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Welcome to my recruiting center. As you all know, I'm a former recruit myself! So...I know the deal. Please E-Mail me. with this info and I'll put it up. Add as many characters as you want, I'll update this page approx. every month. Thanx!:

1) Char Name
2) Creator Name
3) Breed/species
4) Background/History
5) Stories [please add URLs if they are already on the internet]
I will accept Pix, but there isn't a guarentee that the pix will show on the site...thanx!


NAME: Angel Buckinghamm
BREED: Dog, Greenland Dog
HISTORY: Her master Stephanie was kidnapped by an evil guy who found out that Stephanie had a strong belief in good witch craft. After he kidnapped her he taught her magic, but created an Evil Stephanie. Angel was turned RR because she felt it was the only way to get her master back.
THE GUARDIAN: [not finished]

NAME: Chance Ke
BREED: Dog, Lab/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Mix
HISTORY: Chance's history is kind of vauge, he was owned by a boy in Aurora Colorado, [who is friends with the creator] The master recruited him because of his power in controlling the Green Lightning.
THE GUARDIAN [not finished]

NAME: Sasha Simms
BREED: Saluki/Dogo Argentino Mix
HISTORY: Sasha is a loner. She doesn't get along well with Angel, but she really likes chance. She doesn't like it that Angel likes chance too, and she'll do almost n-e thing to keep them apart. She masters the power of Fire.

NAME: Baroo McCaller
BREED: Morph
HISTORY: Born and Raised on the planet Orthenia. Her parents Batsa Aso, and Kleano Shefa Aso were the emporers. During a great war, the rulers recieved threats that their precious baby girl, Baku would be kinapped. The let her out to adoption, claiming that she had died of a interplanetary form of pnemonia. When she was 25 an evil morph, or a Tamesian named Parathese found her, knowing about the hercules syndrome. If she fought in the battle that Parathese was waging to take over the rule, Parathese would lose. Parathese sent her to earth, where Baroo met the Rovers. It's a REALLY long story, so go check out Stevie's site about it. [movies, under Jordyn Trout, some day i'll finish it. The story is called On the Run and Ready to Kill]
CARRIES: A knife.
DESCRIPTION: Light gray on bottom, dark gray on top, black hair, green eyes. Poofy tail. Wears baggy jeans, perferably blue, adidas running shoes, and a Fubu cropped jersey.

NAME: Teka Ke
BREED: Lab, Nova Scotian Duck Tolling Retriever
HISTORY: Teka is Chance's sister. She is spunky and doesn't take much from n-e one. Her former master was captured by Parvo, and turned against the human race. He created a virus that almost destroyed the world, but with Teka's help the rovers stopped him, but alas he died from exposure to his own virus.
DESCRIPTION: Light yellow colored, with golden brown highlites, usually seen wearing a blue spandex "spy-suit' green eyes. Her hair is usually up in a pony tail.

NAME: Tracker Larson
BREED: Wolf-Hybrid. [Wolf and Malamute]
HISTORY: Tracker had a rough history. He was born in the woods, and his mother was killed by poachers. His father died in an avalanche in the 94 Iditarod dog race. He was taken by humans to the Lygertown in Eastern Idaho. When the lions escaped back in '95 he did too. He ran to Idaho Falls, ID to be captured by humans and put in 'foster' care before being released back in the wild. Because of the capturing, and release he doesn't have a great trust in humans. His specialty is surviving in any kind of situation.
DESCRIPTION: He has dark muddy gray fur on top, and a lighter frosty gray on bottom. His eyes are peircing blue. He has a scar on his shoulder resembling a paw, which he got when he got in a fight after running to IF. He usually wears baggy blue jeans, Adidas running shoes, and a white muscle shirt.

NAME:Koa Filmore BREED: Lapkinorkia HISTORY: She was raised as a reindeer herder in the Yukon, when one day her master was almost trampled to death in a stampede. Koa saved her master by using her Mystic Rover Power. CARRIES: Not much. She usually has a little pouch filled with healing herbs and stuff around her waist. DESCRIPTION: Black fur, with light brown highlights on her face. Brown eyes. Usually wears leather skirts, and tunics, but occasionally dresses in jeans, t-shirts, and adidas shoes.

NAME: Tristian (unknown)
BREED: German Shepherd
HISTORY: Literally trusts no one but himself, due to experimentation by Parvo and other doctors. When he was a puppy he was taken from his home, to a labratory, where they literally tried to make him into Super-Cano-Mutant. He was kept in chains and in a solid steel room. When the Rovers raided this lab in search of parvo, he escaped, but was injured in an explosion. His genetic make-up reacted with the explosion and allowed him to create fire with out using matches or wood.
CARRIES: A big stick. No, joking Rai. Tristian is rarely seen without his mp3 player, and a snickers bar. Doesn't carry weapons much, seeing as he practically IS one.
DESCRIPTION: Black mask with gray markings, black all down his back with lighter brown beneath. Brown eyes, and a slice out of one ear. Usually wears a plain white t-shirt (fairly tight on him) with a pair of green khaki cargo shorts, and DC skater shoes. Doesn't smile much and looks really mean.


***Note To Scott: I will put the rest of your when I have more time. thanx! Angel***

NAME: Kimberly
BREED: Human
HISTORY: The former Girlfriend of Ace, since they hardly ever went out. Now kim dates Hunter, Leader of the Road Rovers because she "likes Macho-dogs." She claims hunter reminds her of ace before he was struck down by the Infanto Ray Curse. She is guest relations Secretary for Dr. Emmet Brown of the Institute Of Future Technology in Hill Valley 2015, as well as Martial Arts Mistress in Tae Kwon Do.
CARRIES: Jedi Light Saber: Green
DESCRIPTION: Red hair, blue eyes, blue jumpsuit with white trim, blue high-heel boots [<***Are you trying to throw out her back or something hon?]

NAME: Doc Brown
BREED: Human
HISTORY: The man who created time travel! It was he who built and designed the flux capacitator time machine which he used to install into the Delorean sportscar thus turning it into a time-vehicle that can time warp through the space-time continuim. He also likes creating inventions which he claims will creat a better and brighter future in the years to come, he is the fater of Space Ace, a single parent since his wife Heather divorced him a long time ago. Doc is the cheif inventive officer of the Institute of Future Technology in Hill Valley California, 2015.
DESCRIPTION: White hair, Bald on top. Brown eyes, white lab coat, pants, ect.
***Emmit is the Character from Back to the Future, I-II-III, the Animated Seiries, and Back to the Future, the Ride***

NAME: Space Ace [from Space Ace Laserdisc Game]
BREED: Human
HISTORY: Ace is the defender of the galaxy. While trying to save planet earth from being conqured by the evil commander borf, he is zapped by the Infanto Ray Laser, and shrunk to his young boy-self Dexter the Coward. Now Dexter must not only destroy the Infanto Ray, but also save the future from being taken over and stop the space pirates. At the same time Dexter is now trapped by the CURSE of the Infanto Ray because it would cause him to morph back to ace again, but only for a little while, then he would shrink back to dexter.
CARRIES: Jedi Light Saber, [blue] and phaser.


NAME: Huntry Leslie Retriver
SPECIES: Cano-Sapien
BREED: 50% golden retriver, 10% cocker spaniel, 25% blood hound, 5% pointer, 10% collie
HISTORY: Huntry is the great grand daughter of Hunter and Huntress and Colleen. Her sister is Colleena. She is married to Exilo IV. Huntry resides in mission controll as the leader of the Rovers, (not including Alf.) She has hunter and Huntress's super-speed, huntress's weirdness (ie: Huntry-"One and two and three and four! Yeah, I'm feelin' the burn!" Blitzcreig-"what are you doing?" Huntry-"Eating hot pizza.) and Hunter's leadership qualities. She is a very loyal and devoted leader to her pack. One of her arms is a metallic.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Huntry stands at 5'7" and weighs 155 lbs, her fur is gold and has sort of tannish highlites.
OTHER INFO: Lives in RRMC, her arm was metalicized when her own brother tried to cyber-canoize her.
NAME: Zelda McLab
SPECIES: Cano Sapien
BREED: Labrador
HISTORY: Zelda was born in 1752 in Edinburhg, Scotland. She's Mystic's younger half-sister. Not as good in Black Magic, but better in White. She usually screws up. Like she trips, or casting a spell on a Rover by accident. Mystic killed her natural mother. None the less the two despise each other. Lately she's been noticing Exile a lot. Will they go steady?
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Female brown Lab, who usually wears black boots, red gloves, a white headband, a sky blue tee-shirt, and dark green pants.
OTHER INFO- Zelda's sister Mystic is 840 older than her.

NAME: Catherine Heather Collie
SPECIES: Cano-Sapien
BREED: Rough Collie
HISTORY: This is Colleen's older sister. She was seperated from Colleen and her mom at 1 month and two weeks. For seven years she wandered the streets, and sometime in this period colleen was born. When the master chose her he had Hubert do a DNA check on her. This showed that they were sisters, Catherine, or Cathy doesn't usually go on missions seeing as how she's only a cadet, or recruit.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A 6'9" Tri-color Collie. Usually wearing black glove on the hand she usues, [left] a green shirt with a light green undershirt, she wears black jean shorts, and a yellow belt that has a black "C" on it. She also has Black boots. Instead of letting her black and white flow down like Colleen's she has it up in a pony- tail, [or would that be doggie tail?]
OTHER INFO: Cathy is having an affair with another character who is a baddie, but is confusing her by telling her that he's a Road Rover.


SEX: Male
BREED: Malamute Mix
PHYSICAL TRAITS: Could pass for a combo of Bear and Nitro. Black fur with a streak of white from forehead down his back.
POSITION: Road Rovers/Terrian Federation
HISTORY: Has a history of trouble making: petty theft, assult, breaking and entering. Was sentanced to Terran Federation Space Marines by a judge who thought it would whip him into shape. (a la Cooper Hawkes from space: Above and Beyond) Hates being reminded of his past relatives, (Bear and Nitro) and has a tough guy attitude from living on the streets most of his life. Has become an absolute hotshot flyer, personally taking out an enemy battle ship, and is a high ace.

NAME: Miles
SEX: Male
BREED: Collie
PHYSICAL TRAITS: Standard markings for a collie.
POSITION: Road Rovers/ Terran Federation
HISTORY: A decendant of Colleen on her father's side. Miles is extremely proud of his heritage. Ever since he's met BJ he's tried to make him his friend. A very friendly and outgoing person, he'll go out of his way to make friends. Along with BJ he's become a hot shot flier.


NAME: Janus
BREED: Black Lab
BACK GROUND: He was a stray left by his master. Now his soul was then filled with hate. He is now reunited with Hunter his twin.


NAME:Sasha Wolf
HISTORY:Ran away at age 13 and found out about RR mission control center. That's where she met Hunter and the gang. She later found out that she was a part wolf and part retriever.

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