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Episode 19, "Another Loss"

Previously, on Friends and Foes:

Brandi failed in apologizing to Alex when he went to New York, she had a flashback about a Corporate Businessman violently ordering her to blow up the school bus. His name was Mr. Sullivan.

Amber was accepted into a different college than Taylor, and they argued

Meredith walked in on Stephanie and Devin kissing, as they professed their love for eachother

Max informed Jeff taht all the bad things happening to him and his friends were connected, by someone that was after Taylor, Devin, Alex, and Jeff.

The cult rammed into Max and Jeff's car, and they violently spiraled off the road.


The cult members stop their engines, circling Max's car, which has been destroyed and flipped upside-down. Smoke arises from the vehicle, and a small flame is seen flickering inside. Jeff opens his eyes, coughing. His face is splattered with dirt and droplets of blood. It takes him a second to realize where he is and what has happened. He struggles to get his seatbelt off, a seatbelt that very well may have saved his life. Jeff looks over to Max.


Max is silent, his head nestled harshly on the steering wheel.

"Max? Wake up!" Jeff cries. can't be! If Max is dead then Jeff will never learn the truth about the occurences in his life. "MAX!"

Footsteps are heard as the cult members near the car.




Nicholas Brendon as Alex Harrison

Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor Brookdale

Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin Barbieri

Guest Starring:

Larisa Oleynik as Amber Newell

Claire Danes as Meredith Lillywhite

Matt Damon as Derek Davis

Amy Jo Johnson as Stephanie Bahr

Gillian Anderson as FBI Agent Kortni Hope

Final Appearance:

Seth Green as Max Cudich



Meredith wipes away a tear from her cheek as she gets out of her car and runs into the hospital with sadness.

Meredith walks right into Derek's room, where he is still resting from the incident.

"Meredith! What are you doing here?" Derek exclaims, surprised to see her.

"I need you, Derek!" Meredith cries, tears starting to emerge again.

"What's wrong?" He inquires, but Meredith responds by hugging Derek and giving him a long, intense kiss.

"Just hold me." Meredith whispers as she crawls into Derek's bed and cries in his arms.



"What do you mean? I'm not running out on you Taylor! Its only a College! I love you!" Amber cries.

"You're a LIAR!" Taylor screams back at her, his eyes watering.

"How could you say that? I've stuck by your side through thick and thin! I've gone to Hell and back with you! I not about to quit now!"

"That's not the point, Amber!"

"Then what the Hell is the point?!!" She cries, her voice broken with anger and sorrow.

"The point is, if you really loved me, you wouldn't leave me! Don't you see? I need you, Amber! I love you more than I have ever loved anyone before! And I would die with out you! You can't leave me! You can't!" Taylor yells, as he collapses onto a chair.

In the midst of this emotionally charged situation, the phone rings.

Amber sighs, tears leaking from her eyes, and picks up the phone.

"Hello?" Amber greets. There is a few moments of silence, until Amber puts down the phone and looks at Taylor.

"Taylor--" Amber murmurs, her eyes gazing at the floor.

"What?" Taylor desperately moans.

"I'm-- I'm...I'm pregnant."



Stephanie walks back into the house after having chased Meredith.

"What happened?" Devin asks attentively.

"She drove off." Stephanie answered.

"You know what? It doesn't matter anymore. I love you, and that's all that counts." Devin says.

Stephanie looks at Devin with a smile on her face. She takes a seat next to him.

"So, graduation is in 2 days." Stephanie says. "Have any idea what college you are going to?"

"I don't know, I was accepted to UCLA, USC, and Salt Lake City University." Devin mumbles.

He knows that soon he has have to part from his friends. It was hard enough with Alex leaving so fast and not having a chance to say goodbye to him, but the time is nearing where Devin would have to leave all he held dear.

"How about you?" He asks.

"I wasn't accepted anywhere." Stephanie says, looking down at her feet in shame.

"What?" Devin says, shocked.

"I was absent from school for so long because I was in hiding, I didn't get all my credits in." Stephanie bursts into tears.

"That's ridiculous!" Devin says in rage.

"I have to stay in Colorado and repeat the 12th grade in order to graduate and goto college."

Devin hugs Stephanie tightly and tries to comfort her the best he can.



The cult members have dragged Jeff out of the car and ties him up against a traffic sign. Jeff murmers in pain, the cult members standing before him with a rifle pointed at his head.

"For betraying the trust of the Carter Way, and failing to complete the initiation. Your sentence is death. Do you have any last words?" One of the henchmen says, watching another henchmen raise the gun to his head.

"Yes...I do." Jeff moans in pain. "I am only 17 years old! I have a life to live! Please...don't kill me. My High School graduation is in 2 days! I've been accepted to Brown University! Please..I'm begging you."

"You don't have to beg!" A voice says. The crowd of cult members turn to see a tall, sexy, yet dangerous woman standing at them with a gun in her hands. Her blood red hair and stunning eyes burn into the members of the cult. "FBI! Freeze!"

The cult members throw their hands in the air. Even the henchmen with the rifle drops it and puts his hands in the air as FBI Agent Kortni Hope approaches Jeff.

"Are you OK?" Kortni asks as she unties the ropes binding Jeff, never lowering the gun in her hands.

Jeff nods in relief. "Max...Max is dead." Jeff whispers as he points to the totalled car.

"D@mn!" Kortni sighs. She finishes untying Jeff and picks up a radio. "I need back up right away. I'm on the 5 Freeway on the Nevada Interstate. We've got a cult attacking here."

God had sent Jeff a miracle. The second he got home he was going to try and get this ridiculous black hair dye out and wipe this dumb nail polish off his nails. What was he thinking?

FBI Agent Kortni Hope SAVES THE DAY!



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