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|yearbook|underground|gallery|recruiting center|library|driving circle|tribute|mystic rovers|
Ok, I just slightly got sick of here's my gorgeous little page dedicated to letting everyone know what's been worked on.

GRRRRRR. so i lie, i updated stuff a while back and then never updated the updates page! A whole bunch of fan fics added to the Library for you to check out. The list isn't completed coz i got interupted half-way through. I have some art coming. I just need to color it, and touch up one of them! OK, that's it bubye.

Ok, So I have a level 2 Concussion, and i got a painkiller shot in my ass, and the doctor said it wouldn't make me drowsy...she's right. I'm absolutely wired. I get naproxyn too! I'm real excited. I dunno, i should go run around the block i've got so much energy, but I'm pretending that I have something to update...which i don't. Stuff coming later. Peace
Added an image to the Gallery. That's it. It's at the bottom.

So I revamped everything. Can you tell? Updates of substance coming soon......
I changed the font colors to make it Christmasy and then I deleted a bunch of unnecesary stuff, and my e-mail address has changed, once again, and it is now I will still accept mail at fourtrouts, but know that I now have more than one e-mail account where I will accept stuff. So yeah. That's about it. Happy Holidays!!!

So our e-mail address changed to Not too hard to remember is it? just instead of Right? Right. I was going to do this major update with pics, links, stories etc...but there's stuff going on that i need to deal with. So luvyas, but no.
I added a buttload of images to the Gallery and that's about it...

Added three UPDATED links to the Library. Three parts of Road Rovers Vs. Dark Rovers by Scott "nWo" Oliverson are among them. I suggest you check it out. At the Gallery there is a new image of Angel to check out.
I've actually updated a couple of times, but never really updated the updates page. So yeah. Check out the Gallery and scroll to the bottom and see my two newest pictures. Um, I've received a few high school pictures, and I'm working on the newest page for them, and I've drawn blitz and shag, and am now working on Angel, Chance, Sasha, Koa, Tristan and Elway. Baroo, Teka, and Bingo are still in the process of being thought out. A "student life" page is in the making, but won't be done for a while.

So first sort of update since the whole catastrophe in New York, and it's not fun to have F16s flying over your house every three seconds, and it's not cool to know that Rusty, Sheena, Jason, Tiffany's Dad, Cody and a buttload of people you know to be going off to war. Rusty called me and told me that he was taking my picture with him...and we never dated, just flirted and MAN! Worried. So I changed all the backgrounds to match, and i left this one the way it was coz i, quite frankly, don't care too much. That was it. I think....and I deleted a bunch of junk yesterday, and got rid of some stuff that I never updated. So that's it.

Added a memorial image. Feel free to copy for your page or whatever. Main page black, the others were being stupid. I'm available for comment. Check main page for ways to reach me. God bless.

Added a page, no title. Click here for it. All the pages have been made black. That's it.

I hate school. Is it bad to have senioritis two weeks into your junior year? Actually, I'm pretty sure I had senioritis back in freshman year. That's gotta be bad. SO! Gah, i logged on and my "home" page is the Road Rover Lair Main Page, and this Dr. Scholls ad popped up. First of all, I haven't signed any contracts or initated any of that junk, so i'm kinda pissed. Not getting any money for their damn advertising. I know how to fix it, but I'm not sure if I'm just weird, and getting these crazy pop ups or what...but if you view a pop-up while trying to open the main page, please e-mail me, webmaster Jordy . THANKS! That's it....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LULU! Ok, now that that's done. In the Library Scott nWo Oliverson has a new thing going in, and I replaced his old stories with the new doody. That's it, oh and i added more to the Guardian III. The link will be up soon.

Updated the Recruiting Center with one character. Scroll to the bottom, and you'll find it. Adding a Link to the Library to take you to more stories. Uploaded more of Guardian III, and will be finished soon. I PROMISE! That's all.

Yeah so I'm back from IF, and sleepy. Added a link to the Driving Circle so check it out. Maybe more later. But i'm tired....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Yeah so I didn't really do anything. I'm just in checking up on junk. I'm in IF til friday. peace brahs.

I leave to go to Idaho Falls today. I'll be back the 17th. As for now, I uploaded more to Guardian III, despite the fact that I'm still working on formatting the first part. It should be finished by mid september. I'm actually going to finish a story! YEAY! It's exciting! Peace and chicken grease...

I updated the Gallery with MY pics, coz no one ever sends any in...SEND IN! NOW! and junk. Updated the Yearbook but the links are broken, so i'll have to go in there and make it work...i'm too lazy to do it now. I'm putting the top link map-ish thing on every page so you can go where you want to with out having to go back to the main page. SIGN GUESTBOOK!

I uploaded this yearbook thing. Feel free to e-mail me teenage pics of your characters and i'll post them in the yearbook, just coz i'm a nerd. I put up a group of links nearer to the top of the page that will lead you in the direction you want to go, so you don't have to scroll down through the descriptions of each page.



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I created a Guardians page, with loads of cool stuff on the way. I loaded my pics onto the comp, and maybe if I get inspired i'll upload them to my Angelfire account. And as always: POWER TO THE PACK! AWROOOO! and stuff.

GA! More late random updates. The last couple of weeks Angelfire has been down, and it was irritating, and now i know why, WHICH IRRITATES me more. I tried to log on, but the stupid thing has changed all the little member names and blah blah blah, and the new program gave me the run-around for a good HOUR! Geez. I was upset. Now I'm better. Uploaded more Guardian III to file, still formatting.......but you'll see the finished product in not too long. No visual updates, but a load of pictures were finished, and i'm going to load this really cool non-rover related surfer picture on....and junk.

Just copied 1/2 of Guardian III to file on here. Not finished formatting it. Maybe will be up for viewing within a week. work is fun.

Ok, so I started my job, and I know more about contaminated waste gloveboxes than anyone could ever want to know...but there's cute interns! WOOHOO! Ok, yeah so i put a bunch of links on the mainpage about how to reach me...and maybe i'll get inspired and upload some more pics...peace.

I'm free! WOO! <---That's all the freshman heard as Jennifer and I blasted past down jewell the last day of school. You're probably going to look and see what's new...HA! I just uploaded some pics, and in a while I'm going to post yeah.
Ok, I uploaded a few pics of me, to see in my Biography page. I know there's not much Rover stuff up that's new...some pics may be up soon. I drew this awesome pic of an unnamed male Rover yesterday while my first period class was taking notes to use on the final (too bad I have an A in that class and don't have to take the final...HAHAHAHAHA). So yeah...that'll be up in a while. Now i'm going to go eat...coz i'm hungry!

Gah! The link broke i'm just copying the links and stuff up to here just so you see what's been created/worked on. Created/Updated as of Yesterday, Memorial Day 2001:
Non-Rover Related Stuff
The Recruits
Fan Fiction
So...yeah. There's the new stuff. Enjoy!
Muahahahahahahahahahahaha. OK. My page is close to being cleaned up. Not finished yet. Last night I got creative and started sketching. I LOOOVE Yerf! I'm not on there yet, I have to dig around and find more pics to send, and you know what...I honestly don't think I got the skillz to be on Yerf, but I'm feelin' lucky. Ok, so I created the Non-Rover Related Stuff page, so if you feel so inspired to check out stuff that doesn't have to do with Rovers, go ahead. Updated The Recruits page, with two characters of my own (i fixed Koa's). I'm almost finished with my stories and stuff so they should be up soon. I uh, added another story to the Fan Fiction page, it's the second part of the guardian story. The third one is an on going project, and when it's done I'm pretty sure it's going to be just as long as Steven Today's Strayer Scripts, just coz i didn't spend much time in the first two developing characters, so I'm making up for it in the third. If you are actually exited about this event, please be patient while I work this whole plot out. I added a banner at the bottom of the page, leading to another RR webring, I moved Kylen's Boarding Dock banner to the bottom of the page, and OH HAPPY DAY! I got rid of the pop-ups with just a simple ad-skin of my own creation on the top. So, I hope you all like the new look this page is getting. Not finished yet, check back, oh, once a month to see how I'm going. Aloha!

Wrote a little in O~Town about my trite little life. I'm chillin' with Lizzy tonight...I might do more. Maybe Poems or something, cause i've got a butt load of them typed. So check out The Poetry Corner and critique my stuff by emailing me at Thanks!

2*1*2001 Muaha. I'm tired. It's about 5:15 AM MST, and I'm up way too early updating. It's not that I just felt like updating...I just looked in at the computer and said....why not? I just uploaded some photographs of my friend and my brother that I took for photography, for our portrait assignment. It's just random art...but I think it's fun anyways. Worked on O~Town so you can check that out, and see what's been bothering me with everything! TT4N

All right....Um. I fixed the gallery go there....look at the few pictures that I have up, and feel free to send your own. I do have some that I have downloaded, and looked at on my own time, that I want to put up, but I'm in the process of locating the artists and getting their permission to post them. I'm putting a new poem in the Poetry Corner by a friend of mine that's NOT a rover fan...and beleive it or not! I've worked on a story for the Mystic Rovers...I finally had a bit of insparation, so if you like the stories all right, feel free to check back in the next few weeks to see if it's up. (HA). TT4N.

Bleh. Ok, I know it's been a while, but It's kinda not my fault. Blame school, blame teachers, and all those retardo people that need me to drive them places. (BTW I got a car....bright yellow dodge durango) so yeah! I'm the coolest. EVER. no, I know I'm not THAT cool, but I'm getting there. I updated O~Town, and I just recently finished some pics for the Gallery. Now I just need to scan them in, cause I'm too lazy for crapola like that. Um....The Poetry Corner is going to have some stuff added to it, and I might come up with a more creative name. Ugh...ok, now It's time to go back to bed, so bye.

Ew. School starts August 21st, and Im on vacation in Idaho, visiting all of my friends. I leave tomorrow (the 17th) so I'll be home will all of my wonderful slow computer crap. It's great. I worked on
The O~Town Crew and the Poetry Corner. I hope you guys stop by.
All right. Last night was a blast....and it's not because I'm a nympho or nufin'...we just were stupid girls at a hawaiian themed sweet-sixteen party. It was great. N-e wez...I added the poetry corner to the main go there to see it...I added O~Town, and the Celts make sure you check that out. I finally got the goobery links to work. Still coming: Lucky...Gallery...and another installment of the Mystic Rover seiries (gasp it's been almost a year and I'm almost done!!!!) n-e wez..enjoy your stay.

HAPPY BIRFDAY CHALENA! I WUUUUUUV U! "You should put your seatbelt on..." I'll let you finish that one. Um, I goobered on the poet link yesterday. Click HERE to go to the poetry corner. It's a place full of emotions and...junk. Now Open: The O~Town Insiders. Check it out for a glance into my life, and my friend's lives. Enjoy your stay.

Look! Twice in the same week! *dances around* here are the links to the Poetry Corner and the The Celts. I hope you stop by. The Celtic part will take a bit longer. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the font downloader work. It's being a fartnoogen and isn't. is still in the process of being worked on...and i'm lazy and i doubt it'll be up before i graduate. *wink wink*so bye bye!

Ugh. I haven't really done anything rover related. I added a poetry page, and a celtic...whatever page. It just intruiged me. Coming attractions (if i get off my lazy a$$ and do it...): Gallery, shrine to the Newsies, O~Town watch...(the school, not the band) and updates on Lucky. If you're in the Crew (and you know if you are) definatley check up on Lucky, and the O~Town Insiders. According to Chance, the Insiders have a one-up on Creek at homecoming this year. Lady Blazers...Volleyball, going for first. Sorry to those out there that aren't 'suzy highschool' like me. lots and lots of school spirit. GO BLAZERS!!! (oh, and Rusty...lose the hoopty...dan's got a ride you should check out.)

Gallery's....*lol* i don't know...i haven't looked at it in weeks..I haven't updated in almost a month. I was 'studying' for finals. I did great on them considering the only book I cracked was Prisoner of Time by Caroline B. Cooney (I recommend you read's good.) I'm starting to reread I Was A Teenage Fairy by Francesca Lea Block. I think that's how ya spell her that one too. I'm thinking of starting a ... reviews page, to review things I've read, seen, or whatever....I dunno. I'm going to a soccer game now, so I hope y'all don't mind that I won't fix anything until later today...or maybe tomorrow.


P.s. we got a new e-mail addy it's

OK, now christina's gonna write: hello. i m christina. i m one of jordyn good friends and i m really crazy. i like to have ffun, i mean come on who doesn't? jordyn has been a good friend to me and we always have so much fun together. we are so crazy, and we love nsuck. they are the cutest boys on the planet! one day i plan to marry justin, eventhough i know that it will never happen, but you can always dream right! there is this guy that i m completely head over heels for, his name is j.d. and he is totally sweet, cute, nice, and uh everything that you would want in a man.

Now it's Jordyn. Christina rules the world! She's such a sweetie and I <3 her! She's sweet! Ok...bye bye now

I'm at school, and using our spiffy'm supposed to be doing research on Shakespeare, but...I dunna want to. Um...I'm just messin' around. Made an update to the main page with an image. My friend Christina is sitting next to me, typing her bibliography for a report. She's a sweet heart!!! Say hi to christina! Her lover bobby is an ass hole....

Um....I updated the main page, I added an image, and I posted the little thing that that guy Epyoansdkjdfljk what's his butt is probably reading right now. I'm going to laugh my ass off when he does and sends an e-mail to a fake person....*dies laughing* moron. Anyways....Gallery's still not open [duh] but It will be soon! thanks a ton!!!

Man...ok, I'm sick, so i'm like....blah. Um, I didn't do too much stuff Rover Related, yet i worked on stuff a bit. Um I'm still trying to get enough people to send me URLs for pictures and junk, gallery page is taking a while. I worked on Freedom Run I just added a couple of lines...and stuff. Ooo actually I'm creating a poems page, and story page and stuff that's like NONrover stuff...ya know, I do do other stuff than obsess over cartoons. [no not really] yo, have fun, and don't eat too much cheese.
Alrighty. ¿Como Estas? Soy bien....any-hoo....I worked on my main page a bit, I created this I'm actually working on a gallery page, so if you're actually reading this and feel nice enough to send me some art....feel free. Maybe even the urls for it...or something. I dunno...i'm on spring break and me and my sorry ass don't care about anything. Let's see...I worked on the We Are One Campaign page. Check it out. I added some new shnit....[cleverly misspelled...;D] um...and I guess that's it.
