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Episode 38, "Dearest Diary"

Previously on Friends and Foes,

  • Amber returned and got catty with Lyndsay over Taylor. Her son’s name is Al, short for Alexander Jr.
  • Candice and Alex reconciled for good, expressing their love for each other.
  • Amanda and Candice became enemies, and Amanda snapped at the bizarreness of her life recently, and leaves. Alex ran after her.
  • Amber told Taylor that she wanted him to marry her.


    "Marry you? Did I hear you right?" Taylor says, a look of pure shock creeping across his face.

    Amber just smirks, as if she expected the negativity, "Oh, you heard me just fine. Don’t think you can just knock me up and expect not to deal with the consequences."

    A lack of refusal from Taylor suddenly urges Lyndsay to defend herself and her relationship. She stands up and glares at Amber. "Listen to me, you heifer! You pick up your bags and your b@st@rd child, and get the Hell out of here!"

    Amber smiles, "In a way I feel sorry for you, and you want to know why?"

    Lyndsay is silent, anticipating an answer that she can already predict is the truth.

    "It’s because you are a fragile little novice in a game much bigger than you’ll ever imagine. You’re such a cute thing thinking life and love will always go your way. Well let me tell you something, life and love suck! And ultimately, you’ll just end up getting your heart broken. That’s all life is about. Think about it. Right now, possibly this very moment, you are going to lose Taylor, because Taylor is going to marry me. Why? Because he loves his child, and deep down in that cute little heart of his, he still loves me."

    Now incredibly emotional, Amber grabs Taylor’s face and plants a deep long kiss right on his lips. And he kisses back...without resistance.

    ROLL OPENING CREDITS, "Country Grammar" Nelly


    Nicholas Brendon as Alex Harrison

    Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor Brookdale

    Jennifer Love Hewitt as Lyndsay Schofield

    Britney Spears as Candice Rogers

    Gillian Anderson as Kortni Hope

    Christina Aguilera as Amanda Friedman

    Guest Starring:

    Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin Barbieri

    Sarah Michelle Gellar as Brandi Vandal

    Larisa Oleynik as Amber Newell


    Alex grabs Amanda’s arms as she tries to flee in complete fury.

    "Amanda, wait!"

    "Let go of me!" She wails, but Alex holds a firm grip.

    "Just wait a sec, ok? Hear me out!"

    Amanda struggles for a few moments, then hesitates, and finally lets go. She looks upset and defeated.

    "What’s going on with you?" Alex says, shocked at her sudden outburst and fearing her emotional well-being.

    "I can’t take it anymore! Too much has happened in the last couple of months, I’m going insane!"

    "But," Alex comforts her, "I am here for you. I’ve BEEN here for you. There is nothing to be scared of as long as we have each other."

    "What about Candice?" Amanda pleas.

    "So you guys got off on the wrong foot. What’s the harm in that? I had a chat with her and everything is going to be cool between the two of you from here on out. I don’t want you feeling unwelcome because of her. And you are more than welcome to stay with Taylor and me until you get your feet on the ground, ok?"

    "Ok. Thank you so much, I don’t know how to repay you!" Amanda gives Alex a huge hug then pulls away, "I just wish things were a little more mellow."

    "They will be soon, trust me!"

    As Amanda and Alex continue their conversation, Candice peeks her head around a corner, eavesdropping on them. She looks around snoopily for any signs of assistance in her nosy venture.

    She looks over at Amanda’s feet and notices that her bag is partially open with a series of things strewn down the hallway to where she is standing. At her own feet, conveniently, is what seems to be a book.

    Candice smiles and picks it up, realizing that it is Amanda’s diary. She holds it victoriously for a few moments, then retreats into the darkness with her new weapon against Amanda.

    Meanwhile, Amanda hugs Alex again. "Thank you so much! I know now that things will get better!"


    Kortni adjusts her silly outfit as much as humanly possible, feeling over-exposed and incredibly stupid. How did let herself, a professional FBI Agent, get caught up in Brandi’s dumbness.

    She holds a package to her side and walks into the large office area to the front desk receptionist.

    Kortni manages to pull of a New Yorkan accent as she speaks to the receptionist. "Hi, I’m here with a special delivery for Robert Sullivan."

    "I’m sorry miss, he’s already left the building."

    Kortni looks frightened, but keeps her cool. "Oh he has? Well that’s fine I can just drop this off in his office and be on my way."

    The receptionist frowns, "Well we’re usually not allowed to admit people into his office when he’s not in, but go ahead. And be quick! It’s the last office to your right."

    "Great!" Kortni smiles as she walks down a long corridor with her package and turns right into a large office. She opens the door inconspicuously.

    Swiftly, she throws the ploy box into the trash and looks around hastily for a place to plant the bugging device.

    Kortni kneels and sticks the small device onto the bottom of Sullivan’s desk, ponders whether its safe there, then stands up and walks out of the office.


    Lyndsay’s mouth drops. She fights back some tears and gives Taylor an angry look as he pulls away from his kiss with Amber.

    "You cruel, spineless jerk!" Hurt, Lyndsay storms out of the dorm room, bumping into Alex and Amber on the way.

    "What happened?" Alex asks, concerned.

    Taylor looks emotionless, and he answers Alex by taking Amber’s hand into his.



    Candice lays on her bed, reading Amanda’s diary with a delighted smile across her face. She almost snickers balefully as she flips a page and digs some more dirt out of Amanda’s past.

    "Oh, what a cute thing!" Candice sneers sarcastically, as she reads aloud one of the entries, " ‘Today I met a boy named Alex. He’s real nice!’ "

    Candice laughs heartily at Amanda’s innocence. She keeps reading to herself, when her look of delight turns into a state of pure shock.

    "Wow! I can NOT believe it...Ms. Friedman, you’ve been a naughty girl!"

    Candice smiles deviously.

    "A very naughty girl."


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