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HI This is my picture page, and I hope you all like


Angel Buckinghamm - Created by ME!
Angel Buckinghamm - Created by ME!
Angel Buckinghamm - Drawn by me...bleh. I like this one, but the coloring could use some work. (C) Jordy
Untitled - This is an untitled no-name character i drew. (C) Jordy
Untitled 2 - This is a negative of the above picture. Playing around with photo shop (c) Jordy
Chance - One of the first known images of Chance, from Mystic rover, pictured with Angel. (c) Jordy
Guardian Poster - A movie poster I created...kind of thinking along the lines of _IF_ this was to ever become a movie, this is a concept of how i'd like the poster done. (c) Jordy
Six Feet Under - This is a pic I drew, while listening to No Doubt--"Six Feet Under." I was feeling particularly covered and overwhelmed with life, so i vented. The writing's kinda eh-coz i write like a man. But oh well. Pic (c) Jordy....Lyrics (c) No Doubt
Flying High - This is what Chance would look like in a snowboarder outfit. Black and White, penned with a marker I found in my basement..;D. (c) Jordy
Concept - A concept pic of a new character for Mystic Rovers. (c) Jordy
Kam - A basically non-existanct character called Kam. After my best friend Kamren, who lives in NC USA. Can you (c) a person that actually breathes?
HUNTER - One of a few drawings I've done of hunter. Pencil. ((c) WB)
HUNTER 2 - Another in a series of pencil drawings of Hunter. (c) WB
ANGEL - One of the very first pictures I drew of Angel. She's my longest lived character and Alias. First there was Trax...then Baroo (who still exists in minor roles) and then ANGEL! (c) Jordy
ANGEL CRYING - WARNING...this file is over 400's huge, even though the pic isn't all that big! Angel crying...another early picture. (c) Jordy
BINGO - A character created by my best friend Sarah, back in the day. She's Hunter and Colleen's daughter. I like this pic, even though it's super old! (c) Sarah Milam
CHANCE - The first picture of Chance I think I ever did....kinda looks like hunter huh? I changed his look so he'd look more like a beatle... (c) Jordy
WARRIOR - A generic female warrior that resembles, but isn't, Angel. I like the body, but the head is kind of goofy looking. Whenever I get photoshop working, I plan on coloring a bunch of these images, until then, feel free to color them, blah blah blah. Warrior (c) Jordy.
SURFER - Isn't really a rover pic, and it really isn't that good, but I like it all the same. For some reason it just fits me, and fits how I feel at the moment: Alone. Surfer girl (c) Jordy.
ANGEL - A rather good picture of Angel, if I do say so myself. Colored in colored pencils. Angel (C) Jordy Trout
Angel - in a weird pose...don't know where this came from. It's poorly drawn, but I like it anyways. Angel (c) Jordy Trout
Elway - A concept pic of a Mystic Rover. An older pic. Elway (c) Jordy Trout
"Finale" - An image of Angel, being supported by Chance, during some kind of battle. I was feeling alone when I drew this, and so it's kind of representing needing help, and support and blah...angel's hair looks like a big blob. Oh well. Angel and Chance (c) Jordy Trout
9.11 - Drawn either the 12th or take on the WTC disaster. I debated posting it, just coz it's one of those things where it can either be loved or hated, and I'm really not it's biggest fan, but pure emotion shouldn't be swept under the rug...(c) Jordy Trout
Jaci - An OOOOLD pic. 1998. Concept pic for a Char that was never fully developed. Her name was Jaci, and she was a saluki mix. Or something. I like the pic, inspite of it's age...(c) Jordy Trout
NEW-->Tristan - A newer pic, of one of the Mystic Rovers. I think it's pretty neat. Very rarely do I do backgrounds. I like it well enough, even though i am an amature inker...and junk.

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