500 - $45
$501 - 1,000 - $77
$1,001 - 1,500 - $104
$1,501 - 2,000 - $149
$2,001 - 2,500 - $189
$2,501 - 3,000 - $234
$3,001 - 3,500 - $279
$3,501 - 4,000 - $314
$4,001 - 4,500 - $354
$4,501 - 5,000 - $399
$5,001 - 5,500 - $474
$5,501 - 6,000 - $514
$6,001 - 6,500 - $559
$6,501 - 7,000 - $604
$7,001 - 8,000 - $669
$8,001 - 9,000 - $764
9,001 - 10,000 - $854

We recommend you purchase enough Trip Cancellation/Interruption to cover your full trip cost.

Please call for pricing on trips from $10,000 - $20,000.

Daily rate for days over 30 $3.00/day

Children under the age of 18 on the date of purchase, accompanied by a Traveling Family Member are free. Maximum benefit payable to a child under the age of 18 is equal to the maximum benefit payable to a covered adult.

The information below describes highlights of the program. Program details will be mailed to you once you have purchased the coverage. The program details provide complete information regarding the benefits, exclusions and limitations of the program. Please read it carefully.


Who Is Covered

The terms "you" and "your" refer to all persons applying for coverage, but not Traveling Companions. "Traveling Family Members" means your spouse and unmarried children under 18, including step-children. Grandparents traveling with just their unmarried grandchildren under 18 are a family. Children with special needs, regardless of age, are usually eligible.

When You Are Covered

Once your application is processed by Access America, your Trip Cancellation coverage begins the day your order is placed. All other coverages are effective at 12:01 a.m. on the day of your scheduled departure. Access America® reserves the right to reject applications.

What Is Covered

The following travel insurance benefits and the assistance services are designed to protect you for situations or losses which result from sudden and unexpected conditions or events. The programs do not cover conditions or events which, on the date of purchase, are either known to you or are likely to occur.


Emergency Medical And Dental Benefits

Benefits are provided for covered Emergency Medical or Dental Care expenses incurred as a result of accidental injury or illness occurring during the coverage period. An exam by a licensed provider must take place during your trip. Benefits are provided on an excess basis.


For dental expenses, only those incurred during your trip are covered.

Emergency Medical Transportation

All medical transportation services must be authorized in advance by Access America Hotline Center. Access America® will arrange and pay for medical transportation services (specified below) required by you as a result of an injury or illness which occurs during the coverage period and requires medical evacuation and/or repatriation.

A medical evacuation is defined as you being transported to the nearest appropriate medical facility as a result of our consulting physician and the local attending physician's determination that adequate treatment is not available locally. A medical repatriation takes place once you have received medical care, and the local attending physician and our consulting physician determine you are able to return home.

All medical transportation services are provided only if they are determined to be medically necessary by the hotline center medical staff in consultation with the local attending physicians. Medical Repatriation Benefits are limited to $5000 per person. Program details will be sent to you.

Trip Cancellation And Interruption Protection

Trip Cancellation coverage provides benefits if your trip is canceled for a covered reason up to the time of departure. Trip Interruption coverage provides benefits if your trip is interrupted for a covered reason after you have departed. Covered cancellation/interruption reasons are:

(a) an injury or medical condition (whether or not death results) requiring you, a Family Member, Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion's Family Member to receive treatment by a licensed physician who advises cancellation or interruption of the trip.

This licensed physician may not be You, Your Family Member or Your Traveling Companion's Family Member or a Family Member of the person whose condition caused the cancellation or interruption; an actual examination or visit must take place before the cancellation or interruption is made, and you must notify the appropriate travel supplier(s) of your cancellation or interruption within 72 hours, unless the condition prevents it, and then as soon as possible.

Failure to do so will result in a claim payment which is less than the penalty imposed for cancellation if the amount of the penalty was increased by your failure to notify the appropriate travel supplier within the required time frame;

(b) financial default of a tour operator, airline or cruise line resulting in the complete cessation of services;

(c) strikes, natural disasters or bad weather resulting in the complete cessation of services by an airline, tour operator or cruise line for at least 24 consecutive hours;

(d) you or a Traveling Companion being hijacked, quarantined, required to serve on a jury, served with a court order, or having his or her home made uninhabitable by fire or flood;

(e) you or a Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident while directly en route to a departure;

(f) a terrorist incident in a foreign city if you are scheduled to arrive in that city within 10 days following the incident and, for Trip Interruption, your tour operator (if applicable) not offering a substitute itinerary. Losses resulting due to the issuance of travel advisories, bulletins or alerts; war or acts thereof; civil disorder, riot or unrest; bomb scares or threats of terrorist activity; or terrorist acts against any common carrier (e.g., airline or cruise line) are not covered.

(g) you or a Traveling Companion, who are on Active Military Duty in the United States Armed Forces: (1) having your personal leave revoked within 10 days prior to your departure date (as long as such revocation is in writing by a superior officer and is not due to war-related situations, invocation of the War Power Act, base or unit mobilization, unit reassignment for any reason, or disciplinary action); or (2) personal reassignment within 10 days prior to your departure date, whether temporary or permanent.

(h) you or a Traveling Companion being the victim of a felonious assault within 10 days prior to your departure date. Felonious assault is defined as an act of violence against you or a Traveling Companion requiring medical treatment in a hospital. A cancellation or interruption due to a felonious assault inflicted by you, a Family Member, Traveling Companion or Traveling Companion's Family Member is not covered.

(i) You or your Traveling Companion, after having been with the same employer for at least three consecutive years, are terminated or laid off after your effective date of insurance.

Trip Cancellation/Interruption benefits do not cover loss(es) due to:

(a) any General Program Exclusion or preexisting Condition;

(b) you or a Traveling Companion: making changes to personal plans; having a business or contractual obligation; being unable to obtain necessary travel documents (passports, visas, etc); being detained or having property confiscated by any Customs authority;

(c) carrier-caused delays (including bad weather) unless as covered above;

(d) prohibition or regulation by any government;

(e) default of yacht charter companies;

(f) default of the organization from which you purchased this coverage.


Provides benefits on a onetime basis for reasonable, additional accommodation and traveling expenses due to a vacation delay of 6 or more hours. Prepaid expenses are not covered. Benefits are limited to $100 per day per policy.


Provides coverage for loss, damage or theft of covered baggage and personal effects provided you have taken all reasonable measure to protect, save and/or recover your property at all times. Coverage is secondary to any coverage provided by a common carrier.


Provides coverage for the reasonable, additional purchase of essential items if your personal baggage is delayed or misdirected by a common carrier for at least 24 hours.


Provides benefits for death or physical loss of limb or eyesight due to a covered accident. The loss must occur within 365 of the covered accident.


Provides a specific one-time $100 benefit per policy if any of the following events occur while you are on a covered trip:

(a) You are admitted to a hospital

(b) You are a victim of a felonious assault

(c) You are involved in an automobile accident, caused by another vehicle, while traveling in your personal automobile (owned or rented)

(d) Your passport is lost or stolen

(e) Your sporting equipment, which is checked with a common carrier, being delayed by the common carrier for more than 24 hours after you have reached your trip destination


Provides coverage for accidental loss of life, limb or sight during the flight for which your tickets(s) was (were) issued. Coverage applies while you are riding, boarding or alighting as a ticketed passenger on a certified passenger aircraft provided by a regularly scheduled airline on any regularly scheduled trip or charter.


General Program Exclusions

These exclusions apply to all program benefits and services. The program does not cover loss, injury or illness due to: intentionally self-inflicted harm; suicide; normal pregnancy or childbirth; mental or nervous health disorders, including anxiety; alcohol or substance abuse, or related illnesses; war (whether declared or undeclared), acts of war, military duty (unless as covered above), civil disorder, or unrest (except as provided for in Vacation Delay); participation in professional athletic events or motor competition (including training). No benefits are payable for losses due to expected or foreseeable events.

Pre-Existing Conditions Exclusion

This exclusion applies to Trip Cancellation and Interruption Protection, Emergency Medical and Dental Benefits and to those Travel Assistance Services related to medical problems. You can waive this exclusion by purchasing the program within 14 days of your initial trip deposit date, if you are age 74 or younger.

The program does not cover losses or expenses if they result from:

1. any injury occurring prior to and including the effective date of insurance;

2. any illness occurring during the sixty days prior to and including the effective date of insurance for which treatment by a licensed physician has been sought or advised or for which symptoms exist which would cause a prudent person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment. However, if the condition is controlled (not exhibiting symptoms or requiring an adjustment of treatment or medication) throughout the sixty-day period by the taking of prescription drugs or medications and travel restrictions are not advised by a licensed physician, then the medical condition will not be considered a Pre-Existing Condition.

For the purposes of determining a Pre-Existing Condition, your "effective date of insurance" means the effective date of your Trip Cancellation coverage or, if no Trip Cancellation coverage is purchased, your trip departure date.


If you are not completely satisfied within 10 days of purchase, World Access will give a full refund of premium provided you have not already departed on your trip and have not filed a claim.


This plan contains disability insurance benefits or health insurance benefits, or both, that only apply during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that already provides you with these benefits. You should review your existing policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer or health plan.

The Lone Tree Safari Lodge : The Ultimate Bush Experience

For The Hunter : Hunting :: Bird Hunting :

Animals : Elephant :: Hyena :: Leopard

People : Tswana :: Zulu

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