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Episode 20, "Graduation Part I"
The Season Finale

Previously on Friends and Foes:

Meredith, hurt by Devin and Stephanie, ran into the arms of Derek

Jeff was saved from the cult by FBI Agent Kortni Hope, but Max was killed.

Amber discovered she was pregnant and told Taylor

Devin and Stephanie admitted that nothing mattered, as long as they loved eachother.

Stephanie wasn't accepted into any colleges.

And now, Part I of the most provocative episode of Friends and Foes to date, with a tour-de-force hang-off that will leave you breathless. The Season Finale begins.



Police cars and squads of FBI Agents swarm the scene where the car lays upside down and completely demolished. Jeff stands before 3 officers, answering questions about the cult and the accident. Herds of cult members are being arrested and taken into custody. It is chaos.

Max is strolled out of the scene. Jeff looks at it and tears begin to fill his eyes.

"What's wrong, son?" A police officer, concerned, asks.

"It's--um--it's just that, I've seen that type of body bag one too many times." Jeff says. Naturally, the police officer looks at him like he is nuttier that a fruitcake, but inside, Jeff is feeling the same pain that had struck him not too long ago.

"We're going to contact your parent's and let them know you're alright. We're gonna send you home tomorrow." An officer says.

"Well, what happened to that FBI woman? The lady who saved me." Jeff inquires. The police officers stare back at him with a clueless, smug look.

"I don't know. She was here one's like she just dissappeared or something..."

"Wherever she is..." Jeff thinks to himself, "I will always be greatful."




Nicholas Brendon as Alex Harrison

Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor Brookdale

Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin Barbieri James Van Der Beek as Jeff Moore

Guest Starring:

Larisa Oleynik as Amber Newell

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Brandi Vandal

Matt Damon as Derek Davis

Claire Danes as Meredith Lillywhite

Amy Jo Johnson as Stephanie Bahr

Final Appearance By:

Jared Leto as Tristan Bany



Taylor's eyes shoot open, waking up from an arduously bad nightmare, the result of little sleep. Amber's words resound through his head like a locomotive, perilously plunging off the tracks. HE still couldn't believe it. He had heard of and seen people pregnant before. He was comfortable with the idea. Until now. He had become one with someone else, and out of love, a new being is coming into the world. The thought is too much for Taylor.

He is too young, too vulnerable and nieve. How could his life or his relationship with Amber, survive this kind of twist? He has been accepted into USC, the college of his choice. It is a dream of his to goto a great college in California. And now, things are changing rapidly, and Taylor is coming-of-age. He is leaving his friends, and his true love. And now he finds out she is pregnant.

"What am I supposed to do? Huh?!" Taylor yells at the top of his lungs with frustration, staring upwards. "Why are you doing this to me?!"

Just as he yells this, Amber walks into his room.

"Hey Taylor." Amber says, looking at him. Taylor looks away. For some reason he can't face her. Something has changed. In the few hours they were apart, it seems like they are strangers, like their relationship is cooly fading away.

"What are you doing here?" Taylor asks, still looking away.

"I told my mom and dad. They kicked me out of the house." Amber says, as she starts crying and collapses to the floor.

"What?" Taylor looks at Amber. He has never seen her like this, a pile on the floor, weeping in misery. Despair, loss, anxiety. And it was all because of one night.

Taylor walks over to Amber and gives her a hug, then looks into her eyes. "Amber, we can't have this baby."


"We can't have it. we're too young. We're just starting our lives for God's sake..."

"So what, are you saying we should get an abortion?" Amber says, fearing that that was what it would come to, looking in to Taylor's eyes.




Derek and Meredith stand together, hand in hand, a new couple, at a stand where a lot of graduation uniforms sit neatly.

"Uh! Black looks so bad on me." Meredith giggles as Derek looks at her with a smile. They pick up some uniforms and walk to the cash register.

Devin and Stephanie walk into the building, as Derek and Meredith start to walk out.

"Well look who it is..." Merediths says viciously. "The back-stabbing boyfriend and the two-faced slut."

"Meredith..." Devin starts.

"What?" She yells at him furiously. "You betrayed me. I don't ever wanna see you again!"

Derek stands quietly, full of guilt, knowing that she had also cheated on Devin.

"Speaking of betrayal..." Stephanie insinuates, looking devilishly at Derek.

"Why don't you butt out?" Derek snaps at her.

"How about you don't EVER talk to her like that again!" Devin says as he gets into Derek's face.

"Why don't you MAKE me?" Derek says, looking right back at him.

"Stop dogging my boyfriend!" Stephanie screams as she slaps Dereks chest, sending him several inches back.

"Don't touch him!" Meredith yells, and slaps Stephanie across the face. This sends Stephanie into a furious rage, so she swings back and slaps Meredith so hard at the face that she falls abruptly to the ground.

Derek clenches his teeth, "Has anyone ever told you that you're a haneous b**ch?"

Devin glares at Derek. "What the HELL did you just say?"

"Your girl-friend has a little too much flower power, for a girl who's been deflowered so very many times." Derek quips.

Devin seems to soar through the air as he tackles Derek to the ground. They land harshly, as Meredith stands up and rips at Stephanie's face. Stephanie retracts by ferociously pulling at Meredith's hair. Devin punchs Derek hard in the face, but Derek retaliates by kneeing Devin to the stomach.

Looks like its gonna be a fun day for the Quarreling Quartet, as chaos breaks loose.



"Members of the jury, what say you?" AN esteemed judge sits poised in his chair, watching intently as one of the jury men stands up with a piece of paper in his hands.

Tristan looks on, his eyes tired and his body weak. He has been in jail for 4 months cursing this moment, but it had finally come.

"We, the jury, find the defendant, Tristan L. Bany, on the count of Attempted Murder......................guilty."

The crowd goes wild with anticipation and commotion as Tristan lowers his head in shame and dissapointment.

"We, the jury, find the defendant, Tristan L. Bany, on the count of Murder in the 2nd Degree..........not guilty."

(NOTE: For any new readers, there was never an ACTUAL murder in which Tristan was involved, only a blood bath attempted murder.)

"Sentencing in one week. Court ajjourned."
