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The Angelic Website


Certified Spiritual Medium & Intuitive 

Ordained Spiritualist Minister 

Angel Store Owner 

Angel Interpreter

Spiritual Advisor

Spiritual Teacher  

Angel Ambassador

Angel Expo Coordinator

Angel  Magazine Editor

 Spiritual/Pastoral Counselor

Radio Talk Host/Personality

Spiritual Healer

Reiki Master

Visionary       DowserChannel LIGHT Worker



 Wednesday, 18-Sep-2024 16:17:40 EDT

Services & Workshops Available Include:

*Meet Your Guardian Angel  Workshops*

*Manifesting Money & Creating Abundance Workshop*

 Advanced Manifesting and Magnetizing Workshop

 Divine Manifesting as Your Divine Self Workshop

Becoming a Master of Manifesting Workshop  

Spiritual/Psychic Development Workshops:

Spiritual Growth I: Raising Your Vibration Workshop

Spiritual Growth II: Being Your Higher Self Works

Spiritual Development Classes & Workshops

Opening To Channel Workshop

Improve Your Channeling Workshop

"Change Your Mind To Change Your Life"- Classes / Workshops 

"Experience The Angels Expo's"

Paranormal House Investigations

*Guardian Angel Messages/Communications*

Get Your Guardian Angels Name (s)

Angelic/Spiritual Phone Counsel

House & Business Blessings/Cleansings

Past Life Readings

Past Life Regressions

Criminal/Murder Investigations

Missing Persons

Spiritual Healing

Reiki I & II

Reiki Master

Ghost/Spirit Buster

Offers the following Pastoral Services:

Marriage Ceremonies/Weddings

Holy Union & Commitment Ceremonies

Christening/Child Blessing

Funerals/Farewell Parties




My gift began at the age of 3 years old. I can still remember seeing my Angels. They were always around me guiding me, keeping me out of trouble, etc. I was never afraid of my Angels, but rather felt a deep sense of comfort from them. I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, and the Angels filled that void with their love, comfort and compassion. When you grow up with "imaginary friends" people tend to think it is "cute", until you go to school and suggest it to others. Then you realize you are not like everyone else, you realize you are different. However, with their security and reassurance I still felt I was "normal". I couldn't necessarily share it with everyone, but I still maintained my Angelic Connection.
As I grew into a man I was no longer satisfied with the religion I had been raised with, but wanted to explore other thoughts. I began with Buddhism and then expanded into Hinduism, Catholicism, and more. My path finally lead me into Spiritualism. I found various truths in all religions, and discovered they mixed very well into Spiritualism. This has helped me form to the person I am today, as well as my ministry as a Ordained Spiritualist Minister.
Today I use my gifts as an Angel Ambassador. I listen to their divine wisdom and guide others to them as they too can receive their guidance and their Angelic Connection. Today is about teaching others to heal themselves and to move forward into true inner tranquility and happiness.
 I offer Angelic and Spiritual Counseling/Readings. I am a Certified Spiritual Medium & Spiritual Healer through Psychic Society International. Being a fourth generation medium/psychic, I have been offering my spiritual & psychic gifts for the last 31 years. I work with clients from all over the world. I have also assisted the Police and FBI on missing persons and criminal/murder investigations.



Private Spiritual & Angelic Counseling is available with Daniel.
            Please call him to make an appointment, to register for classes and workshops listed ab0ve that are forming now! Please leave a message.


(816) 606-4433

My angel painting titled: "Opening To Angels".


  Your Personal Birth Angel 

Click above to find out about your "Birth Guardian Angel"


 I have been so blessed and honored to be given such a wonderful gift. 

I am grateful and thankful that I am fortunate to be able to help others with

use of this gift in their search of "LOVE & LIGHT", their Guardian Angels

guiding them to move forwarded to honor, love & heal themselves.



Arch Angel Gabriel

"May the Light of your Guardian Angels Burn Ever Bright to Guide and Protect

You Always... on your journey to spiritual enlightenment". 

~Reverend Daniel D. Kudra



"Meditation is the Mortar that Binds & Holds the Body,

Mind & Spirit Together in Unity as One."

~Daniel D. Kudra

Call me at (816) 606-4433 To set up a private appointment with my Angels

 today! Learn about your Personal Guardian Angels,

get their name's and get messages from them.

Please leave a message.

"Statement Of Release Prayer"


 Metaphysical Properties  & Uses Of Stones

"Angel Basics Information"

Angels Meditations & Meditations For Healing

 Find Your Personal Zodiac & Astrological Angels Here

"We are ALL Spiritual Beings having the human being experience,

not human beings having the Spiritual Experience.

For each of us are here together on Earth, attending Earth school- to learn,

 to love & teach love and evolve to move forward."

~ Reverend Daniel D. Kudra

I have been considered by the news media as one of Kansas City's most accurate,

 popular and respected full-time professional Certified Spiritual Medium & Intuitive.

I enjoy working with my clients from all over the United States, and world-wide.

"Hearing God's Answer"

"When problems arise and fear comes up for you,

 remember "It's okay to be afraid.

It is okay not to know the answer."

That is the beginning of your surrender to the Divine within yourself.

That which knows cannot take charge until you realize that

you don't know and ask for help.

As long as you need to be in charge, God can't step in.

And who, my friends, is God but the one in you who knows and understands,

the one who loves you and accepts you without conditions,

under all circumstances, now and for all time?

That being is not outside of you, but in your heart of hearts.

When you ask sincerely, this is the One who answers.

When you knock, this is the One who opens the door."

 ~Paul Ferrini- "Reflections of the Christ Mind-Part III"

I was given the honor by being inducted as a Certified Member of  the "British Clairvoyancy Academy" of England.


"Prayer to the Internet Angel"

My Loving Angelic Helper, 

Please help me as I log on to my computer... without fretting.

 Guide me as I am internetting. 

Bless all of my downloads and uploads. 

Please keep my browser from exploding. 

Keep my web site protected at ALL times...

Let not my password be rejected...ever ! 

Keep my on-line connection open and clear...

And please keep a tech-support Angel always near me!! 

Thank you Internet Angel !!

I am an Authentic Ordained Spiritualist Minister through a wonderful Organization:

The First Society of State Spiritualists of Kansas & Sunset Spiritualist

Church & Spiritualist Camp of Wells- Kansas.


The National Symbol of Spiritualism Is The Sunflower.

Our Motto:

"As the Sunflower turns its face to the Light of the Sun...

Spiritualism turns the face of humanity to the Light of Truth".

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

--Mahatma Gandhi

I work with and channel my/your Guardian Angels and/or your spirit guides & loved ones to give you the most honest & positive uplifting counseling on love, relationships, career/finances & Spiritual Growth for your healing & happiness and your spiritual enlightenment.

I enjoy traveling all around the United States doing metaphysical & Body-Mind-Spirit Expo's.

I also enjoy hosting my own "Angel Expo's" as well. Please click here for

My 2013 Calendar  

(to see where I am going to be & place-times and dates of

my current classes, workshops and Angel Expo's.

My main belief has always been that: 

"Life is too short to be unhappy,
so let us (your Angels) bring some happiness into it."

~Daniel D. Kudra

With the assistance & guidance of your Guardian Angels,

we will teach and show you how to view all the negative things

and challenges that have happened to you in your life.

We will help you to see and understand that these events are really blessings,

 that they are positive growth motivating experiences that have helped

you to move forward in this life and to help aid you to bring

about closure to your past, and open the doors to a brighter and magical future!

These events and experiences have formed you into whom you have become today.

For that you must be grateful!

I have been so blessed with being able to have my own radio show in Topeka Kansas. The show aired from 1997 till 2002. It was called "Ask Your Angels Monday ~with Daniel Kudra" on Oldies 99.3 FM KWIC at the 4:00 pm till 5:00 PM (CST) Time Slot with Program Director: Jack Diamond. People would call the radio station to speak with me "live" on-air every Monday to ask questions about their life's situation and to get their Guardian Angel's Names, and receive messages from their Special Guardian Angels. I always look forward to talking and working  with my listeners!

*My Other Links* 

Information about:  Numerology


"All of Our Lessons and our Experiences are like the Grit

inside of the Oyster that later becomes the PEARL"

 ~Reverend Daniel D. Kudra

"We are each of us angels, but... with only one wing. 

And we can only fly.... when embracing each other."

~Lucian de Crescenzo

Being a 4th generation Intuitive (both sides of my family), I have been blessed to be able to offer my spiritual/intuitive gifts to the public professionally, and I am still an active student of  Spiritualism  & Metaphysics for over 30 years.


I have been recognized by the "Psychic Society International™" and has been given the honors of receiving the "Lifetime Member Award" & "The 1997 and 1998 & 2000 Spiritual Medium of the Year Awards." This was truly a honor to receive.

I am very grateful and thankful to Psychic Society International.

I have been featured in the local newspapers and have appeared

on the local and national TV news and radio.


I also offer an in-depth Past Life Regressions & Readings,

(using guided imagery & meditation), so that you can understand

 the reasons why you are experiencing certain challenges in your life.

I am both clairvoyant and clairaudient, which means I receive messages/visions from (my/yours) spirit guides, Guardian Angels and loved ones, then I relate these messages to the person receiving the spiritual counseling.



"They say if one understands himself, he understands all people.

But I say unto you, when one loves people, he learns something about himself." 

 ~Kahlil Gibran



The song playing is "Seasons of Love" from the Hit Broadway Show "RENT".





Angelic/Spiritual Phone Counseling

 *Sessions are $85.00 per (approx. 60 minute) session.
Call (816) 606-4433 For more information. 


              *Each session must be pre-paid, for an appointment to be made.


*Gift Certificates Are Available*


Drop A Feather Or Two (by signing my Angelic Guest Book)

 clicking on the link below the Guest Book picture, Just To Let Me

Know You Were Here And Your Comments...


Sign My New Guest Book



Every time a person signs my guest book...
"An Angel Gets Their Wings".

Only Unconditional Love Is Eternal

   Please Visit This Beautiful Web-Site Often
For All New & Up-Dated  Information

 *My 2013_Calendar* 


*All graphic images, text descriptions, and any other content on this website are the exclusive property of  ©Daniel D. Kudra, ©Angels Of Light Gifts, ©St. Jude's Religious Goods, ©St. Jude's Angel Shop, and the artists whom created them, and may not be used, copied or reproduced under any circumstances in any way without the express written consent of  Daniel D. Kudra or the creative artists. To do so is ILLEGAL and it constitutes taking legal action! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!! Site Designed & Maintained By Daniel D. Kudra ©1993-2013