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Episode 18, "The Chase"

Brandi sits down on a near-by bench, defeated. She wouldn't be able to apologize to Alex face to face. She is murmering to herself incessantly.

"No...If only things were different. If only I didn't listen to Sullivan." This mysterious remark seems to echo with a deep resonance in Brandi's mind. Suddenly, we see a flash back.

We are in an office of a corporate enterprise. An anonymous man, in his mid 40's, grabs Brandi by the collar and throws her up against a wall. Brandi screams but he slaps her mouth. Tears roll down her cheeks as he yells something at her. She yells back, "Mr. Sullivan, I can't!"

Now we are at a school premises, where Brandi presses a detonation device, and a bus explodes.Brandi weeps, the detonator trembling in her hands.

Brandi shrugs the thoughts and gets up to leave the airport terminal.



Nicholas Brendon as Alex Harrison

Jonathon Taylor Thomas as Taylor Brookdale

Leonardo DiCaprio as Devin Barbieri

James Van Der Beek as Jeff Moore

Guest Starring:

Amy Jo Johnson as Stephanie Bahr

Claire Danes as Meredith Lillywhite

Larisa Oleynik as Amber Newell

Matt Damon as Derek Davis

With Seth Green as Max Cudich

And Sarah Michelle Gellar as Brandi



Taylor arrives, his eyes heavy with sadness and his hair damp from the rain as he shuts the door to Amber's house.

"Amber?" Taylor calls. There is no answer. He moves toward the Living Room in great fatigue. Around the corner, Amber sits on the couch, a letter in her hands, a huge grin on her face.

"Hey..." Taylor says, noticing the huge smile on her face.

"Taylor, "Amber's voice has an upbeat tone, "I'm in! I've been accepted to Sarah Lawrence!"

Taylor's smile suddenly turns into a desperate frown. "You're not going, are you?"

"Of course I am!" Amber shrieks ecstatically.

"I thought you were gonna go to USC like me."

Amber's expression becomes cold and distant, the words shoving a violent realization into her mind. She looks down at her feet. Mixed emotions run through her like a river. Dissappointment at Taylor for not congratulating her. Sadness at the fact the closing time was near. Taylor and Amber would have to part in the very near future.

"Taylor, Sarah Lawrence is a dream come true for me. It's an opportunity that I can't pass up."

"So your willing to throw away our whole relationship for some East Coast School?"

"No! Long distance relationships can work. Our relationship is the most important thing in my life. You know I love you."

Taylor cruelly ignores her comment in rage, and snaps back. "My best friend just walked out on me, and I don't think I can deal with my girlfriend walking out on me, too."

Amber's heart is smashed.



Stephanie knocks on Devin's door. He opens it soon.

"Hey Devin."

"Hi..." Devin says uneasily. He obviously still has feelings for her, but how can he act on them when he is with Meredith?

The two go into the empty house and take a seat in the living room.

"So whats up?"

"Devin, I'm not gonna play games with you. I still love you. This whole thing has totally blown me away. I don't know what or what not to think. The only thing that is clear to me at this moment is that I still love you."

Devin hesitates, but he cannot lie. "Yeah, I still love you, too."

They lean in for a kiss and start making out. Devin's lust and love blind him to the fact that Meredith is his girlfriend.

They continue kissing passionately, the spark from their old affection resurfacing. Just as this happens, Meredith walks in on them.

"Oh my God!" Devin gasps as he pulls his lips away from Stephanie's and glazes in Meredith's direction.

"No!" Meredith whimpers as she turns and starts running away.

"Meredi..." Devin starts to run after her, but Stephanie holds him back.

"I'll go." Stephanie says. She runs after Meredith. "Meredith! Meredith!"

The two girls dart past Devin's drive way and into the open street.

"Just leave me alone you home-wrecking whore!" Meredith screams as she stops in the middle of the street, tears spilling from her eyes.

"Look, Meredith! Devin is mine now... so what are you after, an apology of some sort or sympathy?" Stephanie yells.

"Not at all. I just wanted to tell you that I think you are disgusting. And I hope that some day if you're ever lucky enough to find a man of your own that some PATHETIC b***h will come along and hurt you the way you have hurt me."

With that, Meredith sits into her car and drives away.



Max speeds rapidly down the freeway, as a herd of cars quickly follows. Inside, Jeff looks on, panicked, and completely in shock. The choices that he had made in his life were now coming back to haunt him.

"Where are we going?!! What are you doing back in America; aren't you supposed to be in Mexico or something?!!" Jeff yells. There is a brief pause, "Hello?! I want answers, NOW!"

"How about we hold off on that stuff, huh? I just saved your life, and we are being chased by 4 cars packed with lunatics!!"

Jeff looks away with frustration, the cars that are tailgating behind them patiently following. Max continues to speed away.

"I have something to tell you!" Max yells over the roar of the engine and the humming noise of the following cars. "All of's all connected!!"

"What are you talking about?!!"

"Brandi, me, the cult, everything, it's all connected. I've been trying to contact you guys but they probably have your phones tapped!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Jeff yells in disgust and fright. The words emerging from Max's lips were overwhelming and scary. Goosebumps run up Jeff's arms.

"There's someone after you and Taylor, Devin, and Alex. His name is..."

The crucial sentence is interupted by a sudden blow to the car. Max and Jeff are thrown into the windshield as a car rams into them from behind. Max loses control of the wheel and the car does a spiral off the road.



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