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Episode 37, "Like Father, Like Son"

Previously on Friends and Foes,

  • Kortni told Devin and Brandi that she would go undercover into Sullivan’s office and tap it so they could confirm their suspicions against him.
  • Amanda moved in to Taylor and Alex’s dorm. Alex became upset when Amanda said she was getting ready to pursue acting.
  • Lyndsay attended Josie’s funeral, and no one else showed up.
  • In 5 minutes, Taylor and Lyndsay planned to move in together, Candice confronted Alex about their relationship and insulted Amanda in the process, and Amber Newell made a startling return after a 16 episode absence...with Taylor’s one year old child.


    "Oh my God." Taylor says, shocked. He had kicked himself for nearly two years over Amber, and he missed her so much. She was his first love, his first experience with sex, possibly his soul mate. He had lost her over 2 years ago...and to see her now is overwhelming.

    "Surprised to see me?" Amber says. He can’t tell whether she is happy to see him or angry at him for abandoning her and her child. Taylor just stands there, speechless. "I’ll take that as a yes."

    Lyndsay stands up, confused, defensive. "Who exactly are you?"

    Amber smiles with a hint of sarcasm, and puts the baby in Taylor’s arms, as he looks on, still in awe. She breezes past him and looks at Lyndsay.

    "Hi, I’m Amber."

    "That’s great." Lyndsay snaps, "What are you doing here?"

    "You’re not very hospitable." Amber says, acting offended. She looks at Taylor. "You really know how to pick em’, Tay."

    Lyndsay rolls her eyes. "That doesn’t answer my question."

    "Well, if you must know, I’m Taylor’s ex-girlfriend. Once upon a time, we were in love. You know, two crazy teenage virgins frolicking around with each other, emoting. It was a relationship out of Dawson’s Creek. We eventually decided to consummate our relationship by screwing. Lo and behold, I got pregnant, the b@stard broke up with me, and my parents kicked me out of their house."

    Lyndsay looks shocked at Taylor, unable to believe that he could have done such a cruel act. She looks at Amber again. "So what do you want?"

    Amber smiles, and walks over to Taylor. She looks deeply into his eyes and brushes her hand softly across his face. "Revenge."

    ROLL OPENING CREDITS, "Come On Over Baby" Christina Aguilera


    Nicholas Brendon as Alex Harrison

    Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor Brookdale

    Jennifer Love Hewitt as Lyndsay Schofield

    Britney Spears as Candice Rogers

    Gillian Anderson as Kortni Hope

    Christina Aguilera as Amanda Friedman

    Guest Starring:

    Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin Barbieri

    Sarah Michelle Gellar as Brandi Vandal

    Larisa Oleynik as Amber Newell


    Alex shuts the door behind him as Candice takes a seat on his bed. They both look hurt, especially Candice. She can’t help but regret what she said to Amanda. It was harsh, cruel, and dangerous.

    "What was that all about?" Alex says, somewhat angry, but keeping his cool. He looks intently into Candice’s eyes, eager to know why she snapped.

    "Alex..." Candice is at a loss of words, but she manages to express what she feels. "I fell in love with you because you were such a sweet, funny, and caring guy. The whole Josie thing was too weird for me...first off she was my stepsister, and I couldn’t tell you for fear of what you’d say. Secondly, I’ve never been involved with someone who had done something like that. So I decided that I needed some time away, to clear my thoughts. I didn’t mean we should break up, I just needed time. I finally decided that I was in truly in love with you, and you made me testify in front of all those people. To make matters worse, you invited Amanda to live with you. Instead of me. You chose her. Do you understand how I perceive her? I perceive her as the girl who got us into this whole mess, and the girl whose trying to steal you away from me, and..."

    Alex interrupts her with a tender kiss. They let their lips exchange the love and respect they hold for each other, and without words, the lovers automatically understand what the other is feeling.

    "Candice, I’m so in love with you." Alex says, almost to tears. Candice smiles, teary-eyed as well. "Amanda needs a temporary place to stay, and I owe it to her to let her stay here. She saved my life, ok? Think of it that way."

    Candice nods her head, understanding. Alex gets hold of her neck and pulls her into him. They nestle their heads together, breathing, emoting, loving.

    They hear a knock at the front door of the dorm.

    "What was that?" Candice says, confused.


    Kortni stands in front of the body size mirror, looking at the outfit Brandi had tried on her, and she was not pleased. Brandi just smiled, proud of her accomplishment, and Devin looked on, thinking Kortni was hot.

    Brandi smiles. "I’m glad after all I’ve gone through in the last couple of years that I’ve managed to maintain my fashion sense."

    "I look like a hooker." Kortni says, displeased, adjusting her tube top and short skirt. "Whose idea was it to dress me up like a slut again?"

    Brandi rolls her eyes. "Mine. Stop complaining, Kornti, this is the first good idea I’ve had in a long time. Sex sells, okay? Trust me on this one. You’ll have Mr. Sullivan to his knees in no time."

    Kortni rolls her eyes this time. Despite the fact that they were partners, she despised Brandi. They were forced to work together, and she would not let Brandi think they were forming a friendship. She snaps at her, annoyed. "Oh, shut up."

    Brandi is taken aback, but the attitude is nothing new for Kortni. "Jeez..."

    Brandi sits down next to Devin and Kortni begins to pace in front of them, explaining the game plan to them. The events to follow have to be intricately planned and executed. Kortni knows that Robert Sullivan is not stupid. He is powerful, wealthy, and highly secured, and pulling a fast one on him will be difficult...but it is possible.

    "Now listen. I go in, plant the bugger, and get out as fast as possible. You guys man the car, and make sure I’m ok. I’ll communicate with you through this."

    Kortni holds up a tiny microphone, and proceeds to conceal it behind her tube top. "If I am in any trouble, I want you guys to up and go."

    "But what if you need us?" Brandi says, concerned.

    Kortni almost laughs. "Me? Need you? I don’t think so. I’m a big girl, I know how to take care of myself. Plus," Kortni withdraws a gun from her stocking, "I have this."

    Devin’s mouth waters as Kortni puts the gun back into her stocking and motions the others to follow her. "Let’s go...we have work to do."


    "What’s going on out here?" Alex says as he and Candice walk out into the living room. Standing there is Amber, smiling at Alex, while Taylor holds the baby in shock and Lyndsay looks extremely angry.

    "Amber?" Alex’s jaw drops, "Is that you?"

    "Hi hon. It’s been so long!" Amber runs up to Alex and gives him a devious hug, as he just watches on in awe. Amber pulls away and smiles, then walks over to Taylor and grabs the baby away from him.

    "I want you to meet little Alexander Jr. You can call him Al." Amber says, nose-nuzzling her baby. "I thought it would be sentimental to name the baby after his father’s best friend."

    Lyndsay struggles to fight back a tear. Just when her relationship with Taylor had gotten back to normal, this tramp had to come along and ruin everything. She knew that this was going to cause trouble in their relationship, just like Josie said in her dream. And she can’t believe that Taylor has a son.

    After a long, intense pause, Amanda finally speaks up. "That is it! This is TOO crazy for me! Ever since I came to LA with you crazies, I have been caught in a web of lies and deceit! I mean, what is WITH you people? Must you constantly lie, cheat and steal from each other?! For Christ’s sake, how did I get involved with such mofos? I am going back to Hawaii!"

    Candice rolls her eyes. "Good riddance, B**ch!"

    Amanda picks up her bags and starts to storm out of the dorm room, but Alex desperately grabs her arm and looks at her with a reassuring frown.

    "Amanda, please, just give us a chance, you belong HERE."

    Amanda scoffs in dismay. "And YOU belong on the set of Melrose Place! The whole lot of ya!"

    Alex runs out of the dorm room after Amanda, as she scurries off with her bags.

    Taylor is startled, but he turns his attention back to Amber. "Listen, Amber, I tried to come after you, I know what I did was a mistake-"

    "Shut your mouth!" Amber yells, cradling her baby with delicacy. "You didn’t care about me! And you didn’t love me! You left me alone, you monster! I took care of this baby on my own for a year! Well now it’s time to share the wealth. He’s your son and its time to take some responsibility!"

    "Look Amber," Taylor hesitates, not wanting to hurt Lyndsay, "Look, I DID love you, OK. With all my heart. You were my first love, ok! But then everything started falling apart, you got accepted into Sarah Lawrence, and then you got pregnant and I panicked, and...well, bottom line, I did love you, and I didn’t date for over a year after you left."

    Amber starts to calm down now, and she emotionally looks into Taylor’s eyes, and innocently says, "Then why can’t we have that now? Why can’t we be together?"

    "Because I’ve moved on, Amber. Relationships end, and I spent a whole year mourning over you just got to a point where I had to move on, or I would die. And I found Lyndsay, and she makes me very happy."

    Amber becomes furious again, "Well fine, you schmuck! This baby is yours and your going to do what you have to in order to take care of him!"

    "What...what do you want me to do?" Taylor says, stunned and helpless.

    Amber looks at Taylor’s friends mischievously, especially Lynsday. "I want you to marry me."


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